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cold weather coping?

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    cold weather coping?

    We've had our first pretty cold spell in the Northeast US for the past few days. It's really cold and slightly snowy (I'm in Northwest PA). Where I live is mostly cloudy most days of the year as well. Everything looks so dreary and grey. I find this really affects my mood, energy level, motivation etc., which in turn makes me want to drink. Each year seems to get worse. I do have a SAD light next to my computer. I don't know if it's helping. Anyone else feel like this?

    cold weather coping?

    Looking for Peace

    Ohhhh the dreaded cabin fever. Last year was the first year I thoroughly enjoyed winter. Why? Because I forced myself to get outside. I got some snowshoes for Christmas and snowshoed almost daily and I never had any of those awful blues. Well, no more than any other time of year!

    If you don't have enough snow, get out and walk or anything. Even if you don't feel like it. Promise yourself you'll get out and walk 1 block (or 3 minutes) and once you are outside you'll go longer.

    Make sure you are taking Vitamin D as well.

    Good luck!


      cold weather coping?

      Hey LFP - I am in Philly and was originally from Southern California - moved out here about 12 years ago. I am really affected by the cold dreariness. Worse after the holidays. Glad I will not be drinking - that makes it much worse. I take extra vitamins and try to get out in the sun whenever it comes through. It is really hard for me still even after all these years. Meech is right - just get outside in the air. I know it helps me. Good luck - I will be rooting for both of us!
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        cold weather coping?

        LfP- Sunshine is important for me - part of why I live in too hot Texas. Always a trade off, I guess. I think getting outside is the best medicine as others here have mentioned. You acclimate after being out a while.



          cold weather coping?

          Speaking of home and the heater is broken again....36 and dropping in this drafty old house. I certainly hope my hubby can fix this old thing. And right before Christmas! I would have run straight for the bottle about now...but I have no desire. Only desire I have is to THAW OUT!!! lol!!!
          February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

          When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


            cold weather coping?

            These cold dark days get to me too - always did!
            But I have to agree with the others, just go outside & find something to do. Distraction is the key
            I'm meeting some old work friends tomorrow. Surrounding yourself with happy people really helps too!
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              cold weather coping?

              Hi LFP, I hear you on the cold weather, I am in Northern Ontario, and winter is here. I maintain an exercise routine, avoid binging on crappy food, and take vitamin D and omega oil supplements to help. When you can, get outside and be in the sun, bundle up.
              Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                cold weather coping?

                Looking for Peace,

                I have heard some people have received positive results from the SAD lights so keep that going as it may take some time for that to kick in. It takes a while.

                As far as enjoying the sunshine? Well I totally realize that you quite possibly may not see the big yellow thing in the sky until spring. I am in BC but our area is quite arid (closer to the Rockies side) and we are lucky to get a fair amount of sunshine in the winter. I know a little further west and they are socked in with low dark clouds for months.

                Make sure you get outside even if it's cloudy, it's the fresh air and activity that really helps too.

                Maybe buy a winning lotto ticket then you can go south for a vacation. lol. If only it was that easy! :H

                Good luck!


                  cold weather coping?

                  Vitamin D will also help
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

