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Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

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    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

    byebyebridgetjones;1046862 wrote: Don't be so frigging do more than most people I know with your day(including me, excluding froglet) are trully inspirational Raggsy bum. Now enough of that.

    I'm glad I checked in after my shower now...

    Wow! Thankyou Bridge.
    I think I've only been referred to as inspirational once before in my entire life.
    You are as usual absolutely right Ms Jones. I was feeling a little morose with JC's thread and Reggie's post..
    I need a good "Jonesy" up the bum every now and then to jolt me back to reality. Thankyou. :h :h
    I'm now my optimistic self again


      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

      Got to get some zeds.
      It's super late and I have a gymmy thing early tomorrow, and my neighbour is bringing her kinders over for morning tea. The 4 y.o. is going to help me make muffins. This'll be agood test for me as I'm going to be doing volunteery stuff at a local (ish) school this year.... with 1st and 2nd class kiddies.

      Dammit, should've gone with my mothers wish for me to have children.


        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

        We aim to please....but seriously R are a force to reckon with....and a LONG way from the D go to bed so you don't D of tiredness.....
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

          Rags;1046871 wrote: .

          Dammit, should've gone with my mothers wish for me to have children.

          No I shouldn't have.
          Bloody glad I didn't.


            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

            Nighty night.

            And you should go and tuck yourself into beddy byes too Jonesy.

            See you tomorrow.


              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

              Morning, morning!!

              Last day of the holidays here ....... is a public holiday. I was in two minds this morning whether to get up with the alarm at 5:30 or have one last sleep in! The slothful me won out, but tomorrow my early morning workout start for the year at 6am so my body clock is in for a bit of a slap around!

              Had a long read of all the last weeks posts last night. It felt like coming home and catching up on a whole lot of friends!!

              We had a really nice time on our holiday, particularly given that we were three people in a very confined space. All on our best behavior and conscious of wanting everyone else to have a nice time too. It was also really nice to connect with Mr B's boy in a way that I don't do when he is here for shorter periods of time. He wants to come and live with us for his secondary schooling (starting 2012) and we talked a lot about why he wants to do that and what we all think it will be like and what accommodations we all might have to make. He can be quite insightful at times (for a twelve-year old boy!) However, the chances of it happening are not assured - his mother will fight it tooth and nail, and it will probably involve yet another Family Court determination. No doubt this issue will dominate 2011, but I feel quite calm and rational about it.

              Right, must go and get the day done ...... mostly preparing for the rest of the week and trying to remember what I'm supposed to be doing in my work projects!! Have a good one everyone!
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                Morning Missy - so good to have you back to start our day.

                Just found this little gem:

                Great-grandmother fends off sword attack | Herald Sun


                  Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                  Ah now.
                  Nothing like waking up to a bit of early morning tradey quote...
                  Got to love our tradies keeping the country fixed and running efficiently.
                  Now for a gargantuan read glad your hol went well Missy. I really hope it's not another year of court for you. Does the boy's mother live too far away for reg visits etc ?
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                    5 hours drive away ..... but it is much more complicated than this. She has been very itinerant in the past (7 changes of location in the last 3 years), refuses to give Mr B new contact details when she moves, sabotages visits with a succession of last-minute "emergencies", frequently turns off son's phone around the time that Mr B has organised to ring ..... the last Court case was a determination that she was not to move from her current city without having contact arrangements sorted out in advance. Of course it has had a dreadful impact on his schooling and ability to form long-term relationships with peers. He wasn't attending school at all for about 18 months (supposedly being home-schooled) and 2010 was the first year since he was 6 when he attended the same school for the whole year.

