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Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

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    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

    Morning chook lovers, geriatrics with regular root nights, single gals without same:upset: Guitar Man with delusoins of grandeur:H Aspy with cutest kids on the planet, Tigers with a death wish:upset: and everyone else just plucking up courage to join the madness:new::welcome::goodjob: Busy day ere folks, take Lucy for a walk, rephrase that to hold on desperatley to little dog who thinks she is flamin racehorse; followed by massage for a dear friend; lunch with another dear friend; and then P/T tonight for yet another dear friend. Ya know this sobriety gig has opened up a social aspect to myself that was fairly closed tight for years, hence the time I am spending with friends that were kept at arms length and only let into my space occasionally. Interesting how so many barriers have been broken through. Spose its because I didnt want them too close when drinking/hungover/miserable etc. I am soooooooo much more relaxed with folks and invite them to my home much more readily, although I am not into DROPINS yet!!!!!!!!! Nice one Tawn re: care lovely!! Off to slay dragons. Luv yas
    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

      tawnyfrog;1044071 wrote: bugger me dead ...
      LOVE that Tawny :H:H:H:H:H:H

      Hello to all the undies ... xxx


        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

        Morning lovelies,

        Now which lovely undie has sent that care package? How thoughtful. Were there any incontinent pads in there ? Can I borrow some? I'm too embarrassed to buy my own. Like condoms years ago. 'Member that ?

        Sapph, I know exactly what you mean about opening up socially. I still hide from drop ins, and will continue to do so. Down behind the lounge works well. But isn't it amazing to ask people in and not have to run and hide the empties without clinking them, and of course the inevitable wine glass on the sink? Also quite nice to pick up late phone calls instead of shaying to the kidsh....done ansher tha phone thash jush rude to call thish late (7:30 pm)

        Yard work today methinks, and chickens to dewormed and demited. The fun never ends.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

          byebyebridgetjones;1043739 wrote: See, now you're just being nasty to me.

          Nobody likes a ner ner nee ner ner mentality you know.

          Are you going to get together and soak your teeth in one of those Sterident baths beside your bed after that ? The ones with his and hers blue and pink lids ?
          Now how do you know about his 'n' hers falsie soakers????


            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

            tawnyfrog;1043735 wrote: February's going to be even better! Regular root will be followed by carpet bowls. Take that and weep.
            Oh dear.... carpet bowls... guess what Mr. Rags and I did last Sunday afternoon??
            Went 10 pin bowling. First time I've been since I was about 24 or 25
            I scored 78!!!.


              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

              byebyebridgetjones;1044183 wrote: Morning lovelies,

              Now which lovely undie has sent that care package? How thoughtful. Were there any incontinent pads in there ? Can I borrow some? I'm too embarrassed to buy my own. Like condoms years ago. 'Member that ?

              LMAO !!!!!! :H :H :H

              I remember the first time buying tampons in a crowded chemist shop and the sales lady saying is a VERY loud voice "AND WHAT SIZE TAMPAX WOULD YOU LIKE LUV" I still cringe at the thought of it.


                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                lol, rags. prob the oppiset of us fellas, we all got the extr large condoms.
                in fact, at age 14 i used to buy em by the truck load and resell them singularly for profit to the 13yr olds. 'come on, you DO have sex dont you"?? sex sells, so does trying to be cooler than the other kids...bad aspy.
                AF since 10/26/2009

                It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


                  Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                  JackieClaire;1043723 wrote: Yooooooooo hoooooooooo Undies

                  Rags, you've probably already seen this but I had to share. I'm so excited for our main man.

                  It?s Official: Jim Parsons Is A Big Star! | Wizbang Pop!

                  I just LOVE
                  Sheldon and his social skills. I downloaded that piccy into my picassa.

                  There are not many tv shows that "grab" me, but I just love BBT!!

                  Here are my T shirts I wear to curves.
                  The Tigger is worn quite often by leonard,

                  and Sheldon wore the optical illusion one in series two.

                  But these are way too subtle. I'm going to get another lounge T with (0,0,0,0), a BAZINGA! , and a knock knock knock Penny T shirt. And I'll trawl the web for a naice piccy of Sheldon and see if I can do a t transfer. Subtle like. About 6 x 6 cm on left pocket.

                  And this from someone who doesn't like wearing T shirts! What I'm going to do is see if I can re-shape the collars and turn 'em into V necks... did I also mention I can't sew??


                    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                    aspman;1044202 wrote: lol, rags. prob the oppiset of us fellas, we all got the extr large condoms.
                    in fact, at age 14 i used to buy em by the truck load and resell them singularly for profit to the 13yr olds. 'come on, you DO have sex dont you"?? sex sells, so does trying to be cooler than the other kids...bad aspy.
                    Hmmm, quite the young entrepreneur weren't you.


                      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                      Rags;1044198 wrote: LMAO !!!!!! :H :H :H

                      I remember the first time buying tampons in a crowded chemist shop and the sales lady saying is a VERY loud voice "AND WHAT SIZE TAMPAX WOULD YOU LIKE LUV" I still cringe at the thought of it.
                      I think the chemist shop folk enjoy it.

                      WHAT'S THAT ? YOU'RE CONSTIPATED ?


                      DO YOU WANT PROZAC OR A GENERIC ? EH ?
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                        ATTENTION: Horti Tarts

                        I have miles and miles (a lot) of this stuff squashed up against my fences and buildings (brought down by the flood).

                        It's full of lovely, organic stuff. Do you reckon it would be ok to use as mulch or will I risk bringing in undesirables? Here's a close-up


                          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                          I'd chance it and use it as mulch. Do you have a mini scoop attachment for your mower or a neighbour with front end loader ? Pile it into a few heaps and let it heat up (min 110 farenheit for 4 days) That should kill off seeds as long as you can maintain the temp for 4 days. It wont break down much at all if you do it over say 10 days or so. It looks beautiful humus, but second pic has lots of seed in it..
                          If it was me, I'd definitely use it as mulch. And I'd chance not trying to heat it up.

                          This to do with composting which I know you know about, but may be helpful for some new gardeners.

                          How Nitrogen Affects Compost: How to Compost : Learn Organic Garden Composting Online |


                            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                            tawnyfrog;1043720 wrote: Techster ...
                            Them's fightin' words, young man. GOOK?????? GOOK??? GOOK???

                            So lovely to see all our international guests today and all the regular Undies. I'm a tad on the stuffed side of things tonight and rooly need to catch some zeds but when I get my shit together, I'm going to tell you about the most wonderful and lovely thing that happened to me today. Tomorrow.

                            Why do birds...suddenly appear...every time...Frog is near?
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                              Defo use it as mulch, but it's got a mammoth seed bank in it, so pile er up like Raggsy said, cover what you can with tarp or plastic, and solarise it, or run it through your compost heap first, depending on how much there is.
                              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                                *** With apologies to anyone who doesn't give a fat rat's clacker about this ... ***

                                Thanks ladies - it's still too boggy to get a vehicle down there so do you reckon if I just filled garbags with the stuff, closed them up and left them until I can drive down it would serve the same purpose?

                                Techie ... you're incorrigible ...

