You guys are making me cry with all the support if the truth be told.:h
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Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Chill - thanks for the song. I read that you will be serving at a dinner for the homeless Christmas. I will be with you in spirit. It is something I've done in the past.
JC pleased to have your support and look forward to the recipes.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
St. Francis of Assisi
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Ringing Cedars;1018887 wrote: Alright I'm in for the count. As I said in the pm thanks for being a good sport and support Tips.:l To clarify-calling Tips an arsehole was really meant as calling him a clown in fun.
But the fact remains that my drinking has been escalating very quickly again. So, 23 bottles of wine being picked up shortly. And a nasty Quarter pounder meal being delivered for a rather large HO.
Well I'm now wondering how to handle having alcohol in the house for my guests over Christmas?? Any ideas thoughts welcomed.
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Oh my gosh Limers. Please read on. The wine was being picked up and leaving my premises. My guests will be staying over night and if they wished to have a drink I would not prohibit them. I would not provide them with pop either. Sorry if this has rubbed you the wrong way.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
St. Francis of Assisi
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Good luck to you RC! Sounds like you have a plan and a wonderful daughter! WIshing you the happiest of sober holidays! Will be my first sober Christmas in YEARS! Got through Thanksgiving great, so I am hopeful for a win for the next holidays! Take care and we are here for you!!!
KatFebruary 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h
When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Ringing Cedars;1019058 wrote: Oh my gosh Limers. Please read on. The wine was being picked up and leaving my premises. My guests will be staying over night and if they wished to have a drink I would not prohibit them. I would not provide them with pop either. Sorry if this has rubbed you the wrong way.
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
My friend gave me her Saint, Angels, Oracle cards. Sleep is my message today. And avoid or cut back on stimulants! Even the Angels are watching over me. I am blessed.
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
St. Francis of Assisi
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Ringing Cedars;1019121 wrote: My friend gave me her Saint, Angels, Oracle cards. Sleep is my message today. And avoid or cut back on stimulants! Even the Angels are watching over me. I am blessed.sigpicXXX
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Ringing Cedars;1019028 wrote: Chill - I read that you will be serving at a dinner for the homeless Christmasno RC it must have been someone else (though its a lovely thought)...... im more likely to be homeless at Christmas :H
"In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
AF - JAN 1st 2010
NF - May 1996
Ringing Cedars, your 30 AF days start here!!!
Chillgirl;1019174 wrote:no RC it must have been someone else (though its a lovely thought)...... im more likely to be homeless at Christmas :H
Well I may be homeless in the near future too. I just want to have Christmas with my daughter in my home and then take a serious look at what I need to do if the economy doesn't pick up. I strongly suspect it isn't going to for some time, if ever.:upset:
Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.
St. Francis of Assisi