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AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

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    AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

    STOP THE CLOCK? Yup, that's what todays gat damn training is all about. Anti Aging. You know, for those of us who do not look their age anymore or even their species. What was that remark Private? I look like the south end of a defecating long horned wild goat?? Private Zenny, drop and give me 100 and make damn sure they're Miss Behavin style press ups!!!!

    Note: Private Choochie has taken a leave from MWO. We will miss her greatly!!!

    What would it take to get you to do what you think you cannot do? What dream, what purpose, what goal will inspire you to engage with life more fully than you ever have?
    What is so important to you that it will have you ignoring all the enticing distractions? What is so desirable and compelling that it will have you running out to embrace each new challenge?

    Your life can be whatever you most sincerely and passionately want it to be. You are the living, growing, ever-evolving expression of the unique and wonderful you.

    You are here on this day, in this place, to live the richness. You are here right now to choose a particular flavor of richness that will energize your whole world through you.

    Remember how good it can feel to be you, and let that feeling lead you to your most sincere purpose. As you focus awareness on that purpose, it spreads outward and illuminates life in its own beautiful way.

    What will it take to make you unstoppable? Nothing more, nothing less than the undeniable truth of who you are.

    Healthy Lifestyle:

    The Anti-Aging Lifestyle

    Creating Optimal Health as You Get Older

    Living the anti-aging lifestyle insures your best quality of life as you get older. Surprisingly, it is often the small adjustments you make that add up to the biggest change over time.
    Use this page to explore both simple and more in-depth ways you can improve your health and life. We'll cover lots of things you can do right now as well as some useful ways to make longer-term changes.
    I always like to start with the simplest things. They're easiest to do and can help you as you gain momentum for making other changes down the line. To that end, let's talk about water.
    Yes, water. Since our bodies are about 70% water, the quality of the water you drink has a huge impact on your body's ability to function efficiently. le="font-size: 13px;">Learn more about how water fits into the anti-aging lifestyle.
    And while we're on the basics, learn about some simple changes you can make in how you breathe that will make a huge difference in your life.

    Okay, so we've mentioned water and breathing, but there are still a few additional basic areas to touch on for creating (or recovering) your quality of life. One of the most important (and most confusing for most) is what you eat. What you eat has the same impact on your health as choosing the type of gasoline for your car has on performance. Click this link to learn how you can easily sort through the often contradictory information available about diet and finally start eating the way your body really needs in order to feel healthy.
    Also, exercise can help not only your physical health and strength, but also your mental focus and clarity.
    Other Ways to Live the Anti-Aging Lifestyle

    If you are feeling tired or run down as you get older, you'll want to know about how to get more energy
    One additional factor that affects aging is stress. Reducing stress helps slow aging. Learn more about the effects of stress on aging here.

    Click here to learn about how you can live a stress-free anti-aging lifestyle,

    Finally, the quality of your relationships makes a huge difference in your quality of life as you age. Read more about this here.

    Of course, after a lifetime of not
    eating, breathing or moving optimally, we all need additional help to counter the effects of aging. Fortunately, there are great resources for learning about supplements, herbs and natural ways to look younger and have more energy.
    You'll find "101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health" another outstanding resource for combating the negative effects of aging at


    Exercise and overall fitness are key elements in any anti aging program. just look at Sarges skin. Its smooth as a baby...a baby orangutan...!


    Healthy eating is another facet of fighting off the free radicals that ravage our cells on a daily basis. Here are seven GREAT recipes to use:

    Attached files [img]/converted_files/45432=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

    AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)


    I know I've been MIA and it hasn't all been pretty, and I'm struggling a bit. I have managed to keep up the tri-training although not sticking completely to the schedule. Work and travel have been a bit disruptive (last week everyone seemed to realise that they needed to pull finger if they were to meet pre-xmas deadlines :H). But lots of people here knocking off tomorrow for summer holidays, so next week should be cruisy and under (my!) control and with lots of time for preparing good food and exercise.

    Al - a bit shameful I'm afraid Sarge. Nothing over the top, but I've lost my mojo. Feeling a bit despondent about it, and not managing to get past 2 AF days again. In "must try better" territory.

    Food - we have de-generated into pre-xmas laziness. Eaten out 5 nights out of the last 7, and then come home and scour recipe books for Xmas day recipes. I'm doing well on lunches though .........greek salad (made with my own fair hands) every day.

    Exercise - have been good on this at least!! Biking regularly to work, daily sea swims and I am seeing a little bit of improvement in my running! And Sarge, I can now do 50 press-ups without resorting to my knees! (and up to 60 additional ones on them!!)

