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Going to commit suicide

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    Going to commit suicide

    janka;1031365 wrote: Hi again Dixon ... I don't understand your question ... can you please clarify???
    Hi Janka,
    Sorry that I am weak in English as it is my secondary language !
    I would like to try to clarify my question as belows.

    1. I tell her straight forward everything I don't like her behaviour .For example if I don't like her dress up I will say her that it must not be like that way...and she will get annoyed !!

    What idea I wanted is ,
    2.I must made her understood my interest and adopt accordingly without saying anything directly but showing the different behaviour.
    Does it make any sense ?
    Otherwise please leave it and we can discuss in different matter.
    A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

    2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

    Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

    2013 : So many ups and down !!

    2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


      Going to commit suicide

      Hi, maybe she feels you are criticizing her and then she gets annoyed! It may be hard for her to change her behavior and adapt to your wishes. It is very difficult for anyone to change their behavior -- for example, staying on a sober path -- doable but difficult. j
      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


        Going to commit suicide

        Janka and all ,

        If it is difficult to change her behaviour, is it better to escape from ???
        -If I escaped ,I will be in trouble there is no certainty that I get the right person or live alone !!
        -If not escaped, I always be in trouble and depressed and doing nothing ...what to do.
        - I would like to surrender my life to her ,still there is conflict between heart and mind.Heart says lets surrender and make her happy ! Mind says you are the great person and can be the prime minister of your country back why sticks with her ?? so and so..
        -On the other hand alcohol is invading my mind heart,relation and health gradually to rule out on its own. We are loosing alcohol is winning!!!:h:h:h Shame ....
        Lets try how could we rule over alcohol ,do I need a divine power ??

        Winner says it is difficult but possible ,looser says it could be possible but very difficult.

        Lets be winner this time!!! Yehaaa:wave:
        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

        2013 : So many ups and down !!

        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


          Going to commit suicide

          Hi Dixon, take it slowly and easy. For now, opt for being sober! j
          Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


            Going to commit suicide

            Hi Dixon. I too suggest focusing on your sobriety and getting some sober time under your belt before making any huge personal decisions. The world looked very different to me after a year of sobriety than it did at 5 days of sobriety.

            With anyone in life, there are things I like a lot and other things not so much. That includes my husband. What I accept today is that I AM NOT PERFECT EITHER!!! There are many things he loves about me, and there are some other things he doesn't like so much. But he thinks the whole package is pretty good and he accepts the parts of me he loves AND the parts of me that aren't so great. Maybe you can begin to look at yourself and you wife a little like that? Not expecting perfection but looking for what you DO appreciate?

            The MOST important thing is to stay sober one day at a time. Congratulations on another day of achieving the most important thing!

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              Going to commit suicide

              Doggygirl;1031481 wrote: Hi Dixon. I too suggest focusing on your sobriety and getting some sober time under your belt before making any huge personal decisions. The world looked very different to me after a year of sobriety than it did at 5 days of sobriety.

              With anyone in life, there are things I like a lot and other things not so much. That includes my husband. What I accept today is that I AM NOT PERFECT EITHER!!! There are many things he loves about me, and there are some other things he doesn't like so much. But he thinks the whole package is pretty good and he accepts the parts of me he loves AND the parts of me that aren't so great. Maybe you can begin to look at yourself and you wife a little like that? Not expecting perfection but looking for what you DO appreciate?

              The MOST important thing is to stay sober one day at a time. Congratulations on another day of achieving the most important thing!

              Very nice !!!
              Janka, I wait, see and focus on sober life first Thank you for both of you...You are caring !!
              A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

              2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

              Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

              2013 : So many ups and down !!

              2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                Going to commit suicide

                Dixon - Im so glad to see so much fantastic advice here on this thread and also to see how much more positive you are feeling.

                I wanted to make a suggestion which i hope does not offend but would it not be good to start a new thread with a more positive title? Everytime I see this one it has a negative effect on me and Im sure on others too. Things like this can influence our subconscious minds more than we realize so lets focus on the good and on a positive way forward.
                "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                AF - JAN 1st 2010
                NF - May 1996


                  Going to commit suicide

                  I agree Chill, a new positive thread would be much better. I am so glad you are feeling better Dixon!
                  "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                  AF 10th May 2010
                  NF 12th May 2010


                    Going to commit suicide

                    Good call Chill. Always makes my heart drop a little when I see that!

                    Plus Dixon - you are past that and ready to fill your life wth positive thoughts and strength. Go for it!
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                      Going to commit suicide

                      Chillgirl;1031498 wrote: Dixon - Im so glad to see so much fantastic advice here on this thread and also to see how much more positive you are feeling.

                      I wanted to make a suggestion which i hope does not offend but would it not be good to start a new thread with a more positive title? Everytime I see this one it has a negative effect on me and Im sure on others too. Things like this can influence our subconscious minds more than we realize so lets focus on the good and on a positive way forward.
                      Hi Chill-girl,

                      Thank you for your worry about all of us.You know, it saved my life because of this hot thread.I would have died otherwise!! I got an emergency services from all of you and convinced me that if I have to wait and see if I have 100 challenges now I would have 1000 opportunities in future.That's why I re-think and decided to living.
                      -I am back from cemetery.
                      -I got not only re-birth but going to AF soon.
                      -May be other people who have such sentiments compelled to rethink !
                      Of course everything has dark and light part ,I don't know which one is larger in this thread but it became undiscovered medicine for me.
                      If it is not good for major part of the community ,I discontinue it and start a fresh thread. Obviously we need a mutual support and cure !!!!!
                      Lets share !Thank you very much indeed .........
                      A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                      2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                      Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                      2013 : So many ups and down !!

                      2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                        Going to commit suicide

                        Ok let it drop now !!
                        Thank you all for your valuable suggestion.
                        You people are very kind ...
                        Thanks MWO group as well !!!:thanks::thanks::thanks:
                        A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                        2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                        Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                        2013 : So many ups and down !!

                        2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                          Going to commit suicide


                          OK, you PM'D me..get your ass back on here!!!

                          You need us and we NEED you!

                          Better see you today!

                          The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

                          *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


                            Going to commit suicide

                            Lady Lush and all,
                            Never going to commit suicide !
                            Some people commit suicide cause of short negative wave into their brain any never get excuse !! .It is like a wave comes in and go out but we must not lose our hope and think for good tomorrow.There are some myths on taking antidepressants, means no good life but I have seen so many people are doing a lot pretty well.Its a kind of scarcity of a chemical in our brain,good circulation of oxygen to our brain is necessary as well as some supplements.One we do that we get perfect. We need some exercise and long breathing to inhale the oxygen in our nerves. Remember good flow oxygen to brain is important as per my finding !! .Its better to have some meditations.If we do these we easily can beat depression with low dose of medication.
                            Lets give up this bad habit ... now I am doing well with yours suggestion and study of many books like what is life ???
                            Just lurking twice or thrice a month where I used to be almost everyday before...!! What a hell it was !!
                            A learned habit surely be unlearned !!

                            2012: Continuous AF for 7 months from May to Oct.

                            Big Relapses : 6th November and 12th December 2012.

                            2013 : So many ups and down !!

                            2014: Has a conviction to stay with a healthy life.


                              Going to commit suicide

                              Good work Dixon! Glad you're finding your way. Keep posting your progress!

                              Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                              St. Francis of Assisi

