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Harper`s Article

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    Harper`s Article

    Very True, Janka. I also agree we have a choice. Just as a diabetic has a choice not to eat foods that will cause a problem with their system, I have a choice not to do something that will be harmful to my particular body chemistry.

    Have a great evening.


      Harper`s Article

      Hello All,

      I personally subscribe to the Rational Recovery concept that a drinking problem is not a disease. I spent a good part of Thanksgiving and Christmas visiting an individual diagnosed with bladder cancer who had to have it removed and is not recovering from the two operations very well due to his age. Bladder cancer can be called a disease however to me my daily habit of getting in the car, buying a twelve pack of heineken, pouring it in the glass, and drinking the poisen is not. I have a problematic habit which I gave to myself and will require me to fix it. In fixing it I have two enemies - the first obviously is alcohol, my second worst enemy is complacency in sobriety. The second is my most important task right now.
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        Harper`s Article

        Hi AW -- I agree. Problematic habits can be fixed. Old-fashioned, self-discipline does help in the fix, I think.
        Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


          Harper`s Article

          Hey Brightlite, this concept of some people being prone to alcohol addiction is one that I need to research more. Perhpas a lot of us have experienced this. Big brother is scary.
          Sunny, great work on your nearly a year of sobriety, I also have decided on total sobriety. It is very difficult to avoid exposure in our society for sure. I have not gone to AA, I live in a small town, perhaps this mwo forum, has filled part of that role for me.
          Mylife, the chemical imbalance concept is one certainly worthy of more exploration. I agree with you about the connotations of the term alcoholic. The addictive personality idea, might predict that we move on to another addiction after going sober. Perhaps exercise, coffee etc. I love your signature, I have that saying posted on my wall, so I read it every day. I figure, the stupid things I did drunk, I did once. Daily, I am trying to make myself better, starting with sobriety, I want that to be who I am.
          Janka, for sure, I agree that it boils down to our chosing sobriety, and chosing not to drink. An interesting question, is what situation is needed, in order for a long time problem drinker, to finally be able to chose to start the battle of sobriety and all it entails.
          Allswell, complacency in sobriety is a great way to word it. I spent so many years and years in that exact state. I have often called alcohol "evil" on posts in here, because I feel that it can affect our brain so strongly and really impair our decision making; including in regards to chosing to stop drinking so much, so often etc. Janka and mylife as well here, what are your thoughts on the impaired decision making, as a result of drinking, which perhaps facilitates our drinking problem?

          Thanks for the dialogue, it is very purposeful.
          Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


            Harper`s Article

            Morning All,

            First, Sunny why are you leaving on Jan 13th? Don't you know that the sobriety you have achieved needs to be shared. Your battles, your help so many with your posts. Don't sign off...stay, help others to fight. You are an inspiration, especially on the meds forum and a documented case for BAC.

            I've had years of thinking about this alcohol problem that I have. I have had years of trying every approach, except AA because I also live in a small town and I have different concepts as to the causes of alcohol addiction and the effects of treatments, which AA is not a treatment, but a support group and works for some, however I know that I would not fall into that category. I've pretty much studied the whole Alcohol Industry, and always refer to science for my decisions regarding....well anything in life.

            From what I've read, I believe it is a metabolic disorder with varying degrees. I am physically addicted and pyschologically addicted to alcohol. Possibly some people experience it to a lesser degree in one area or another. All that said, there is no one TRUE CURE for Alcohol Addiction. People find their "Own Way Out" with the help of various tools, the combination of which may be different for each individual on here. Will Power and Abstinence are the most powerful tools. Addressing anxiety in some way with meds, exercise, meditation or all of these is a constant task.

            Allswell, I go along with the rational recovery thoughts too. Glad to see you are doing well.

            Hillsidetime, "The addictive personality idea, might predict that we move on to another addiction after going sober. Perhaps exercise, coffee etc."
            Yes, I believe we have to fill "the void" with something. A new hobby, exercise.....either way it will be good for us! Right!?

            Everything I need is within me!