    Xmas day menu:

    Raspberries and greek yoghurt
    brioche, chicken liver and orange pate ( all home made)
    orange juice - freshly squeezed

    Glazed ham (Mr B's speciality)
    Beetrot, sour cream and caraway salad
    Fresh asparagus
    Broccoli and roasted almonds
    (undecided dish with tomatoes and cucumber - still settling on something!!)


    Mum's Xmas pudding !
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

      Miss Behaving;1023230 wrote: Sarge,

      I know I've been MIA and it hasn't all been pretty, and I'm struggling a bit. I have managed to keep up the tri-training although not sticking completely to the schedule. Work and travel have been a bit disruptive (last week everyone seemed to realise that they needed to pull finger if they were to meet pre-xmas deadlines :H). But lots of people here knocking off tomorrow for summer holidays, so next week should be cruisy and under (my!) control and with lots of time for preparing good food and exercise.

      Al - a bit shameful I'm afraid Sarge. Nothing over the top, but I've lost my mojo. Feeling a bit despondent about it, and not managing to get past 2 AF days again. In "must try better" territory.

      Food - we have de-generated into pre-xmas laziness. Eaten out 5 nights out of the last 7, and then come home and scour recipe books for Xmas day recipes. I'm doing well on lunches though .........greek salad (made with my own fair hands) every day.

      Exercise - have been good on this at least!! Biking regularly to work, daily sea swims and I am seeing a little bit of improvement in my running! And Sarge, I can now do 50 press-ups without resorting to my knees! (and up to 60 additional ones on them!!)

      Xmas day menu:

      Raspberries and greek yoghurt
      brioche, chicken liver and orange pate ( all home made)
      orange juice - freshly squeezed

      Glazed ham (Mr B's speciality)
      Beetrot, sour cream and caraway salad
      Fresh asparagus
      Broccoli and roasted almonds
      (undecided dish with tomatoes and cucumber - still settling on something!!)


      Mum's Xmas pudding !

      Missy we need to work a bit harder on the Al issue. Your diet and exercise are all good. I'll come up with some new AF strategy for you. I'm going "Full Metal Jacket" tonight so I'll be high concentration mode. I see you are no longer wearing a wet suit when you do your ocean swims. What are you wearing pray tell? Oh, I'm ONLY asking cause Cooky was curious. GREAT work on the press ups. Soon you'll have to change your signature to "suck it up warrior princess!"

      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1453987=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

        Gday Sarge,

        Its back to the exercise and good diet routine for this little black duck Sarge. Today I took young Saffy power walking in a joggers pram (dont laugh Sarge...necessity is the master of invention)....I was huffing and puffing after about 15mins Sarge...just goes to show how out of condition we get in a short period of time. Have been on the exercise bike, but its no good when ya not doing the weight bearing stuff too Sarge. Saffy is improving slowly, yesterday she actually stood up for about 3mins and the vet is amazed. We are putting off surgery for a bit to see what sort of recovery she is going to make on her own. Good news is...No filthy grog!!!! Going very strong there. Anti-aging...I like your article, very interesting indeed. I am 50 and I am told by folk that I look about 15 years younger Sarge. I think I have spared myself the ravages of time because I apart from drowning myself in alcohol for 10 years Sarge, I still managed to eat very healthy food, take massive doses of anti-oxidants and exercise a lot. I am having all my blood-work next week, so I am bit apprehensive about that, as I know that I defo wont be younger on the inside Sarge. Its better to face up to this and then go about fixing up the damage than to continue the head in sand denial. See ya later Sarge
        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


          AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

          sapphire1;1023340 wrote: Gday Sarge,

          Its back to the exercise and good diet routine for this little black duck Sarge. Today I took young Saffy power walking in a joggers pram (dont laugh Sarge...necessity is the master of invention)....I was huffing and puffing after about 15mins Sarge...just goes to show how out of condition we get in a short period of time. Have been on the exercise bike, but its no good when ya not doing the weight bearing stuff too Sarge. Saffy is improving slowly, yesterday she actually stood up for about 3mins and the vet is amazed. We are putting off surgery for a bit to see what sort of recovery she is going to make on her own. Good news is...No filthy grog!!!! Going very strong there. Anti-aging...I like your article, very interesting indeed. I am 50 and I am told by folk that I look about 15 years younger Sarge. I think I have spared myself the ravages of time because I apart from drowning myself in alcohol for 10 years Sarge, I still managed to eat very healthy food, take massive doses of anti-oxidants and exercise a lot. I am having all my blood-work next week, so I am bit apprehensive about that, as I know that I defo wont be younger on the inside Sarge. Its better to face up to this and then go about fixing up the damage than to continue the head in sand denial. See ya later Sarge

