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Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

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    Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

    I have reached 16 days AF. Apart from the first 3-4 days of anxiousness and night after night of poor sleep it has been relatively easy for me to quit. BUT....
    Tonight is my staff Christmas party. i have not told anybody at work that I quit and I am starting to feel a bit wobbly like I could cave in at the first offer of a glass of wine.

    Following on from this is a trip up north to visit relatives and fellow drinking buddies. How will I survive? i really want to, but felt I needed to come here today and ask for a bit of support from all you lovely people out there.


    Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

    I hear ya! And I'm here to support you! You can do this! Keep an AF drink in your hand at all times at the party so that it will be less likely that someone would offer you a glass of wine. We here if you need us. Just log on!
    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


      Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

      Hi there, eat a nice meal before you go. I find if I'm hungry the cravings appear to be stronger. Have something healthy and filling and lots of protein, a steak or something. And always have something AF in your hand to drink..idle hands are the devils playground..or something like that.

      Good luck and stay strong! Arrive late and leave early if you have too..


        Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

        Hello Daisy!!
        Definitely here to support you!!!!
        Good advice already.. eat before you go, munch on little things there, keep a non af drink in your hands.. and make tonight an experiment! Don't drink and just watch everyone else... notice who drinks how much... spot the people who maybe don't drink at all! And snicker to yourself about how great YOU will feel tomorrow morning... not like those other poor saps!

        You can do this, honey.. you can have a fabulous time with not a drop of AL... really!
        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

          Great advice already. You might want to check out these threads again too if you haven't already. One is a member's very recent experience (that struck home to me), the other is a discussion and some possible alternatives and solutions.

          Reading your post reminds me that back before I was self employed and had a real "job" job, my behavior was personally responsible for having alcohol banned from all future company parties.

          Remind yourself too, as enticing as that glass of wine might look, "just one" (or two or three or whatever number we tell ourselves is OK) wouldn't be enough. We never intend for it to be more, we wouldn't be here at MWO if that were the case. It's the devil on your shoulder whispering in your ear.

          If you take supplements, have a healthy dose of L-Glute that day, and before you go. As said, eat something first, don't go hungry (trigger), get a glass of something AF the minute you walk in the door and hang on to it. Watch and see where the hard drinkers end up, and also notice most people aren't (it was us all along!). You may notice many people don't drink at all.

          Good luck, enjoy your party and know you are able to drive safely home!
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

            Hi Daisy,

            Ocean Spray blueberry juice makes a pretty convincing glass of "wine." Don't wait until somebody offers you something; pour yourself an NA drink as soon as you get there, and hold onto it. "Sorry, can't--I'm on antibiotics" works well.

            Remember, it probably isn't nearly as big a deal to anyone else who doesn't have a drinking problem as it is to you.

            xoxo Pride
            AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
            "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


              Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

              thanks for all your responses.
              Just like to add, that it is my company and we are going for dinner, so thanks for the advice about eating, etc. I never drink on an empty stomach. Too knowledgeable on nutrition to be so stupid, besides you can drink a little more if you have eaten.
              It is not that I cannot do this, just that there is a naughty little devil on my shoulder that is telling me 'you have worked hard all year let your hair down and have a couple of drinks' I could have a couple of drinks and that would be it. No problem, I am not a hopeless cause. I worry that if I do give in to temptation my resolve will be mega weak for the next challenge which presents it's self on Saturday and continues thru to Wednesday.


                Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

                You don't want to let your hair down infront of the people who employ you. It will never be forgotten, and it will effect your employment, possible future raises and opportunities for advancement. But, I'm sure you already are aware of this.


                  Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

                  It is my company! My own business. I am in control of my advancement because I AM THE BOSS


                    Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight



                      Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

                      And yes, even when I have been employed I have let my hair down. That is what life is about is it not?
                      One does not have to be drunk to let ones hair down.


                        Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

                        One does not have to be drunk to let ones hair down. >>

                        Then you've answered your own question, Daisy. And being sober, you won't risk the respect of your employees. All good.
                        AF since July 15, 2010. :applouse:
                        "People who drink to drown their sorrow should be told that sorrow knows how to swim." —Ann Landers


                          Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

                          Here to throw my support vibes around you too Angel! Great advice and your own insight is right on too! Have fun and just hang with the sober folks if you need to.

                          Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                          St. Francis of Assisi


                            Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

                            Darn...I was going to tell you not to go.....but I guess that's not an option
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Doubting if I can hold on to sobriety tonight

                              Hi Daisy, I hope you have a good time at your party without alcohol. It sounds like your not too worried about getting drunk, but more about how this might be opening a door to what's coming up going up north with drinking buddies. If you don't want to drink at your staff party seeing a potential for more drinking to come... then I would try to focus on ODAT. Tonight you will not drink. It's cool you can let down your hair without AL.

