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Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

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    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

    Come on, Undies ... it's 8am. Get up and out there!

    Thinking of Missy because she usually starts us off and hope she's having a lovely time with MrB and the boy.


      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

      Good morning Undies,

      Tawn, Perhaps because I was denied arcade games in my youf ? I was originally playing them to do something other than hold a glass of alcoholic beverage in my hand.
      Never had my eyebrows stroked. Going to have to look up your insect.

      I'm off for a dive and a session at Curves then stuck into housework. Got to try to get some weight off to ease the strain on these ageing knees and back.
      Big day gardening tomorrow is planned. Lot and lots and lots of weeding to do.

      Have a beaut day and be kind to yourselves.


        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

        stirly-girly;1042705 wrote: For Tawny with :h

        Ode For a Frog

        A pan to cook a cake in, a pie or even bread.
        A pan to fry a fish in or hit you on the head.
        There?s water in her parlour and water in her yard.
        She's trying to be patient here, trying very hard.
        You pick a fight and then back down, saying it wasn?t you.
        But everybody read your posts and knows it isn?t true.
        So don?t be coming back again with trouble on your mind.
        We have room for almost all, but not the fighting kind.
        You ask for help and patience but then you go and ?smack? her.
        So they turn against you and don?t give a fat rat?s clacker.
        So fill your pan with sticky dough and bake some cakes or breads.
        It's better than making trouble and messing with our heads.
        Stirly that is GREAT!!!!

        Tawny I throb you ... :l:h:l


          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

          Morning lovlies,

          Did anyone have trouble with this site yesdy? Couldnt for the life of me get any updates, just kept getting thrown back to page bloody 15!!!

          Condoloscences to Bridgeebaby on the passing of Scapelle. Is Mercedes looking lost?

          Tawny how are things in frogland re water floodage? Hope things are drying out for you.

          Rags you will get R.S.I. of the thumbs if you continue to press buttons in a crazed and frenzied fashion...take care my dear.

          Stirly, you are simply the stirliest of girls...always coming to the aid of the embuggered, luv ya.

          Mr. G. just paint some clear nail polish on recalcitrant eyebrows, you will need a pickaxe to get it off, but you do what ya gotta do

          Gday Ficks, Mish and Beags, Aspy, where are you Reggie?

          My news: Boys are scattering near and far and finding their feet away from the mother hen. Have one left at home who is trying to get a house together with three mates close to the uni in hobart. He will be here for about ten days and then its just me and Lucy girl left.

          She is a delight, loves me to bits and has a cute girly personality. Work is very fulfilling, tough and full of crisises in lives that have generally known nothing else. I come home on MOnday morning with eyes that have opened even wider than the week before and a gratitude that just fills my soul. Folks my apprenticeship in the dark world of addiction is serving me very well indeed and I give thanks for the learning and understanding that has arisen from it. Now its my turn to instill a spark of hope for others who so desperatley need it.

          I'm off into the rest for the some P/T to do today, walk Lucy, watch the grass grow even longer and marvel at the mysteries of life.

          Luvs yas :h:h:h:h:h:h
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

            Hey Undies. As I've said, love to check in with you crazy mates. Your sense of humor is so much like mine, and I appreciate all I've learned (???) from you people. Keep up the foolishness - you have big hearts.
            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

              Hiya lovely undies,
              just having a read back on the threads, gonna jump back into my ranks ma?ana if they'll not stick me in the brigg for being missing for a while..
              I hope you all are ok and hopefully getting things a bit heart does go out for all of you..:h
              I see we have a pan full of shite back again...feck sake...
              I loved our stirly's on kiddo..:goodjob:

              I've been having a strange time of it all, but nothing major, mega bad..but rocky....not good, but am still holding it together..


                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                Hello sweet friends. Been away on a weekend jaunt again. This past Friday I successfully shape-shifted into a moth, with beautiful pink stripes and a long long nose which I used to sniff out whether any of you were in danger from the floods. I'm happy to report that apart from some minimal water damage you are all fine. Froglets property needs a bit of drying out. Bridge seemed lonely without house guests. But what do I know I'm just a moth. Lovely scents your way except for that gook you all spread on your bread.

                Hope you are ALL safe and sound!? I was in Foxboro, Mass yesterday to see the New York Jets defeat the New England Patriots. VERY EXCITING STUFF. Currently, I'm skiing in Lee Mass and freezing my long nose off!!!

