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Wish Me Luck

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    Wish Me Luck

    So tomorrow I?m jetting off on my xmas holidays. I?m really not looking forward to it as the trip is top heavy with social obligation and alcohol fueled celebrations where I?ll be staying for 9 days. I had no idea I?d find sobriety after booking those damn tickets but here I am about to face a challenge that I?m really not ready for :boohoo:
    Anyways?.I took myself off to my doc today to discuss and review my meds. The Campral I?ve been taking has helped (I think) but is extremely subtle. I had in mind that it might be a good idea to ask for something extra like Antabuse or similar, just as an extra stabilizing factor over a holiday period but nooooooo?.my doc just flatly refused to even consider it. She wouldn?t even prescribe anything to help me stay calm when the cravings are at their worst. She?s actually been an excellent doctor in the past but said that she did not know anything about this type of medication and would only agree to refill my prescription of Campral and recommend a natural supplement for sleep. She also gave me the number of counselor who specializes in addiction so I?m very glad that?s been initiated but I leave tomorrow! Sheesh?wish me luck, coz I?m gonna need it.
    Don't tell me it can't be done until I'm finished doing it.

    Wish Me Luck

    Have you checked out the toolbox thread Shanny? Some great info and tip's. Just do your best buddy.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Wish Me Luck

      You can do it Shanny if you make your mind up before hand - noone will put that drink to your lips except yourself. The tool box is excellent - the urge surfing is the tool I use most and it really really works. Don't let any doubt into your mind, prethink situations each day so you don't get caught unawares. I went away once 'hoping' to stay sober - no way was that ever going to work, I was drinking before I got on the plane. Last couple of times I went away I was 100% determined and thoroughly enjoyed myself. There will be moments when a drink just seems to 'fit the bill' and sounds lovely - project to how you'll feel when you 'can't' stop when normies do and things start going pearshaped.
      Best of luck Shanny and I often use this place and the thought of having to 'fess up' here as enough of a deterrent!!
      Contentedly sober since 27/12/2011
      contentedly NF since 8/04/14


        Wish Me Luck

        Hi Shanny,

        Don't know if you saw this thread but in all honesty it's one of the best posts I've seen. If you have the time it's worth printing off and putting it in your luggage.

        Wishing you a safe flight, strength and a Happy Christmas.

        J x
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Wish Me Luck

          Good lLuck Shanny, and have a very merry Christmas.


            Wish Me Luck

            Best of luck to you friend! You may be surprised just how strong you are! Have a wonderful holiday and we will be here if you need us!
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              Wish Me Luck

              Shanny, best to you... tap that resolve that's deep down inside and break the day into segments if you need to. Please take the toolbox print out with you! And ENJOY yourself!
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                Wish Me Luck

                Hi Shanny, and I hope that you can hold fast while on your trip. You might want to write down your goals, and reasons for being sober, and keep this paper with you. When you have a real tough moment, find a private place and review that letter. Don't forget that you can urge surf. The urges will come, expect them. Some urges like waves, will be smaller or higher, last longer or shorter. Focus on them, ride them, and remember that they will pass. This concept helps give me some power over the urge. Hang in there, and Happy Holidays.
                Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                  Wish Me Luck

                  Hi Shanny i was in that position about a month ago , i didnt want to go on the trip but did. if you can say no on the first drink , the first chance anyone hands, offers you a drink that was the key for me, it might sound simple even stupid but it sets the rest of the trip up for you, every other drink you say no to gets easier. yes i got loads off " what the fuck do you mean your not drinking" comments and bullshit for about the first hour but after that people didnt care. It opened my eyes a lot , i still had a good time and has made my journey easier since. you can do it and it is so worth it good luck
                  AF 5/jan/2011


                    Wish Me Luck

                    Good Luck Shanny......this would be tough for me too, but you can do it!!
                    I order my antabuse on line at
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Wish Me Luck

                      Best of luck Shanny. Have a lovely Christmas. Since you're flying out tomorrow, I guess you don't have time to order and receive Antabuse or something similar. Hopefully the Campral will help you and the sleep supplement as well. Take an extra read through the "Tool Box" and such if you have time. Don't let AL ruin your Christmas. Tell him to bugger off...
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Wish Me Luck

                        Thanx eveyone, your support is invaluable.
                        Merry Christmas to all.
                        Don't tell me it can't be done until I'm finished doing it.

