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AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

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    AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

    OK you Zygotes you're stuck with me again. Unfortunately Sarge's surgery last night didn't go as planned. Apparently Dr. Dick had a few drinks before scrubbing up. Upon entering the operating room and seeing Sarge covered except for his groin area Dr. Dick became confused. It's reported that the Dr. ordered Sarge to be taken for a Brazilian wax instead. I'm happy to report Sarge is resting comfortably. He will be on a valium drip for the next twelve hours. Sarge sends his best. I expect he will be leading formation tomorrow morning. NOW LET'S GET TO WORK!!!

    Sarge Sez: I only remember the blindfold!

    Look closely at the world around you and see beauty in every direction. Listen to the harmony and rhythm of life's sounds.
    Give yourself the powerful, refreshing and energizing gift of pure joy. Give yourself a moment, or even longer if you wish, and just feel the incomparable joy of being alive.

    Feel the warmth of bright sunshine, the coolness of running water, the rush of a breeze on your skin. Take a long, deep relaxing breath of fresh air.

    Experience the overwhelming richness and wonder of the beautiful reality that spreads out in every direction. Let go of any expectations, judgments or analyses, and allow yourself to peacefully experience it all as it comes to you.

    For a little while, set aside your planning, organizing, adjusting and responding, and give yourself time to simply experience and enjoy. The moments spent in pure enjoyment, free of guilt, anxiety or expectations, will add richness to your life in ways that nothing else can.

    Take some time to let yourself experience pure, unconditional joy. Bring more fully to life the joyful treasure that is life itself.

    Healthy Lifestyle:

    6 Food Mistakes Healthy Eaters Make

    After years spent adjusting your diet?limiting added sugar, swapping whole milk for skim, bypassing deep-fried dishes?you may consider yourself a pretty healthy eater. But even the most nutritious types can be plagued with lagging energy, hunger pains, or a scale that just won?t budge. Susan Kleiner, RD, co-author of The Good Mood Diet and The Power Food Nutrition Plan, shares how to correct common food mistakes to fine-tune your current eating habits and feel your absolute best.

    Secret sources of Sugar-

    Just because you?re not eating candy bars doesn?t mean your diet isn?t high in sugar. Some common foods that seem healthy?such as yogurt, kefir, smoothies, and whole grain cereals?can have as much sugar as is recommended for an entire day. ?It?s typical for a container of yogurt to contain 24 to 30 grams of sugar,? says Kleiner. The RDA for a 1600-calorie diet is only 22 grams, or 6 teaspoons. Whole grains have no sugar, but it?s common for otherwise healthy cereals such as Kashi or granola to have between 15 and 20 grams.
    Food Fix: ?Think about what you want to spend your sugar budget on. A piece of fruit has about 15 grams on average, but it?s also packed with vitamins and nutrients,? says Kleiner. Opt for cereal with less than 8 grams of sugar per serving, or plain yogurt. Then toss in fruit for sweetness to get more nutritional bang for your buck

    Not Getting Enough Fat

    ?Many people are so focused on eliminating fat that they eat many ?fat-free? items,? says Kleiner. ?If you?re getting less than 20 to 35 percent of your daily calories from fat, you may experience mood swings and not feel satiated.? Diets with less than 25 percent of calories from fat have been shown to increase anger and anxiety, according to a study in the British Journal of Nutrition. And it could even sabotage your weight loss efforts: Sixty percent of brain mass is made of healthy fat, so depriving yourself may even trigger the body to hoard any type of fat and make it tougher to lose weight, says Kleiner. ?Plus, eating a lot of fat-free foods is apt to leave you unsatisfied and craving something more substantial, which may make you overindulge at dinner or reach for a late-night snack.?
    Food Fix: To fatten up your diet the healthy way, try adding a side to your meal of steamed spinach, broccoli, or other veggies, (we like the Birds Eye Steamfresh bags) drizzled with olive oil or tossed with sliced almonds. Another option: Mix low-mercury canned tuna, such as Fishing Vessel St. Jude, with greens and 2 Tbsp reduced-fat olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.

    Eating Only Egg Whites

    Egg yolks are one of the main sources of choline, the most abundant neurotransmitter in our body. The nutrient is vital for brain, liver and nerve function, as well as for memory and transmitting nutrients between cells. ?Americans are consuming only about one-third of the choline their body needs, and much of this can be traced to forgoing egg yolks,? says Kleiner. ?If your reason for banning yolks is concern about cholesterol, new studies show that yolks do not raise cholesterol levels.? Plus the yolk contains about 40 percent of the egg?s protein as well as lutein, which keeps eyes healthy.
    Food Fix:
    Women should aim to get 425 mg of choline a day, and adding egg yolks to your diet is one of the best ways to meet that goal. Two large eggs have about 250 mg. Other sources are chicken liver, codfish, and wheat germ.

    Waiting Too Long to Have Breakfast

    You may be in a mad rush to get out the door in the morning, but waiting until 10 a.m. to have breakfast when you wake at dawn results in flagging energy later in the day. Your brain runs on glucose, which dips if you haven?t eaten in awhile, making you feel foggy, less equipped to deal with stress, and more likely to cave when cravings strike. ?Plus, the simple act of eating could raise your metabolic rate by as much as 10 percent,? explains Kleiner. ?You?ll actually burn more calories by having breakfast first thing.?
    Food Fix: To save time, make a grab-and-go breakfast the night before: Try hard-boiling protein-packed eggs, or making smoothies to store in the fridge by blending a cup skim milk, 3 ice cubes, and 1 1/4 cup frozen strawberries or blackberries.

