Getting thru Thanksgiving was probably my biggest challenge thus far. Even harder than Fourth of July, Labor Day, and my Birthday which have always been huge party days with all our friends. We still had the usual parties this year, only I did it AF and I actually had a really GREAT time!!
On Thanksgiving, I have a major association of prepping dinner, watching football, and cracking a beer around noon on that day (the only day of the year I used to allow myself to drink before beer-thirty (4:30)). This year I had to take a mini time-out break to remember ALL of the reasons why I NEVER want to drink again and to give 'Thanks' that I have remained strong thus far.
I am thankful I found this site back in May and decided to give it a go - one minute at a time, one craving at a time, one day at a time....
AF since May 24th, 2010 - 200 Days! Not a single sip! Did it Cold Turkey

NF since March 17th, 2009 - 631 Days! Not a single puff! Did it Cold Turkey
