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I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

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    I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

    I just got back from an unpaid 3 month leave of absence a little over a month ago and today I got the boot because they decided they weren't going to pursue any new marketing initiatives in 2007, which means they don't need me. They are going to pay me until the end of year but it isn't really the time of year when my industry is hiring. Too much holiday hoohah gong on and people on vacation. I hope I find something. I also need a babysitter because my former employer let me leave early every day to see my daughter off the bus and be home for her home therapy. I am so sad and nervous right now. :upset:
    Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL

    I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

    Oh Happy, I am so sorry to hear that. What horrible timing with the holidays. I know living in NY is so expensive so it is probably not an option for you not work, right? I am sending out positive thoughts to you that you will find something.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

      I'm so, so, so, sorry. You do not need this right now.
      You are a dynamic, wonderful, skilled individual with a ton of knowledge, though. An employer would be lucky to get you!! Get your resume out there, turn this thing around.
      I wish you the best with the job search, and of course will be here as a friend when you need to blow off some steam., recruiter...
      BIG LONG HUG, Camper.


        I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today


        All Ican say is BIG HUGS , my thoughts are with you



          I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

          That sucks big lemons! Have you heard of the 5 stages of dying by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross? It's also great to use for loss and grief, to help us to recognize and try to understand what we may be feeling:

          ? Denial and isolation: "This is not happening to me."

          ? Anger: "How dare God or (insert company name) do this to me."

          ? Bargaining: "Maybe if I do...

          ? Depression: "I can't bear to face going through this, putting my family through this."

          ? Acceptance: When you are able to take a deep, peaceful breath, and move on

          :upset: I know it wasn't my job, but two weeks ago, my husband was "forced" to resign due to anger management problems...I moved in and out of intense anger/denial/depression pretty rapidly. We don't move through the stages sequentially. We just do what we can in the moment. We'll be here for you the whole time.

          Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.


            I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

            Thats very sad news Happy...I hope things work out for you as soon as possible....You never know....You might have something better in store for you.....I hope so ....Macks:l
            I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
            One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


              I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

              Hi Sweetie!!
     are in shock today. It is definitely not the end of your world, not even close. Your world will maintain. Breathe. You have time. This happens so often. But the economy is good. And you will be able to find something.

              Let's see. Cool -- to end of yr. Don't know how much you make -- but baby you are in Manhatten. Rough guess ..don't know ..the time it takes to find a new job depends on how much you make. And yes, not much going on over the holidays. File for unemployment a couple of weeks ahead of your last day. Not much, maybe $1600-$1800 max/mo but it helps.

              That's the practical.
              [Sorry My font seems to big here -- can't seem to get it down for this msg-- sorry]

              Now, when you settle, try to think about what the universe/Spirit/God is doing for you. Everything happens for a purpose. I know you know that. Go with that. Perhaps even enjoy again your time with your Sophie angel. I know you will all be fine!.

              Oh, this may be the time to think about what you really want to do; what kind of job you would really like to have. Wow -- I have found Richard Bolles' books, "What Color is your Parachute" a godsend. He is an ex-Epsicopalean priest. It is practical but spiritual. The exercises are great -- they work!

              Why do I feel confident in telling you all of this -- oh dear God-- hate to say it -- but been through it several times, esp. the last 6 yrs since the crash of telecom market, 911, etc...

              I also use to run an exec resume business..if you need any editing in that area ..which you probably don't.

              The future is bright!!!

              Lovee, C


                I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today


                I'm so sorry, I feel you're pain if it helps:upset: my husband just got fired of Friday.

                I know it's pretty scary stuff.

                Here for you:l
                :h :h :h :h


                  I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

                  Happy Camper, Yikes that is terrible, just awful, you poor girl. Anyway, you can work from home, make less money, and not pay a babysitter? Go for the umemployment if you can and see what's out there. In the meantime, we are all sending you positive energy. I was happy to cut back on my expenses, when I had the opportunity to stay home with one of my kids. I don't know if that is a possiblity for you? Yeah, it so damn expensive in NYC, it's nuts.
                  Chrysa, that's a great book by the way.
                  Keep us up to date Patty, and know we love you.


                    I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

                    Hi Happy -

                    Wow. That is really hard and I'll certainly be thinking of you. I've been in that spot and its scary but it gets better. Hang in there. Positive vibes and ((((((((((warm fuzzies)))))))))) to you.


                      I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today


                      It might be scary right now, but sometimes change is good. And, look at all of the resources that have been offered right here. You are strong and resourceful, you will come out better than before.


                        I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

                        Happy -- I am so sorry to hear this! I know you dont want to go digging through old posts, but it isnt TOO old -- just day before yesterday I think -- under monthly moderation. Imagine is giong through same thing with her hubby, and I have been through it too. So for what its worth -- I really think sometimes these things seem like the "end all", when if you could see the whole picture you would welcome this with open arms? Hard to fathom that right now I know, but it could put you in a position to be in a much better situation ultimately, and probably making more money. I think this is a blessing in disguise!

                        And my little "on the side rant" is that I think your company MUST have pondered this during your 3-month leave, but did not give you the opportunity to use any of that time to market yourself. That is the nature of business as I have seen, unfortunately.

                        As the others have said, you have so much talent, training, experience to offer --- so take your time to grieve, and then get on with what better things lie ahead for you!

                        If there is anything I can do -- please let me know. I know Christmas is coming up too and that makes this all the more stressful. Send me a PM and a little wish list for Sophie?? I would love to help take some pressure off during this time. You have been such a friend to me with all I have been through with my Mom, it would be an honor.

                        I love you girl!
                        What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                          I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

                          So sorry to hear HC...

                          I know it sounds trival and cliche' but, I really truely believe that everything happens for a reason.

                          Maybe something really wonderful and spectacular awaits you down the road...

                          and in today's economic future, paying you until the end of the year doesn't suck...

                          I think that gesture alone shows how they must have really struggled in their decision......BIG HUGS
                          Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                            I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

                            Everyone has said some insightful things. All I can add is I care about you. You are one of my favorites on this site. You will land on your feet. I know it.

                            xxoxooxox to you and to Sophie,



                              I got sacked, fired, job eliminated, call it what you want today

                              Hey there, HappyC,

                              I'm absolutely certain that something good will happen.

