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been drinking everynight

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    been drinking everynight

    yup. a a couple glasses of champagne everynight. yup. no one seemed to miss me while i was gone drinking the past week or so haha. fun times. i realozxed drinking is my replacement for good sex.

    been drinking everynight

    Hi Bubbles,

    I tried to ask you a question on your other post about your blood pressure but never received an answer. I can't speak for others but I do care about whether you are still around to discuss your issues. I have posted many times and received no responses from others sometimes. Please know that if somebody doesn't respond that it doesn't necessarily mean nobody cares.

    If you'd prefer to PM me you can. I have time periods myself when I jump off the wagon and drink for a week, even though I know it will kill me in the end.


      been drinking everynight

      Hang in there Bubbles, and good to see you. Are you wanting to moderate, or stop drinking totally? What's your plan?


      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        been drinking everynight

        BlowSomeBubbles;1021345 wrote: i realozxed drinking is my replacement for good sex.
        Good men are hard to find, huh? Or is it the other way around? :H
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          been drinking everynight

          At least you have good taste in booze!

          Keep posting and reading. Find out what works for others and choose a way to quit or mod that might work for you.


            been drinking everynight

            Hi BSB!
            I missed you and wondered where you were, and how you are doing! Regarding drinking replacing good sex, is this something you are able to talk to your husband about?
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              been drinking everynight

              Hi Bubbles,
              I wondered where you were. I know your joking about the sex, well I hope so anyway... because no, AL is a sloppy replacement for sex. Can you sit down with your husband and discuss your frustration? It doesn't sound like your having a good time. :l
              Well, it's good to see you posting again.
              Take care,

