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Kudzu is working! (I think)

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    Kudzu is working! (I think)

    I recently added Kudzu to my plan of Campral, L-Glut and GABA. Wow, what a difference. After taking the Kudzu (two pills, 3x day) one drink would feel like two or three, hence, it stopped me from drinking too much. Anyone else have a similar reaction? That happened the first week, but now I am afraid the Kudzu effect is starting to wear off, although that could all be in my head. Any rec for any other supplements to add?

    Kudzu is working! (I think)

    That's great, Andy!!
    Are you taking the Kudzu from this site or some bought from another health food store? I've bought 3 different kinds, I think, and have definitely found the stuff from here to be the most effective (I don't work for the site, that's just the truth! It even smells different). I can feel it right away.
    It's wonderful that it's working for you.
    I've heard the SAM-E is good too. I haven't tried it yet, though.
    I do take the All One most days, and a multivitamin on the days I don't have time to get the All One down. That helps with the "feel good" stuff too.
    Great job with the not drinking too much!
    Keep it up.


      Kudzu is working! (I think)


      Which Kudzu caused you the weight gain though? (Your Avater). Just want to make sure to avoid that one. LOL.
      formerly known as bak310


        Kudzu is working! (I think)

        I agree with Becca about the Kudzu from MWO, it's excellent quality stuff, compared to the crap I got at the health food store. Who knows how long that stuff sits on the shelf in the stores?!


          Kudzu is working! (I think)

          totally agree with mona kitty and becca big belly.
          the kudzu from MWO is diff. and smells wierd but works so much better than the health food stores.
          ANDY - u r taking 2 kudzus 3 x a day. ??? i am only taking 2 3 x day. maybe i should up mine intake?
          do you think the 3 x day makes that much difference????? let me hear from you plze.


            Kudzu is working! (I think)

            Thoughts on kudzu

            Hi, gang.

            You raise some very good points about kudzu. Indulge me please, because this is going to sound like an unabashed sales pitch--I suppose it is--but I think it?s important to say. Many kudzu supplements on the market simply don?t work.

            If you?ve been on this board a while you probably know I try to maintain a signficant degree of objectivity when it comes to hawking products in our Health Store. And we really don?t set any limits about members sharing information regarding competitive brands.

            Having said that...

            Last year?s Harvard University/McLean Hospital study was a breakthrough. It confirmed in a double blind, scientific setting what Eastern medicine has known for hundreds of years: kudzu reduces the desire to drink. Here?s an overview.

            What the reports didn?t say is that when researchers went looking for a kudzu product for their study, they couldn?t find one to meet their standards. I don't know which ones they tested, but they said all of them contained less than 1% active kudzu extract. You can read the lead researcher?s comments here.

            That explains why, when we decided to offer a product to match their clinical standards, we couldn?t find one, either. (The researchers ended up creating their own.) We knew we wanted something with the same isoflavonoid levels of three key chemicals--puerarin, daidzin and daidzen--which are responsible for reducing alcohol craving. Many products boast a high milligram level, but that can be misleading. You can fill a capsule with pretty much anything.

            We also learned we?d need to look outside the US. Kudzu grows rampantly in the South but requires specific growing conditions for medicinal purposes. So we partnered with Ed Kasper, a licensed acupuncturist, certified herbalist, member of the Society of Homotoxicology of North America, and practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Ed has many ties to China, including manufacturers and high quality laboratories with whom he has worked for a number of years. Together, we developed a new product which we named Kudzu Rescue. It contains the same isoflavonoid levels as those in the Harvard/McLean study.

            Once our product was developed it was analyzed, certified, bottled and shipped. It was then delayed by an FDA inspection when entering the country. While frustrating, it was actually a benefit because few dietary supplements can claim FDA approval. It's not a legal requirement, but nice to have. We?re proud of our Kudzu Rescue and have seen a lot of repeat orders. Interestingly, we?re getting a number of inquiries from doctors now who tell use they want their patients to take it.

            As you say, this kudzu may smell and taste a little different than what you?ve used previously, but we attribute that to the high concentration of effective, quality extract.

            Dosing is highly variable and you can easily tweak to fit. Customers typically take anywhere from 900 to 3,000 mg per day. The higher dose represents that of the participants in the Harvard study who noted a dramatic response in craving.

            Okay, off the soapbox now. But I do hope that's helpful. :-)

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              Kudzu is working! (I think)

              hi RJ
              i actually bought 1 kilo of kudzu root way back in 1996.i have been following the research as well for a long time.well that kilo of powder did't work and i have thought about why it didn't work for quite awhile.thank you for your clarification on this.


                Kudzu is working! (I think)

                It's seems to me that GABA has more punch than when I've tried it before too, but maybe the other supplements are creating that effect..
                * * *




                  Kudzu is working! (I think)

                  I ordered the "Starter Kit" and see that GABA in on the chart to take.. but it did not come with the "set".

                  I am SOLIDLY CONVINCED the kudzu is helping. I am only doing the supps and the CDs, but when I feel that trigger .. i pop a Kudzu and move on .. I find I can get distracted back to better things than that glass of wine.

                  I take one first thing in the morn with my All InOne .. another about 11:00is or so .. and then 2 or 3 more thru the day ...

                  I'm convinced .. because when I stopped for 4 days .. and stopped being here .. well, I have ?? on my drink tracker. DUH!



                    Kudzu is working! (I think)

                    I am using the MWO Kudzu and it is working great. It just gives you this sort of buzz that makes the alcohol craving go away. I will say I am also seeing a therapist and he helps too because he scares the shit out of's good, he makes me realize what kind of path I was sliding down.

                    If you drink (even just on the weekends) to get drunk, then that means you could be an alcoholic. Strong words that have resonated with me.