          I'm so happy to hear about Saffy doing so much better. Keep taking her in that baby jogger. It's good for you both. Just so wonderful that you keep yourself young outside. I'm sure your blood work will be fine. I think your twenty years younger on the inside. I have blood work scheduled for this Friday. Thinking of you and Saffy. See ya tomorrow Saph. NOW MOVE YOUR BUTT OUTTA HERE. Oh Saffy
          :l:l Attached files [img]/converted_files/1454117=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


            AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

            I'm in here Sarge, but i'm a bit shy. This is what we wear when we are wetsuitless Sir. Doesn't do our hair much good sir, but we are willing to suffer for our country sir.

            Serious work out done today Sarge. Attached files [img]/converted_files/1454216=6075-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

              Miss Behaving;1023469 wrote: I'm in here Sarge, but i'm a bit shy. This is what we wear when we are wetsuitless Sir. Doesn't do our hair much good sir, but we are willing to suffer for our country sir.

              Serious work out done today Sarge.

              Private Missy I'm not sure what type of electronic smut you sent to Cooky, but he was burning the french toast this morning. He is totally out of it saying his new girl has clones. I have the military police investigating and you may be questioned!!!

              Attached files [img]/converted_files/1454406=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                Hi Sarge,

                :thumbs: on the anti ageing info I feel young on the inside and the outside and I don't care what the mirror says

                Sorry I've been a bit absent recently but been a bit swamped with work and all the Xmas prep stuff. However all good on the AF front and feeling strong for the holidays, and all good on the healthy eating front too (apart from a couple of mince pies ) but have lost a stone in weight so far. Just back from my Yoga Class and going twice a week now Sarge so becoming more flexible and supple by the minute, I can get my head between my legs no bother at all - puts a new perspective on the saying 'up her own arse'

                Dewdrop :h
                Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                  AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                  Dewdrop;1023809 wrote: Hi Sarge,

                  :thumbs: on the anti ageing info I feel young on the inside and the outside and I don't care what the mirror says

                  Sorry I've been a bit absent recently but been a bit swamped with work and all the Xmas prep stuff. However all good on the AF front and feeling strong for the holidays, and all good on the healthy eating front too (apart from a couple of mince pies ) but have lost a stone in weight so far. Just back from my Yoga Class and going twice a week now Sarge so becoming more flexible and supple by the minute, I can get my head between my legs no bother at all - puts a new perspective on the saying 'up her own arse'

                  Dewdrop :h

                  Private Dewdrop it sounds like you're making amazing progress. However since you've been AWOL lately DO DROP (ha ha) and give me 100 (Missy style) press ups. Since you have lost a stone (Sarge passed a stone last week VERY PAINFUL) I guess a pie here and there is not an issue. I'm grappling with the whole head between the legs thing Private Drop. I'll get back to you on that. NOW MOVE OUT AND KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!

                  Attached files [img]/converted_files/1454559=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                    CONGRATULATIONS SAPH!!!

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                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                      I just came out of Macy's Herald Square. I now know why some people can take another's life. I experienced escalator rage. It wasn't pretty. Why do I always wait so late in the month to shop. If anyone is in the New York area PLEASE avoid Macy's!!!

                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1454936=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                        Thanks Sarge,

                        escalator rage...far out Sarge keep ya head on dude!!!!! The only rage I want to see in you is couRAGE Sarge. BTW is that the truth about your stone passage?
                        I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                          AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                          Back for an arse whipping Sarge, have been a BAD girl (foodwise) .....I have been very good today and will be good again 2moro!..

                          PS, I shopped in Macy's 2 yearsago and almost got my nose broken
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                            sapphire1;1024342 wrote: Thanks Sarge,

                            escalator rage...far out Sarge keep ya head on dude!!!!! The only rage I want to see in you is couRAGE Sarge. BTW is that the truth about your stone passage?

                            NO sweetie Sarge ONLY passed a virtual stone!!!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              AF BOOT CAMP Day 33 (Chestnuts Roasting)

                              one2many;1024375 wrote: Back for an arse whipping Sarge, have been a BAD girl (foodwise) .....I have been very good today and will be good again 2moro!..

                              PS, I shopped in Macy's 2 yearsago and almost got my nose broken
                              JM&J did you see that Cooky? I think she's back! Private Oney, it's so GOOD to see ya. Sarge is in the train station w/ his hand held voice instrument, so he'll repond w/ more later. :h Attached files [img]/converted_files/1455073=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

