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Army Thread 24th December

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    Army Thread 24th December

    betty boop;1027956 wrote: Hiya tips!!!

    Are you all ready??? :l
    We don't make that big a fuss about Christmas, BB. But yeah - we're about as ready as can be
    I'll do whatever it takes
    AF 21/08/2009


      Army Thread 24th December

      Great stuff Tips, Have a great day if I don't get back on here again later :l:h:l


        Army Thread 24th December

        Thanks, BB - Merry Christmas to you and yours :l
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread 24th December

          Hi everone just droping in and out again to say hi and have a great day , thanks Mario , Chilli and betty i didnt think i would be feeling like this as i didnt have too much trouble after about three weeks dry. if i can get past tonight i know i'll be all right tomorrow as the inlaws are here for dinner and they would put anyone off drinking
          AF 5/jan/2011


            Army Thread 24th December

            Merry Christmas Army!!!
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Army Thread 24th December

              UGHH. Don't want to pass this feeling onto the kids! Just rang mum back home-she's supposed to go to my brother's house tomorrow. But he said it might not be possible! His wife got out of rehab a few months ago and is back on the drink and acting crazy. JAYSUS!!! And they are the "normal" ones. I'm the one who could not be the Godmother for my niece because I was too "wild". WTF! So now mum is crying and saying she can't even talk to my kids on the phone. Tried to ring my brother but he's not picking up. I come from a family of loonies. Sorry Army. I know we are all trying to cheer each other up---and I come up with this family crap. Maybe I should start a thread for the most fucked up family of the year award. Oh yeah-and my dad died right after Christmas because he was drunk and smashed into a tree! We are just a gorgeous family all together aren't we?


                Army Thread 24th December

                madmans;1027968 wrote: if i can get past tonight i know i'll be all right tomorrow as the inlaws are here for dinner and they would put anyone off drinking
                dont imagine the inlaws would be great company either if you have a stinking hangover :H
                stay sober Madman, you know its the only option
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Army Thread 24th December

                  Evening All,

                  We're listening Xpat, darling:l
                  It could be worse, I could be filing.
                  AF since 7/7/2009


                    Army Thread 24th December

                    Expat :l
                    What the hell is normal!!???

                    I went home a few christmases ago and it was like a scene out of Eastenders Christmas special. Nephew got drink, fought with his Dad, his Dad threw him out the house and told him never to come back, my other Sister intervened telling him he was a bad parent, much screaming took place and he then physically removed her from the house plus my neice(her daughter), I walked out drunk into the street with no idea how to get back to my hotel shouting that they were all loonies!!! Luckily a family friend ran after me and walked me the 4 miles back zig zagging all the way. my Sister and Brother in Law still dont speak (not the Sister who's married to him, although she cant stand him either :H) Now Im glad to stay away.......
                    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                    AF - JAN 1st 2010
                    NF - May 1996


                      Army Thread 24th December

                      Merry Christmas to my friends in the Army.:coolsanta:

                      Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                      St. Francis of Assisi


                        Army Thread 24th December

                        In respect to my mother --I must say she never drinks. So we are not total crazies-she MAYBE has a glass of wine at a holiday if that. My brother too. Maybe a beer with some friends. But drink has really affected our lives. Mum kind of brought up a lot of stuff and I don't know what to do.


                          Army Thread 24th December

                          It's not alcohol that just ruins the drinker's life. It's the waves it makes throughout the family.
                          It could be worse, I could be filing.
                          AF since 7/7/2009


                            Army Thread 24th December

                            Well, my daughter knows what is going on-she's 14-but the little lad is only 6. I WILL NOT RUIN HIS CHRISTMAS. How does all this shit come back from the past? AND I MOVED MANY MILES AWAY. And we are supposed to watch Toy Story 3. I am going to watch the film. They will not ruin this time with my kids.


                              Army Thread 24th December

                              :lOK-all good -just going to unplug from the world for awhile and continue with our evening. May sound selfish but I have had too many times ruined for my brother and myself when we were young. Not going to do the same to my own. FUCK DRINKING-it ruins lives. Off to watch Toy Story-but i will be around. expat xxxx


                                Army Thread 24th December

                                Looking after you and the kids is your numero uno prioty
                                Shift up the sofa,Xpat. I'll bring the popcorn.
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

