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Army Thread 15th December

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    Army Thread 15th December

    Ok I really have to get some work done. See ya later, be good.
    Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


      Army Thread 15th December

      Probably but I've got the memory of a menopausal goldfish.

      Rightio orff to do something vaguely important.

      It could be worse, I could be filing.
      AF since 7/7/2009


        Army Thread 15th December

        Hey Guys! Just popping in. I have my Secret Santa at work today. I am wearing (on purpose) The Worlds Ugliest Christmas Sweater. Seriously. It is from the 80's and has a striped cowel neck and horrible decorations and "Happy Holidyas" in big block letters. It used to light up but that does'nt work any more. My daughter found it at the Thrift Store for me. I try to get a new hideous sweater every year. This one is the best though. Picture to follow. $20 says some knucklehead will say "What a nice sweater" and ruin my joke like last On another note, I hope my baby Em wakes up feeling better. Poor monkey! She has had a low grade fever and headache. Oy.

        Hope everyone has an awesome day! Sorry to post and run!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          Army Thread 15th December

          Hey Mr. Tips-you just wait and see...I'm going to surprise you and start the (a) thread one of these days:H. It seems like a lot of us are having our ups and downs these days. I know I am! One minute it's going ok and then....zoom... my mood plummets. Spent hours on youtube yesterday-listening to some songs that brought back great memories and others that made me cry. Kinda therapeutic in a bizarre way! I did not get much done around the house but feck it. I needed some "me" time. Tomorrow is the "work Christmas party/lunch" Not even worried about it. I shared my story of the party two years ago-so even IF I was tempted to take a drink-THAT would not be the place I'd do it. Saying that-I am staying on my toes because I know this holiday season is a trigger time for me. I will be checking in here on a VERY regular basis. You lot will be sick of me. But to share in a kinda corny way..please know I am here for you lads too if you want to pm me:l. Eileen/expat xxx AND! I'm on facebook!


            Army Thread 15th December

            Hi Army - another gloomy bitch requesting permission to board. Expat - snap! Just spent the last 2 hours ironing and listening to sad old songs wit tears pouring down my face - feel a bit better now! I blame the parents too JC:H
            Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
            contentedly NF since 8/04/14


              Army Thread 15th December

              Hiya Army, I think this is a very hard time of the year for most people. However,being sober MUST help. So many triggers for both depression and drinking. I will stay close to this site even if I do not post!


                Army Thread 15th December

                Hi Guys
                Waggy bet your Christmas sweater isnt this bad...... :shocked:

                Expat my moods have been a bit like yours, one minute im glad to be alive and the next Im wondering whats the point. Molly music has a huge effect on my mood and if I wanna cry its the best method! I do believe we need to get it out our systems so a bloody good cry is great therapy.

                My 1st sober Christmas coming up but by far my most difficult for other reasons and Anon I will be here on the boards a lot so if you need company im here!
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Army Thread 15th December

                  Hey Zenners! we could have a 'jolly smile' competition d'ya like the christmas parties? I've a bugger of one on Friday night, stuck between 2 warring factions at work - tis an exercise in 'keep my bloody mouth shut'!
                  Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
                  contentedly NF since 8/04/14


                    Army Thread 15th December

                    Hi all just back from counselling, now of out shopping again .

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      Army Thread 15th December

                      Catch you laters,

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Army Thread 15th December

                        Greetings to all in army land!

                        I'm off to the big smoke and the shops (twice in a month, that just ain't right) - getting the last Christmas thingies together *uggh*

                        All you moody bluesy people... I'm getting mild doses of that, too. On a daily basis, it seems. GOT to be this time of year. I'm still in favour of hibernation, if you ask me.

                        Anywhooo - gotta love ya and leave ya... wish me strength and survival skills among city folk!

                        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                        Winning since October 24th, 2013


                          Army Thread 15th December

                          You may kill me later

                [/video]]YouTube - Put On A Happy Face

                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread 15th December

                            HMMM...Hibernation or painting a Joker's smile on? Sadly, neither solution is really possible:H. I have been observing the "normies" and I think most of them just don't care. I mean like us sensitive lot. Which got many of us drinking in the first place. Not trying to speak for everybody-before I get myself in trouble!!!!! But I've read on this site so many times--I drink because I'm shy, stressed, partner/child driving me mad etc. Obviously, we are all very different people with different reasons for "the drinking problem". But at least, we have come to the conclusion that the drink DID NOT work for us. It did not chase away our problems, or keep our kids from being bold, or even help us at parties (maybe at the start but then it became "oh feck, what did I do or say???) so--since I can only speak for myself-I am going to keep beating it into my head ALL the reasons why I don't want to drink. And on a less serious note-it is so wonderful coming on here and reading about all your positive stories too! Good and the bad-WE unite (there's some kinda music playing in the background-you just have to imagine it)!!!!!!!! Let's go Army!


                              Army Thread 15th December

                              :hallo: Army

                              A happy Tigger here

                              My long weekend has officially started. Today also marks the start of the holiday rush - the highest point of high season, which will last until the 1st week of January. Unfortunately, this is also the time of year when literally hundreds of people die on our roads - not only those in vehicles, but pedestrians too. Alcohol is involved in a huge percentage of these accidents. At least the numbers have been going down steadily over the past few years as a result of increased visible policing and active enforcement through roadblocks and the like.

                              Happily, I can look forward to a much easier commute - I should be able to do the 65km in 35 minutes in the morning and about 45 in the afternoon. Not bad going, considering the usual conditions...

                              The weather has improved today: the wind has died down, and conditions are ripe for a thunderstorm or two. It's 31C at the moment and overcast. Luckily not too humid. The cubs are both in the pool, with ocassional forays to run under the sprayer on the lawn. Not going to bother with dinner tonight - I had a square meal for lunch and Mrs. T entertained clients. The cubs will have to settle for leftovers or self-help

                              Anyhooooooo... I'm rambling...
                              I'll do whatever it takes
                              AF 21/08/2009


                                Army Thread 15th December

                                Hiya Expat

                                I took so long to get my post typed in between fetching a cold glass of lemonade, finding my ciggies and checking on my garden watering progress, that you slipped yours right in there...
                                I'll do whatever it takes
                                AF 21/08/2009

