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    Well done Chill and BTW what is a senior member?



      Anon its when you reach 1000 posts :contrat1000:
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996



        OH WOW! Thanks I had been wondering--



          Evening all,

          Used to drive me nuts trying to work out what a senior member was

          Was it they were so many days sober?

          Was it they knew how old you were?

          No it just means we talk to much, so I'm saying nothing
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009



            Hiya JC and Anon,

            Chill you have been tagged on FB in a biking pic from today ........ Is Mcnaughty on it???


              ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

              Good Evening Ladies.
              I see the men have deserted the barracks once again.
              We've had snow flurries almost all day today in Stirly-World. The ground's not frozen so the snow melts as soon as it hits the ground, but just walking or driving in it is a treat for me.inkele:
              For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
              AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                Hey BB,
                Does this mean Kerrie is getting a grown up bedroom now.
                I found some old photo's of the daughters bedroom it was covered in posters of Leonardo and Ronan within 2 years it was The Foo Fighters and Red Hot Chilli Peppers and a big

                KEEP OUT on the door.
                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                AF since 7/7/2009


                  ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                  Hiya Stirly ............ enjoy the snow!!!

                  JC, yes very grown up, I will definitely post pics ...........

                  I had a friend request on FB from my very first boyfriend, to cut a long story short, I went out with him from the age 15 for 2 years and he was the nicest ever person, romantic ........... very charming, generous, handsome, virtually faultless, mum and dad loved him and still ask about him, but he was also very Gay!!!! He left me (shall we say still very innocent) for a man, we vowed to stay in touch and as we know that never happens anyway I accepted his request and his job is a 'drug and alcohol counsellor!!!! How bizarre is that!!!

                  ...... and he is still very handsome (cant believe I said that out loud :H)


                    ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                    Betty, I went into mourning when I found out John Barrowman was gay and my Auntie still refuses to believe it.

                    I'm gonna have a look see at yer friends later BB and go look look it's him.
                    It could be worse, I could be filing.
                    AF since 7/7/2009


                      ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                      Oh dear. Getting dropped for a man couldn't have been the best thing to happen to you at such a young age. I would have been devastated. I had a best friend in high school who was gay. We had the best of times together and even went to a high-school prom together once. But he was never a boyfriend, just a friend. Unfortunately he died some years ago of AIDS. Glad your friend is still around Betty. And that he's still handsome is indeed a sign that he's taking care of himself. As for his job - yes it is bizarre...but in the good way.
                      I enjoyed the snow flurries. Just hope the next time we actually get some snow on the ground.
                      Kerrie's room sounds lovely. I love mauve and purple and pinks and blues. My fave colours. In fact I'm wearing purple eye pencil today with mauve shadow.

                      Now I'm having a chuckle. After typing the above about loving mauve, etc. I pressed preview post to reread what I'd written and then realized that you probably already know that I like those colours since I post in mauve all the time. DUH...:H:H
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                        JackieClaire;1021158 wrote: Betty, I went into mourning when I found out John Barrowman was gay and my Auntie still refuses to believe it.

                        I'm gonna have a look see at yer friends later BB and go look look it's him.
                        When no-one replied I thought that you were all over on FB looking!!! :H:H:H

                        You want me to PM the name so you don't have to waste too much time???


                          ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                          JackieClaire;1021158 wrote: Betty, I went into mourning when I found out John Barrowman was gay and my Auntie still refuses to believe it.
                          Um, I kind of fell off my chair when I read that Ricky Martin is gay. I mean THE sexiest ever Latin singer with that face, that smile, that bod and those moves....
                          For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                          AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                            ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                            ooh go on then.

                            My daughters got 3 smashing gay friends, love them all to bits.

                            Aww Stirls, what an awful shame about your friend.

                            I would never ever have guessed about your fave colour, Stirls.
                            It could be worse, I could be filing.
                            AF since 7/7/2009


                              ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                              betty boop;1021157 wrote:
                              I had a friend request on FB from my very first boyfriend, to cut a long story short, I went out with him from the age 15 for 2 years and he was the nicest ever person, romantic ........... very charming, generous, handsome, virtually faultless, mum and dad loved him and still ask about him, but he was also very Gay!!!! He left me (shall we say still very innocent) for a man, we vowed to stay in touch and as we know that never happens anyway I accepted his request and his job is a 'drug and alcohol counsellor!!!! How bizarre is that!!!

                              ...... and he is still very handsome (cant believe I said that out loud :H)
                              BB what I great story!!

                              Yes McNaughty is the one holding the dog, he is South African and owns strip clubs over here, hes an ex drug and alcohol addict

                              Stirly I cant believe you have snow flurries! When I read it earlier I thought you were joking....
                              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                              AF - JAN 1st 2010
                              NF - May 1996


                                ARMY THREAD - SATURDAY, 11th DECEMBER!!

                                Hiya gurlz :hallo:

                                I had the loveliest nanna nap earlier. We've just had dinner and finished watching one of the crappiest piece of shite movies ever made: Predator. I'm going to take a shower now and then dish up an obscenely large bowl of Tin Roof ice cream which I'll eat in bed while reading my book and lurking here on my mobile. I really need to get wireless set up in the house so I can take my lappy to bed with me*.

                                See you on the morrow :l

                                *That is not as tacky as it sounds. Is it?
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

