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Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

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    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

    Echinacea Mr G...legendary stuff, preferably with vit C added.
    Treats flu, but even better as a preventative.
    Night punters.
    Was your ebay outdoor purchase a port-a-loo Froglet ?
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

      Thank's Gal's. Hope youse are well.

      Night folk's. xx

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

        Evening/Morning all,

        Miss B, thanks and I'll look for that book in my library.. ?A Tree Grows In Brooklyn" by Betty Smith. My dad always taught me libraries are sacred, a place of worship no less. All those minds striving to communicate just waiting to be picked off the shelf to pass on their wisdom. These days we have the internet but in those days libraries were it.

        Techie, good for you!.I think my head would explode if I even attempted anything like what you do.

        Bridget, I've had Grumpage and weird dreams of all kinds.. it's part of being human (hate to say it.. and female human).

        Ragsy, I have just joined Curves myself & would be interested to compare notes.. I find it frustrating having to move on every so many seconds but I guess it's a good way to ease on into the whole gym thing. Shant complain until i'm fit enough to move on. :H PS, Love Big Bang Theory

        Mish, I know how you feel about the landscaping. I'm doing renos and gardening madly myself. Most people I work with just pay someone to do it all and although I do envy them as I can't afford that myself, I do agree that the level of satisfaction is FAR greater doing it yourself. (Wanders off singing I DID IT MY WAY loudly... or was it I LEFT MY CAKE OUT IN THE RAIN???).
        Also, I love cockatiels! We had a budgie for years that we found in our yard, lost as a baby, and then we found a little cockatiel that became our most beloved friend. Funnily enough he was so sweet that our budgie bossed him around. Our dogs were devoted to them both and guarded their cage when they were on the verandah and kept away nasty currawongs etc.

        Wavey WELCOME BACK!! Great to see you are full of the future and I wish you a brilliant 2011 too my friend

        Aspy ? you beawdiful as allways How's the new house?

        Sapphy, good luck with the new hound, love your attitude as always. Lucy is a lovely name.

        Tawny I LOVED the meat ants article! And
        tawnyfrog;1034185 wrote: What on earth were you still doing up at 3.30am? I must be stronger and throw my visitors out when they want to keep playing past midnight! Obviously, Duh!!

        Mr G, Guitarista;1033919 wrote:
        Ample ampage aquired arvoish. Attitude arked at 1,000,000,000,000 amperes.
        I love thinking of you with your amp

        Tomorrow I am making a cake. It is the most epic cake I know how to make. A dear friend and neighbour is turning 90 on Friday so I'm pulling out all the stops. He is just unspeakably wonderful. He has made a garden on my block and comes over to garden with my kids in the afternoons after school. He has had a rough time lately because his little dog (Raz) recently died. My kids were with his family on their farm and Raz was out walking with them and the other dogs. She went down a rabbit hole and never came out. They had to dig her out but it was too late. It was an utter tragedy. Such a sweet thing she was.

        Anyway, I'm going to make the most epic cake in the universe as Walter loves chocolate and I think the family is getting him another dog (Raz2).

        That is all for now, huggs and all to everyone. (I'm up too late again but improving ? 12.30 Is better than 3.30 )


          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

          hi all,
          ficks, the house is super. not a single stabing or wife draged outside and bitchslaped or over revving outboard. a nice quiet naybourhood
          kids can go out the back on their own( kinda). its a lowset 4 bedroom, roomier that the 3 bedroom pissbox we were in.
          AF since 10/26/2009

          It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

            Morning aspy! House sounds good!
            Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

            Harriet Beecher Stowe


              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

              Fickle, that is such a lovely thing to do for your neighbour! Can we get pics before it gets eaten?? !

              Mr G - take it easy for your days off. A couple of time over the last couple of years I have kept working through a flu, and the end result is always that it keeps coming back repeatedly for 6 months and more. I'd send you hugs if we weren't having a moratorium!

              Made myself get up early in practice for going back to work next week, but think I'll go back to bed and finish my book!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                Up nice and early again, as Athena has decided that she has gender issues, and has begun a modified 'crow' at dawn ......... for food you understand .......
                Nice extensive post there Ficks. I'm not sure I could put that down at 12:30.:H Still having sleep problems ? THAT I understand....Bac helps enormously with it.
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                  Morning Bridge!
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                    Morning all,

                    Gee it's nice reading stuff that's come in overnight. I think we're all kicking major goals. Mish - glad to see we've got another gardner in the house.

