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What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

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    What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

    Hi Friends

    I had my last drink at 11.55pm last New Years Eve and at a minute past midnight on Jan 1st I will be celebrating one year AF.
    However I am in a real dilemma as to what to do with myself on this 1st sober New Year's Eve and would love to hear everyone's
    thoughts and plans on how they intend to spend it.

    By the very nature of it, New Year always involves copious amounts of alcohol, parties and celebrations going on throughout the night.
    Do we now all avoid these events?
    Do all the sober people in the world stay home on New Years Eve?!?!
    What have the long termers done in the past?

    On one hand can I not go to the party where my friends will be and enjoy it AF?
    Im not sure that I can.... its not that I would be tempted to drink but when the count down begins and the champagne goes pop do I really want to be there?

    Or do I stay home instead and enjoy a peaceful quiet time away from the party goers? Is this how New Years will be from now on?

    How are you spending it?

    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996

    What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

    Hey Chill - do you think you wlil be successful going to the party and staying AF? You are damn strong, but sometimes even the thought of slipping is enough to keep me away from those situations. Sparkling cider in the champagne bottles is still nice at midnight! Plus no headache in the morning! I don't like to be out on the roads around here wth the crazies.

    These are my plans: I purposely told my two eldest to have a few friends over. They know I am not drinking so I will be held accountable. My husband will most likely be drinking beer, but that doesn't bother me as wine is my poison of choice and having beer in the house does not bother me. It did when I drank though - when the wine was gone I would move on to his beer! No wine, no moving on!

    There will be lots of sparkling bubbly things, sodas and tons of snacks. Movies, music and hats etc. I am having them sleep over and will make a nice New Years breakfast for them and watch Philadelphia's Mummers Parade on TV. I will be drinking AF bloody mary's and hanging out. I wll thyen take all these Christmas decorations down before my head explodes. It's so funny, I am all about Christmas from the day after Thanksgiving, but come New Years I want this house devoid of anything remotely resembling Christmas! My husband wlil not allow me to take the tree down until after the Epiphany though!
    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


      What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

      I have never been tempted on new years because of one thing, my kids. I have always been the person that keeps all the kids while the adults party ever since I was 13. I would have the neighbor hood kids at my house and the adults would be next door partying it up and I would have the older ones up and we would watch the ball drop and the younger ones would be in bed. Now that I have kids I watch my kids friends and the cousins while the parents party. Me and my husband and the kids stay up and pop pop-its and throw confetti and bang pots and pans at midnight and there is always kissing and hugging and kids screaming happy new year and there is never anything to drink much less AL. Are there any bodies kids you could watch? That only works though if you like kids.
      You always succeed if you never stop trying.
      Everyday we choose the direction of change.


        What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

        Hey Wagon I think we are on the same page!
        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


          What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

          I plan on having a very nice quiet and relaxing night at home with some Chinese food and a good movie with my little girl. I will be asleep before midnight comes around, but I was never much of a New Years celebrator anyway; Christmas was my hard moment to pass through.

          I don't think we have to give up those moments forever, but in the early days I really believe a little distance is never a bad thing. I'm learning to enjoy moments like these sober, but real change never happens overnight, it's a constant learning process as we all know.

          I think you should do what ever makes your comfortable, but don't put yourself at risk if you don't need to. Spending a quiet night at home is really nice as well.


            What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

            Hi Guys,

            I am trying to steer my husband toward an outdoor festival that involves lots of walking around and seeing different things, listening to music etc. 1) It will be too cold to drink 2) If I want to stay awake until midnight and not face the wrath of my angry hubby the next day, I better not drink!

            So, I think I will be okay. I would LOVE to stay home and take down the tree, but my husband has a thing about waiting until after the Epiphany too Wagon! That tree is giving me a headache already! :H:H

            I really think for me it will be more fun to be alert and awake and remember New Years for a change!


              What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

              Hiya Chilli!

              I'm going to a friends party that's a regular event. I'll drive myself there. I will also arrive later (not too late, as i like these people very much, but if i was really anxious would arrive late), and i'll leave after midnight, but will stay as long as i feel comfortable doing so, and if i'm really having a great time. Not everyone is a pisshead, so a decent conversation can usually be found. You can also follow me on Twitter.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                One more thing -- Chill -- congratulations on one year!!! Way to go, you must be so proud of yourself! :goodjob:


                  What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                  Hi Chill

                  Wonderful, Wonderful that you are about to celebrate one year AF!! Congratulations to YOU!!

                  Celebrating New Years lost it's charm quite a while back for me.....seemed to lack the promise of a good time. Definitely since becoming sober, I have no desire to go out with a heavily drinking crowd. So, we will spend a nice, quiet evening at home, reading, listening to good music, good conversation and perhaps a movie. We will start off the New Year, rested, and content!! I wish you and everyone here the same!

                  Happy New Year!!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                    chilli, I'm look forward to your one year anniversary celebration!!! :yougo::yougo::yougo:

                    Mean time....I am keeping two options open. We might go to a pot luck dinner and speaker at the Alano club. Those are actually very fun and there are tons of good cooks around here! Or we might just stay home and relax. Either way, it will be "memorable" in the sense that we will remember what we did.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                      Guys thanks so much for the replies, please keep them coming, I want to know what everyone is doing!! :H
                      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                      AF - JAN 1st 2010
                      NF - May 1996


                        What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                        You'll undoubtably be wanting to know what we're wearing too.

                        So, summer here, but depending on the weather, i'll likely be in denim jean's, riding boot's, and possibly a vest of some sort, or maybe a singlet (tanktop?) under a beautifully cut dinner jacket. Oh, and commando of course.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                          Guitarista;1030081 wrote: You'll undoubtably be wanting to know what we're wearing too.

                          So, summer here, but depending on the weather, i'll likely be in denim jean's, riding boot's, and possibly a vest of some sort, or maybe a singlet (tanktop?) under a beautifully cut dinner jacket. Oh, and commando of course.
                          I will insist on a photo Mr G but you can send it to me privately
                          "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
                          AF - JAN 1st 2010
                          NF - May 1996


                            What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                            Chillgirl;1030083 wrote: I will insist on a photo Mr G but you can send it to me privately
                            Yes.. photo is a must... and none of this private stuff, either! :H

                            Chillygirl... huge congrats on hitting the one year mark! That's fantastic!

                            I haven't got a clue what we're doing yet.. for years and years, the party on New Year's eve was always at my house but things have changed since I moved here to the island. Right now, I don't feel like going out to a dance or something.. so I think we'll probably just stay in and pass out in front of that fancy schmancy high defisomethingrather multi media mumbo jumbo setup in our bedroom :H
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              What's everyone doing New Years Eve?

                              I was never one for the parties either so will be doing what I have done for many years now, a quite night in, except this year I will be joining you in celebrating your sobriety with nothing stronger than cranberry juice.
                              I am very proud of you Chilli :l
                              Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?

