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Just Two Glasses

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    Just Two Glasses

    Those who know me here know that I'm a waffler. At times I have expressed a strong commitment to remaining abstinent for good, and at other times I've hung around the "moderation" threads, practicing "harm reduction" and "damage control". It seems like my history is one of less drinking than many here, but more and more I can see that amounts don't mean as much as I might like to think.

    Tonight is a good example of what I mean. I have certain rules for myself with regard to my drinking. One of them is simply "don't drink on a day when you've decided not to." I had told myself early in the day that I would not drink tonight. It's a week night, and my plan is not to drink on weeknights. But by 5:30, hungry and a little stressed out about relatively minor problems at work and the sound of my kids fighting with each other, a glass of wine started to seem like a good idea. My husband wasn't home yet, and I have told myself in the past not to drink until he gets home. But he called and said he was on his way, and I thought, "well, he'll be here soon, I could have one glass while I cook dinner." So now I've broken four of my own rules: Don't drink today since you committed to not doing so, don't ever drink on weeknights, don't drink because you're stressed out, and don't drink when hubby isn't home.

    As I drank the wine, I started to think that maybe I didn't want him to know I had had a drink before he came home, and so I finished it quickly (rule # 5, "drink slowly" ; broken). I cleaned and dried the glass and put it away, and brushed my teeth. (So much for rule # 6, "don't hide or be sneaky"). When he came home I served dinner to the family and poured myself another glass of wine. Okay, my limit is two, and I did stop at two. After dinner, the kids were wild. Hubby started looking through the cupboards for something else to eat, which irritated me, since I'd just served dinner. To be honest, everything was irritating me. I blew up at my little family, demanding more help in the kitchen and more appreciation for my cooking, and less rough-housing by the boys. Rule # 7: Don't ever let drinking effect your parenting or your marriage; broken.

    And so tonight I had a moderate amount of wine. Two normal sized glasses. But was I drinking in a "normal" way? No. Was it a problem? Yes. And I feel almost as guilty as I would if I had drunk the whole bottle. I alienated my husband for the night, I yelled at my precious children, and I broke 7 of my own rules. All of those things tear at my self-esteem. An evening turned unpleasant. A never-to be lived again evening. None of this would have happened if I'd just stayed alcohol free. So is it worse to drink two bottles than two glasses? Of course. But can two glasses be a significant problem? I'm afraid so.

    None of this is to say that I'm not still waffling. On Saturday I had two glasses with friends who were at our house for dinner, and there were no ill effects. None that is, except that I opened the door to the two I had tonight.
    "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)

    Just Two Glasses

    Sara, I think this post is really really important and I thank you for it. I think sometimes new people come on here and compare what they drink to others and then presume they don't have a problem. As you have just very vividly demonstrated, it is HOW you drink, NOT how much. I have a SIL who drank half what I drank but with only one drink she became nasty and argumentative, she had a 'drink problem'. I also like the point you made about having 2 glasses with friends the previous Sat. - you say you 'opened the door to the two ' you had tonight - I think that is also very important. Every time we cave in, relapse, 'slip'(hate that one!), it isn't just the drinks we have on that occasion, it is re-introducing alcohol into our body and like a dieter who goes back to eating normally and ends up eating more, that is certainly the case with me and alcohol!
    Thanks Sara, a very good message, particularly at this time of the year
    Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
    contentedly NF since 8/04/14


      Just Two Glasses

      And then they think they have a problem that they can't fix

      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

      St. Francis of Assisi


        Just Two Glasses

        Sorry not with you Ringing Cedars?
        Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
        contentedly NF since 8/04/14


          Just Two Glasses

          Hi hunni, sorry you had a rough night. It happens, with or without AL but i agree AL makes everything a million times worse. I also agree that it doesn't have to be the amount you drink. The fact that you hid the fact you had drunk is always alarming. You don't sound like you are a strong person and i'm sure you'll get back on those feet of yours and start again. NO BREAKING RULES


            Just Two Glasses

            no offense sarah, but i'm stressed out just reading your rules.

            i'd like to say lighten up on yourself, but i know that isn't the status quo...but it really is what i want to say!



              Just Two Glasses

              Excellent self searching post Sara, far from waffling. You have as Molly points out, demonstrated that it isnt neccessarily the amount we drink or how often we drink, it is the way in which we drink and the effect it has on us. If this amounts to an unhealthy relationship with AL, it will, if left unchecked, poison everything around us that is good in our lives. Personally I clearly know the boundary when I could have a glass or two or when I drink alcoholically and its a very very thin line.
              I would ask the question, is it really isnt worth letting AL still into our lives, still hanging on there for the odd glass or two when we take into account all the effort and crap that comes with it? Now I just need to practice what I preach.
              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                Just Two Glasses

                I once read somewhere that if you need rules about when, where, how much you drink then you have a problem. Normal drinkers don't need rules.


                  Just Two Glasses

                  Ringing Cedars;1018637 wrote: And then they think they have a problem that they can't fix
                  I wish you would stop posting pissed all over the boards and leaving cryptic, silly messages that people don't understand.
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Just Two Glasses

                    GREAT post Sara...very thought provoking and I certainly can recognise myself in it in the past. Thanks for sharing..
                    "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                    AF 10th May 2010
                    NF 12th May 2010


                      Just Two Glasses


                      Iteresting post. Just curious - does DH kiss you when he gets home? Doesn't he smell the wine? Mine always did - I don't think you hide it by brushing your teeth as it stays in your stomach and come out in our breath.

                      Best of luck to you in following your rules.

                      AF since May 6, 2010

                      Forget the past, plan for tomorrow, and live for today.


                        Just Two Glasses

                        I had a work-around, Gaia; I just stopped kissing him when he got home. Appear preoccupied with something else, be offhand. Great for the relationship, no?

                        EXCELLENT post, Sara. That's the thing for me about trying to moderate; it keeps AL front and center. My attention is away from anything else meaningful if it's around and remains an option. I handed it enough of my life; I'm not giving it any more.

                        Thanks for posting.

                        xoxo Pride
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          Just Two Glasses

                          Great post Sara. You were so honest in spelling out all the repercussions of just 2 glasses of wine. The message is so important, it's not how much one drinks, it's all about one's relationship with alcohol. Yours sounds pretty intense. You do have so many rules. One great thing about deciding to be abstinent is the simplicity of just not drinking.
                          Also appreciate your comment about the al a few days before opening the door. For me that happens every time.
                          Hope you have an af Tuesday.
                          Also appreci


                            Just Two Glasses

                            I think about you often, and you know I share your angst. Alcohol really is stupid juice.

                            I had a recent thought to share about being an alcoholic: I could never quite accept that label because I don't drink much, I just struggle like you. But I recently read something about addiction: it's something you can't do without, or you think about it a lot if you do. I definitely do have an addition to alcohol.
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              Just Two Glasses

                              Sara, thanks for being honest and posting this. And, thank you for reminding me why I have no interest in trying to moderate - just NOT worth it.