                    Grass seems to have finally stopped growing here. The big paddocks are mown for fire season which just leaves me the house block to tend to. That's pretty labour-intensive but hell - what would I do with myself otherwise?

                    One more coffee and orf into the day.


                      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                      Hiya Missy and Froglet !
                      Yes....mowing....not nearly as exciting without the ride-on with canopy and trailer....but will have to be done today.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                        House sounds perfect Aspy. You've got to love your level house deal. Even for the window washing aspect, mowing on a level block....tick......dragging wheelie bins up and down steep drives....not fun...
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                          tawnyfrog;1035700 wrote:

                          Gee it's nice reading stuff that's come in overnight. I think we're all kicking major goals.
                          Wow - this really hit me!! I've been feeling bit of Bridge's grummpage myself and have been wondering why. I'm feeling good, being AF, have been enjoying the time off work, have been getting things done, have been proud of my recently emerging muscles (and I can see my clavicles again!!), putting 2010 behind me ..... but underneath it all there is a nagging sense of things being not quite right.

                          I think I got into a really bad space in 2010 ....... my brother dying, mum being sick all the time and the stress of moving her into the rest home and getting her house sold, Betty going from illness to accident to illness, recurring bronchial problems. And I'm not quite used to being in a space that is good and healthy! I'm doing so well at the moment that I dont trust it ..... the temptation to sabotage myself is huge. Its almost as if I have a big binge that needs to be gone through before I can move on. Is this planning for a relapse?? I cant say at the moment. Sappy - what happened to you??
                          Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                          Harriet Beecher Stowe


                            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                            Morning all,

                            Fickle you sound in fabulous form..makes me happy to hear your positive tone
                            Aspy, good news about the more peaceful neighbourhood'
                            Tawny, industrious as always btw I;m mortally wounded to not be included in the clique "gardeners with the mostest" just because I get a bloke to do the mowage and dont know a daisy from a dandelion - oh hang on arent they the same thing?????? - sniff sniff
                            Bridge have a spectacular day
                            I'm off to help Rowan clean his flat...he ships out on SUnday for a six month road trip around the country with a couple of mates.....makes my heart sing to see how his life has completely turned around....see yas later
                            I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                              Miss Behaving;1035764 wrote: Wow - this really hit me!! I've been feeling bit of Bridge's grummpage myself and have been wondering why. I'm feeling good, being AF, have been enjoying the time off work, have been getting things done, have been proud of my recently emerging muscles (and I can see my clavicles again!!), putting 2010 behind me ..... but underneath it all there is a nagging sense of things being not quite right.

                              I think I got into a really bad space in 2010 ....... my brother dying, mum being sick all the time and the stress of moving her into the rest home and getting her house sold, Betty going from illness to accident to illness, recurring bronchial problems. And I'm not quite used to being in a space that is good and healthy! I'm doing so well at the moment that I dont trust it ..... the temptation to sabotage myself is huge. Its almost as if I have a big binge that needs to be gone through before I can move on. Is this planning for a relapse?? I cant say at the moment. Sappy - what happened to you??
                              Now listen here Missy, (hands on hips and stern set on face)

                              YOU DESERVE TO BE PEACEFUL AND HAPPY...GET IT!!!! dont you dare let the beast convince you otherwise. If you cant trust the future, trust the next ten minutes, the next hour the next 24 hours. BIte off small chunks and trust that, that way you wont be overwhelmed by the what ifs!!!!!!!!

                              You do not need a BIG BINGE to move on, all that will achieve is more angst, more beating yourself up, more of everything that is not healthy. If it is catharsis and cleansing that you need, go jump out of a plane!!!!!! Much less risky than poisoning yourself into misery and despair.

                              The precious present.......fully conscious.........practise gratitude and deserve this. DOnt make me come over there!!!!!!! (unless you pay for the ticket, I'm a bit skint at the moment)
                              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                                just this second received email for where I can send hand tools.
                                I'll send some in the next week and ask for an acknowledgement... test the postal system.
                                This is one of the teacher from the school.

                                Peter E Mbowe,
                                PO Box 6881,
                                MOSHI, TANZANIA

                                A level block of land.... haven't lived on one for over 20 years. Fortunately for me Mr. Rags takes the garbage out.

                                Now I'll go back a couple of pages and catch up.

