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Alternatives to Drinking

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    Alternatives to Drinking

    One of my major stumbling blocks whenever I have tried to manage or quit drinking alcohol in the past was the worry about what I would do instead. But that is probably muddled thinking due to the effects of the alcohol on my brain.

    Looking at it from another perspective there are loads of activities that I have never done or have started and then discontinued as a direct result of the time wasted drinking or recovering from drinking.

    Some examples are:

    1. Walking - always wanted to join a walking club and go on long treks through the coutnryside exploring the world around me.
    2. Learn foreign languages - my garage is full of old language text books, tapes and cd's from my failed attempts to learn French, German, Mandarin and Hindi.
    3. Learn to play the guitar. I have an acoustic guitar and an electric guitar in my garage. My playing ability after years of dabbling is to play about 6 chords.
    4. Cycling - I have two mountain bikes and one racing bike in my garage, both of which have not seen the road for over 12 months.
    5. Cooking - I was going to teach myself to cook Indian food. Bought the books ...... stored them in the garage.
    6. Reading - I have hundreds of books that I have bought, opened to start reading, cracked open a can of beer and the rest was history. Woke up the next day on the couch with the book unread and a sore head. "One day" I would like to read those books.
    7. Household chores. - we have a huge block of land with plenty of potential, but at the moment it looks like an overgrown jungle. Funny how I just never get the time to work in my garden.

    The list could go on and on.

    So in reality there is no shortage of things to do instead of drinking.

    It's just a case of quitting the drinking long enough so that I can start and follow through on the activities that I have already started.

    I made a start on this today by taking my dog for an hour long walk. This would not happen if I had been drinking last night, because I would have felt too lousy to even contemplate any physical activity, and I probably would not have woken up early enough anyway.

    The journey continues.
    Moderating since 1st December 2010

    "There is no such thing as failure, only feedback"

    Alternatives to Drinking

    Hi Kev,

    Yes indeed there is a plethora of things that can be done when not in an alcoholic haze. I relate to everything that you say about starting different hobbies and not getting into them because of alcoholic interference.

    I too have hundreds of books half read or not even opened, staring at me and pleading for me to get them off the book shelf and read.

    MY attention span is recovering now that I am off the grog; my memory is improving and my word recall coming back. I was getting to the stage of thinking that I had early onset alztheimers.

    It is indeed a joy and a marvellous relief to wake up every morning, jump out of bed hangover free and be able to plan and know that those plans will be acted upon.

    Life gets better and better with more sober time and I for one, am extremely grateful for the opportunity to turn my life around and see all the things that alcohol has hidden from my view.

    Stay strong Kev, we can slay the dragon. Love and grace, Saff
    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


      Alternatives to Drinking

      Hello Kev,

      I feel like I've been so busy catching up on all the things I let slide while I was drinking I haven't had a chance to look for new ones! However, I have to say I thought of taking up Piano again -- and I have signed up for a foreign language class -- so there are two on your list!

      Great post!


        Alternatives to Drinking

        Yes, I concur with Saph and Mylie: great post Kev! The things we aspire to replace the fall-back-on-cop-out-drink are essential. Life is beautiful!

        Let me say that again: life is beautiful!

        When we were youngsters running around our gardens and yards, just for the fun of it, we never contemplated a life of chemical dependency. The neurosis in our lives are either learned or appropriated and alcohol is used as some kind of screwed up comfort blanket.

        Like one of the German Romantics said, let us be like children again!

        Either that or just switch off the culture machine that disempowers us. I know I don't feel empowered anytime I turn on my TV.

        Just a soapboxer moment I guess... (cathode pugilism is one of my strengths..hmmm)


          Alternatives to Drinking

          Spot on Kev, and everyone else...
          I imagined having too much time on my hands, but since quitting, I've taken up hillwalking again, studying, reading for pleasure, yoga, meditaion. So many things that I can now really get into without the distraction of drinking.
          There's sometimes just not enough hours in the day to cram in all I want to do, but I don't put any pressure myself. I don't have to. I just take everything nice and easy and it all gets done.