    Missing a Post-Exercise Snack

    Eating healthfully doesn't mean skimping on calories. ?A lot of people don?t eat after they exercise because they don?t want to add in calories after they just burned some,? says Kleiner. ?But you should eat within 30 minutes of working out to deliver nutrients to your muscles so they recover faster and to help control your appetite later on.?
    Food Fix: Replenish depleted energy reserves by having a snack of about 150 calories that contains diary, such as a small cup of chocolate milk or cottage cheese with fruit. ?Dairy is high in leucine, an amino acid needed for muscle growth and repair,? says Kleiner.

    Eating Often, but Relying on ?Healthy? Packaged Foods

    Relying on low-calorie energy bars, frozen entrees, and other processed foods throughout the day may be convenient, but they?re not exactly nutrient dense. Most are also low in antioxidants and fiber, and may be high in sodium. Moreover, if you?re filling up on them, chances are you aren?t getting the recommended nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables. ?Getting less than nine servings of produce could mean you?re low on magnesium and potassium,? says Kleiner. Magnesium plays a big part in carbohydrate metabolism, and potassium may prevent age-related muscle loss to help keep metabolism high, finds a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
    Food Fix:
    Plan ahead by having snack options on hand that are heavy on produce and light on processed foods. Produce-rich snacks that don?t take time to prepare include a half a cup each low-fat refried beans and salsa with 1 ounce baked tortilla chips; a quarter-cup hummus with baby carrots; and a handful of dried apricots with 1 Tbsp sunflower seeds. At mealtimes, try stirring spinach into soups or pastas; and add a cup of black beans to chicken dishes.


    The link below presents a very easy but extremely good all body workout you can do in 15 minutes. Check it out..

    Lunge Exercises -

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/45267=5985-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

    Morning Sarge,

    Great motivational posts etc. today. Just what I need to get up and at 'em. Planning to do some exercise today, but not sure how much I will get done as totally pre-occupied with sick doggie. Check back in later
    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


      AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

      Morning All.
      Further to the Wii fit discussion, have decided to go with Kinect instead to tab onto Xbox which we already have. Completely hands free.

      Nothing will replace a blast along the beach with the dogs, but during inclement weather it will be just the shot.

      I am honing the food aspect down to a fine art now.
      Finding this thread an amazing source of inspiration and information.
      Sorry to hear about Sarge's sausage.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

        ATTENTION TROOPS I have a special video feed from Sarge in his hospital room. Sarge is in terrible pain so PLEASE NO QUESTIONS!!!

        ....satellite feed from ward 4

        GAT DANGIT NURSE GET YER HAND AWAY FROM THERE.....Oh Hello troops. I'm so sorry I'm NOT there providing leadership. As many of you know I had a strange mishap on my date Saturday night. Sarge dropped a pretty penny of that vixen only to be tricked into her web of deceit. I'm still in pain, but making progress. Having a bit of a problem controllin the old urine stream. Hell last night I accidentally hosed down some little pixie trying to remove some of my ole short hairs. Thought I was on some gat damn magical mystery tour. Well, I'll see you people tomorrow. NOW YOU SPITTOONS LISTEN TO ME. YOUR PETS ARE PRECIOUS TO YOU AND TO THIS PLATOON. TAKE CARE OF THEM AND YERSELVES. :h NOW MOVE YOUR ASSES!!!!
        Attached files [img]/converted_files/1446708=5985-attachment.jpg[/img] [img]/converted_files/1446708=6025-attachment.jpg[/img]
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

          God, I am gonna stop this thread, I nearly wee myself every time I bleedin read it!
          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

          AF 10th May 2010
          NF 12th May 2010


            AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

            Sorry to hear about Sarge's sausage

            Sarge healthy eats and exercise today sir. Hurry back!


              AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

              I told him that too - where does he get this shit?! Too funny.


                AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

                Choochie;1018490 wrote: :H:H

                Sarge healthy eats and exercise today sir. Hurry back!
                Zenstyle;1018494 wrote: LMAO!!!!!! Sarge needs to do Stand Up... I swear! Feckin funny Sarge! xx
                one2many;1018469 wrote: God, I am gonna stop this thread, I nearly wee myself every time I bleedin read it!

                Zenstyle;1018504 wrote:
                Dunno Choochie... but he just keeps it coming! I get a really good larf from this thread, on top of being motivated to get my arse into the gym and eat right and all that good stuff, and I hope Sarge will keep it going... )

                OK Privates I know you miss him, I do too. Cooky just came back from visiting Sarge. According to Cooky he didn't get to see him. There was a flurry of activity in Sarges room. Apparently, Sarge had a little psychological break after the nurse put on Sarges TV. The only thing Cook was able to tell me was something 'bout that Bond movie Octopussy. We''ll try and get status later and we will keep you troops posted!
                Attached files [img]/converted_files/1446752=5985-attachment.jpg[/img]
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

                  Found this excellent article about reducing belly fat. For non Boot Campers ONLY :H

                  6 Happiest Ways to Beat Belly Fat | Fitbie
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

                    GOODNIGHT TROOPS....
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

                      Ok team I was released this morning. I am feeling fairly good. Finally off the valium. By gosh that Dr. Dick is good, he could work at Benihana. The doc is making me wear sturdy lederhosen for a week till the stiches are removed. I'll be posting the boot camp day 24 orders later today. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU STARING AT SOLDIER? YA NEVER SEEN A MAN INJURED BEFORE. Oh, thank you Private give me a minute to button them!!! NOW MOVE OUT YA SLIMEBALLS!!!

                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1447071=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

                        And they're off!

                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          AF BOOT CAMP Day 23 (We Can Rebuild Him)

                          Pride before Fall;1018862 wrote: And they're off!

                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