                (oh BTW it was American Football. As if!!!)
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                  hi gang.
                  just a hello, and i am thinking of joining the chicken club. I think the kids would get a kick out of em . non?

                  ps..450 days sober can be converted to one of these units:
                  38,880,000 seconds
                  648,000 minutes
                  10,800 hours
                  64 weeks (rounded down)

                  AF since 10/26/2009

                  It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                    rubywillow;1043449 wrote: Hey Undies. As I've said, love to check in with you crazy mates. Your sense of humor is so much like mine, and I appreciate all I've learned (???) from you people. Keep up the foolishness - you have big hearts.
                    Gday Ruby,

                    What foolishness do you allude to my dear???? Dont you know we are deadly serious about bloody everything:H It reminds me of that Monty Python song from the Life of Brian "Always look on the bright side of death, just before you take your terminal breath" if seen as totally ridiculous most of the time, or at least the circumstances that we allow to happen upon us are ridiculous is so much more fun. MY mother has this amazing ability to turn what may seem to be a really dastardly situation into an absolute riot....she is the master optimist.....and can always be called upon to drag me out of the pity party by the hair of the head:H Have a magical day Rubes:l
                    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                      helloooo all undies & friends which does include all overseas visitors....
                      1st day back in ages & currently got heaps to tell you, heaps of slugs vids back-dated & now my mobile is in no signal land & just got back from town & did some shopping & i'm really hungry so going to have some shoe-string fries with that thanks ma'am...& i haven't read back but hope everyones ok....will read back soonish.
                      Mish is doing great guns (spoke to her t'other day) & seems well on the way to beating this thing.
                      It's hot hot hot here in West Oz could fry an egg on your car bonnet.
                      ok will be back in a widdle while to converse,burble & generally natter away as i do.


                        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                        tawnyfrog;1042974 wrote: Rags - I think you've been fibbing us. I think you're a 14-yo boy with far too much time on his hands. NO ADULT woman can achieve King of the Arcade status by such a HUGE margin. That's just not right.

                        In other news ... For a couple of days I've been fascinated by what looks like a moth hanging around the liliums. It's moth-shaped, with beautiful pink stripes and a long long nose which she uses to suck nectar out of the middle of the flower whilst hovering like one of those hummingbird thingos.

                        Well I'll be ........... thanks to Mr. Google, I've discovered the Agrius convolvuli and who knew that the long, long nose is actually known as an 'extended haustellum'?

                        Must use that somewhere soon.

                        "And I'll thank you to keep your extended haustellum out of my business".
                        And here's a picture kiddies.....



                          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                          techie;1043479 wrote: Hello sweet friends. Been away on a weekend jaunt again. This past Friday I successfully shape-shifted into a moth, with beautiful pink stripes and a long long nose which I used to sniff out whether any of you were in danger from the floods. I'm happy to report that apart from some minimal water damage you are all fine. Froglets property needs a bit of drying out. Bridge seemed lonely without house guests. But what do I know I'm just a moth. Lovely scents your way except for that gook you all spread on your bread.
                          Aw Techie, that is so sweet


                            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                            Techster ...
                            Them's fightin' words, young man. GOOK?????? GOOK??? GOOK???

                            So lovely to see all our international guests today and all the regular Undies. I'm a tad on the stuffed side of things tonight and rooly need to catch some zeds but when I get my shit together, I'm going to tell you about the most wonderful and lovely thing that happened to me today. Tomorrow.



                              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                              tawnyfrog;1043720 wrote: Techster ...
                              Them's fightin' words, young man. GOOK?????? GOOK??? GOOK???

                              So lovely to see all our international guests today and all the regular Undies. I'm a tad on the stuffed side of things tonight and rooly need to catch some zeds but when I get my shit together, I'm going to tell you about the most wonderful and lovely thing that happened to me today. Tomorrow.

                              What the HELL are you doing up at this ungodly hour ?
                              It's past nine ......... PAST NINE !!!!!
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                                Yooooooooo hoooooooooo Undies

                                Rags, you've probably already seen this but I had to share. I'm so excited for our main man.

                                It?s Official: Jim Parsons Is A Big Star! | Wizbang Pop!
                                It could be worse, I could be filing.
                                AF since 7/7/2009