            Alternatives to Drinking

            Great posts guys! I have to concur with popeye not enough hours in the day! Plus, if I ever want to become a SENIOR member with over 1,000 posts, I've got to put in some serious time here!!


              Alternatives to Drinking

              hahahaha - Mylie, don't spend too long: you may become a lifer!


                Alternatives to Drinking

                You are right Kev.
                I think we all get to this stage, where we realise with a sinking feeling exactly how much of our life we've wasted.
                Another timesaver for you.......
                For those who deserve it, for whatever reason, rip them a new one instead of going home and drinking it away. Infinitestimally more appropriate and just.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Alternatives to Drinking

                  Hey Kev,
                  I've got a beautiful acoustic guitar that I've had for 30 years just sitting here in the study... Like you I learnt about 5 chords before I stopped (not through drinking), and intend to take lessons in 2011. Hey maybe we can get Mr G to give us MWO correspondence guitar lessons!

                  AND I started some WEA French lessons a couple of years ago.... but since I moved haven't continued.
                  AND I just bought Justin Norths French Lessons cookbook and already have my Chrissy menu planned and will be using about 6 of his recipes including his scrummy recipe for Earl Grey and apricot parfait and gruyere onion tartlets....
                  And renewed my scuba diving and am going every Sat morning now.

                  Oh Bridge how right you are.... I've wasted a lot of my life through booze, so am almost frenetically trying to do things before I'm too old and dribbling in a wheelchair with an unfocused gaze......, but unlike Popeye, I DO put pressure on myself at times!


                    Alternatives to Drinking

                    Rags;1022352 wrote: ..., but unlike Popeye, I DO put pressure on myself at times!
                    There's nothing wrong with a bit of positively applied pressure.
                    I wish I'd pressured myself quite a bit more in restrospect.
                    Anyway, enough 'I wish'
                    .....and it's back to you Kev..........
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Alternatives to Drinking

                      Kev I like your list. Get engaged with those activities, they'll keep you very busy. Getting back on my bike over a year ago was and still is key in keeping me motivated and away from AL. I gobble up books, and I love to cook when I get the chance. I am wishing you the best and please share your progress! John
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Alternatives to Drinking

                        Rags;1022352 wrote: Hey Kev,
                        I've got a beautiful acoustic guitar that I've had for 30 years just sitting here in the study... Like you I learnt about 5 chords before I stopped (not through drinking), and intend to take lessons in 2011. Hey maybe we can get Mr G to give us MWO correspondence guitar lessons!
                        I have a concert acoustic sitting in my closet for 4 years now. Probably learned the same 5 or 6 chords and put it away for other reasons too. I would be up for some group correspondence lessons from Mr. G.

                        Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                        St. Francis of Assisi


                          Alternatives to Drinking

                          Its good to see that I am not alone with this feeling of having frittered away many days and evenings of my life boozing when I could have been doing other more productive things that would have been just as enjoyable, but with more positive impact on myself and the world.

                          Playing the guitar is something I have wanted to do since I was a teenager. So I bought the guitars this year and started taking lessons on a Saturday morning.

                          The first problem was that my practice sessions usually were done with the support of a can of beer. After a few minutes of practice I would put on some music to play along with to make it more interesting and open another can of beer. Before I knew it, several cans had been consumed, and maybe even a bottle of wine had been opened. I would then fall asleep in my chair at some point and wake up about 2 or 3 am, kink in my neck from sleeping awkwardly, many empty cans in the bin, loud music blaring out and about two or three sets of exercises had been actually done.

                          Because of my work commitments, the only realistic time available in my schedule for the guitar lessons was Saturday mornings. But as each Saturday loomed, another week had passed, no practice had been done, and on some occasions I had compounded the problem by pulling an all night session and was still drunk in the morning. So I was not in a fit state to sit in a small room with my guitar teacher breathing noxious alcohol fumes over the poor fellow.

                          I have a good feeling at the moment about this current session of non-drinking and after survivng the festive season I may be ready to start back on the lessons.
                          Moderating since 1st December 2010

                          "There is no such thing as failure, only feedback"

