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bit late for xmas

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    bit late for xmas

    just a few days late to wish everyone a happy christmas. ive not been here for a while and theres lots of posts to read. i didnt know where to jump in so ill be self indulgent and jump in here. ive been quite awful lately... for one reason only ive been stinking drunk. i think i had intended having a 'couple' of drinks on christmas day. i got drunk on christmas eve while suppose to be shopping and finishing making presents. managed xmas day lunch with parents sober but shaky. came home .. pissed again. boxing day in bed feeling poo. found my leftover booze and did it all again on monday... awful awful awful. yesterday in bed feeling awful.. shakes and sweating... now its today. what am i gonna do. im not gonna drink.. im gonna clean.. me and the house and the dogs. i feel like a broken record. been here before, said it all before. will i do it this time. ive started reading alan carrs book. ive had it for a while and just dipped into it.. im now starting from the begining and read each page to the end. ive ran out of campral as i was too pissed to order my prescription but it obviously wasnt helping that much. no booze in the house... the local shop is shut so i would have to walk a little bit further... but i dont want to anyway. sorry this is a same old same old post but im not gonna stop trying. hope you all had a lovely christmas and santa stuffed your sacks full of goodies and goodness.xx
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows

    bit late for xmas

    on a more cheery note, santa brought me lots of goodies and hope. ive got a voucher for a balloon ride in the lakes.... wehey... cant wait.. and lots of tools for wood carving..... that'll keep me busy and out of mischief. and the best of all i still have hope!!!!
    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
    Keep passing the open windows


      bit late for xmas

      Sorry to hear of your troubles Spud - was wondering where you have been. The holidays are hard on all of us. Get back on track and things will fall into place. And THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE! Keep positive. 2011 will be a good year for you! Never stop trying
      February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

      When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


        bit late for xmas

        Hiya, Spuddie :l

        Yep. Never give up on giving up AL...

        You need to dig deep and come up with a plan, my love... :l:l:l

        It's good to see you posting. Would be lovely to see you in the Army as well, OK?
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          bit late for xmas

          flipping eck sheri... talk about me missing the obvious.. ive never actually thought about the supps pack or the book.....????? how dumb is that. yep its definately time to check it out as what ive been doing hasnt been working lately. thanks for that simple reminder.
          Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
          Keep passing the open windows


            bit late for xmas


            Welcome back. Hey I've given up on Campral because whenever I've taken it I've always drunk anyway. I'm convinced it's all in the mind and the Campral just detracts making you lazy. Just a thought.

            Now here is another thought. I got drunk all day Christmas Eve but in doing so I decided to make use of limited drink opportunities on Christmas Day so I could get a head start. Sound daft?

            No because firstly my family don't drink(well not around me), so there'd be no chance of boozin at my Mother's. Then of course the Off-licences are mostly shut, I got a lift there and back and by the time I was back home the pubs were shut anyway(is it around 10pm that day?). I did have some booze left over but that went into the bin and after a day being nice I was too tired to bother getting it out. Sunday?got up and sorted my car out, had a 45 minute walk before the pubs opened and went back to bed for the day. Anything to avoid drink. By Monday I did get a bit scared because I was pissed off and didn't believe I could do anything - I had a massive shopping list, plus other things to sort out and had a fat-ugly day. So I went to the gym EVEN though I felt POO and afterwards I felt great, walked past any off-licence that was open(remember it's all limited on Bank Holidays) and went to bed early.

            I'm not saying get pissed before then but how about you look at New Year like that, it's actually a really good day for AVOIDING booze - because the sale of it is restricted so much and you can just lie in bed if you want, just get rid of any in the house and watch videos or something. ANYTHING. You can do the same Sunday as well as the extra Bank Holiday. That's 3 easy days AF. Just don't go near any pubs whilst they are open and tell the world to sod off. If you don't buy any and don't go to places that have it openly then you can't have any. Simple. I sometimes think of it as disengaging body from head, something we are good at doing quite often just in reverse.


              bit late for xmas

              Hiya Spudders - I've missed you - get ya downy little arse over to the army thread - THAT'S AN ORDER!!!!
              It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                bit late for xmas

                Hi hunni,
                i hope you're feeling better and jump back og the wagoon and stay this time.
                Good luck.


                  bit late for xmas

                  Hi Spuds, the supps have made all the difference to me. We have so much biochemical damage to repair with our poor old bodies and brains, that sometimes all the willpower and thinking just cant compensate. I tried the 'SEVEN WEEKS TO SOBRIETY' by Dr. Joan Larson..........a miracle has happened, I have my sanity back and my sobriety. Its worth a try...healthy body, healthy mind. Up and at em Spuds, Saffxx
                  I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                    bit late for xmas

                    Hi Spuds and welcome back. I too am a big believer in the help of the supplements. I don't think any of these tools are "magic." It is still hard to quit drinking. But they really helped me get started. Hope you consider it.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      bit late for xmas

                      Hi Spuddleduck and welcome back!!! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. BUT don't beat yourself up!!! Gets you nowhere fast. Just know you will feel better as the alcohol passes thru your system. Allow yourself to get though the process ... it will get better! Hang in there, don't think too much/heavily, avoid alcohol, and check back in with us. Best, j
                      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                        bit late for xmas

                        God grant you all the Serenity to accept the things you cannot change, Courage to change the things you can, and the Wisdom to know the difference!

                        Happy Sober -Free New Year Everyone!!!


                          bit late for xmas

                          Serenity Prayer

                          God grant you all the Serenity to accept the things you cannot change, Courage to change the things you can, and the Wisdom to know the difference!

                          Happy Sober -Free New Year Everyone!!!:goodjob:


                            bit late for xmas

                            thanks guys for all the suggestions. ill take them all on board. its only day 2 af and i cant really count yesterday as i was feeling so awful (then again in the past i would have got stuck back into booze to blank it all out). been talking to mr spuds about new years eve and we plan on a quiet night in and a walk with the dogs. for f/??s sake i think ive had enough new years eve partying to last a lifetime. why prolong the agony and the crap. ive spent today cleaning and stuff and tonight ive been watching cute films on telly... stuart little, lion the witch and the wardrobe... soon to be finished off with charlie and the chocolate factory (its hell for us diabetics ha ha).
                            uk... love your way of thinking .. odd logic but excellent planning
                            i was so happy when i had my first sober birthday last year so heres to a sober new years eve and beyond
                            Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                            Keep passing the open windows


                              bit late for xmas

                              oo and thanks for the supplement thread. interesting article and the replies also.i missed that. very informative.
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows

