Jones & Sarge
Sarge Sez: We leave no Man or Woman behind!!!
You are right where you should be at this moment. Now it is time to move on to what is next.
Whether your life up to this point has been easy or whether it has been difficult, you are here just the same. And your destiny does not care about your past.
There are plenty of reasons why you find yourself here at this time. What matter much more, though, are the reasons you now have for moving forward.
As good as they have been, your triumphs of the past are now little more than pleasant memories. As painful as they once were, your past failures are now behind you.
Do you realize how completely free you are at this very moment? Do you understand that the main thing holding you back is your belief that something is holding you back?
Today is your opportunity to fully taste that freedom and to finally get beyond the limits you've imposed on yourself. Reach inside, touch your most compelling purpose, and bring your best possibilities to life.
Healthy Lifestyle:
5 Bad Habits Ruining Your Health
You can't remember the last time you replaced your toothbrush -
If you haven't replaced your toothbrush since the last Presidential election, it's likely harboring some nasty stuff. Bacteria, fungi and even herpes viruses can lie in wait, waiting to incite a nasty cold sore or worse, says Hemali Ajmera, DDS, a New York cosmetic dentist. "Bacteria linked to periodontal disease and cardiovascular health can multiply," says Ajmera. Oral fungal infections can also be picked up and spread to other members of the household or re-infect the same person.
Do this instead: Replace your toothbrush every three to four months. Kids who chew on their toothbrushes should get a new brush every few weeks and teenagers with braces will also need to replace their brushes more often.
You sleep in on the weekends =
When you get up early on weekdays, you may look forward to making up for lost sleep on the weekends. Unfortunately, your body doesn't work that way, says Jack D. Gardner, MD, medical director of the Medical Sleep Solutions Center at Methodist Dallas Medical Center, TX. "Sleep isn't like a piggy bank you in which you can take an hour from Tuesday and deposit it on Saturday," says Gardner. Sleeping extra hours on weekends shifts hormones (i.e. melatonin and cortisol), which changes your circadian rhythm, the body's built-in 24-hour clock. "It's like sleeping in different time zones," says Gardner. You'll pay the price in chronic tiredness and fatigue and an inability to fall asleep when you do hit the hay.
Do this instead: Be consistent. "Get up within an hour of your normal weekday wake-up time on weekends," says Gardner. Turn on lights or open the curtains to allow light to signal to your body clock it's time to wake up.
You get your cardiovascular exercise exclusively on the elliptical trainer or a bicycle -
Pumping away on a bike or elliptical trainer provides cardiovascular benefits but does little for bone health. If you're concerned with osteoporosis, you'll need to add some sort of impact, says Irv Rubenstein, PhD, exercise physiologist and founder of S.T.E.P.S., Nashville, TN. "Strength work alone isn't sufficient to build bone." Impact refers to moves such as jumping jacks, walking and running. A machine such as the elliptical trainer provides constant muscle tension, but it's not enough to strengthen bones, says Rubenstein.
Do this instead: Add treadmill or outdoor walking or running to your cardio routine. Or try these simple heel drops: rise up onto the balls of your feet (with or without shoes) and drop onto your heels. Perform 10 sets of 10 repetitions throughout the day.
You carry your laptop or handbag over the same shoulder every day -
Before you sling that heavy bag over your shoulder, try using the other side of your body. It could save you from future pain. "Carrying unbalanced loads over time may contribute to a number of muscular problems and pain of the neck, shoulder and arm," says Dreisinger. "Plus, carrying hand bags could aggravate arm pain by the gripping and twisting motion of carrying." Medial and lateral epicondylitis, elbow pain commonly known as golfer's and tennis elbow, can result even if you don't play either sport.
Do this instead: Switch shoulders and/or hands back and forth throughout the day.
You haven't changed your pillows in years -
If you wake up with puffy eyes and a stuffy head, blame your pillow and its microscopic inhabitants. Unless you regularly change your pillows or toss them and your bedding into the dryer you're inhaling dust mites along with their digestive enzymes and feces, says Steven M. Houser, MD, director of allergy and paranasal sinus medicine and surgery at MetroHealth, Ohio. "These allergens accumulate and can trigger allergies and asthma in susceptible individuals," says Houser.
Do this instead: Use dust-proof barriers on pillows and mattresses (available online and in bedding stores) and fluff pillows and comforters in the dryer every couple of weeks for 10 minutes or so, which kills dust mites.
style="color: darkgreen;">Exercise:
WOW I am excited to see someone try this exercise routine from Women's Health Mag. It looks fairly easy and effective.
LOSE FAT WORKOUT | Women's Health Magazine
Recipe du jour:
Vegemite Basted Chicken
Servings Size
- 1 lemon 1 roasting chicken, size 15 1 tablespoon vegemite1/4 cup butter, softened
2 Place lemon inside cavity of chicken. Secure legs and wings with string or skewers and place on a rack in a roasting pan. 3 Brush with the combined mixture of Vegemite and butter. 4 Bake chicken in an oven at 200?C, allowing 25 minutes per 500gr (1 hour, 15 minutes). 5 Baste chicken at least twice during cooking with remaining Vegemite mixture.
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