                    anyway, under the Family Court system here, he now has a "Counsel for Child" who is his formal advocate. He has been talking to her for about 6 months about what he wants to do, and this person is firmly of the view that his best interests would be served by being in a stable living situation with his father. Only it is likely to be a long drawn-out process to get there and it is quite hard making decisions between fighting for that to happen in his long-term interests and the short-to-medium term trauma of yet another Court case. But there is lots of talking going on, and things will proceed slowly and carefully, trying to avoid dramas and all that crap.
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                      Christ Almighty.
                      That'll teach me.
                      FICKS....ya know what happens to me ? I just get settled in for a nice little chat here, boot up, make a smart arsed remark designed to provoke discussion, then some stupid arsehole will decide to do the 'drop in', which in case ANYONE is in doubt about, I LOATHE. So I have to crack the computer shut and go an 'see' to them. Or the boy will start squealing about summat on Xbox live, or the frigging washing machine will blow a foo foo valve and begin spewing forth water ....i always assume that if it happens to me, it does to everyone else as well......I also read a lot of posts, piss myself laughing, but don't always comment. forums are great, but a bit weird too.

                      BEAGS....thanks for all that chook info...she is looking a lot better, de mited and dewormed.....but I might get hold of some of that stuff for the stick on fleas....she's not back on the lay yet, but no bother. it's just this bloody hot weather. It's driving me batshit, so the poor chooks ! They've got loads of shade and water, and I'm always staring furtively down the yard at them.

                      I feel a bit of an ingrate complaining about our temps when Beags has got 41 deg, but Jeez I'm sick of the heat. Another full month of this !!!

                      MISH.... I DO admire your energy dear, I really do. I'm still finding it hard to drag my bum around on the Bac, but by my word I will persevere, I will. Prolly the heat too. Can't wait to see those piccies.

                      REGGIE VEG....Just do what you can mate, and if you want to chat about your shitfight, have at it. I will be all ears, and am WELL versed in excrement related stress.

                      FROGLET what level of saturation are you at ?

                      ALL...where ever you are at is the starting point. We can choose to start a whole new life ANYTIME we want.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                        Jeez Missy.
                        She sounds completely unhinged !
                        My own boy is same age. His friends and stability are pivotal for him. I thought long and hard before moving us up here, checked out schools, made sure he already had some relos/contacts here. We will either stay here or go back to our regular home, but there will be no further change, and certainly no change that is not well thought out and planned for.
                        As for moving 7 times in three years....not on for a kid at would also drive me utterly insane to do that myself !!!

                        Poor kid. No wonder he wants to settle with you and B man.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                          Good morning everyone,

                          'Morning Missy,
                          Gee, that a really unstable environment for a child... changing schools, friends etc. all the time. No anchors, nothing stable and familiar at that youngish stage of development. I hope evrything works out well for you all, even thoughit may be a protracted affair.

                          Bridge.. didn't know chooks got fleas. But I suppose why not?

                          Ficks, I just went to curves and I was having a bit of a whinge at the program saying why are you getting all this info on what I want to achieve when the machines are all the same etc. Then she tells me they have another fitness program.. Why do you have to drag this out of them instead of them saying what's available. Anyway, it could be worth your while enquiring about a more advanced routine. I 'll stay with them as I signed the 12 month contract.


                            Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                            Arvo, all,

                            You know, I just loved yesterday and today's detailed posts. They give me so much to think about.

                            Bridge - I didn't have the dreaded drop-ins earlier but did have some stuff which needed urgent tenshun.

                            Grinder - sorry about the shitfaced birthday but hey - Febfast sounds like a good thing to get involved in. Here's their site: Home Page And remember ... there may be chooks in your not too distant future.

                            MrG - I wish you many, big fat avocadoes. Maybe the rain rattled her into action? It happens to some of us ...

                            Beags - hate reading about your heat - I don't think we've gone over 30C yet.

                            Ficks - everyone's is allowed to be a grumpy bum at times. We get over it pretty quickly. Hope quitting the Campral will lift you up again.

                            Rags - you continue to astonish. Is parachuting next on your bucket list?

                            Reggie - real glad you're posting again.

                            Missy - interesting times ahead for you all.

                            Mish, I expect, is gardening; Sapphy I expect is working and will check in soon, - waving to Aspy, CW, Shas, Blondie, Boycie .... and I'm bound to have forgotten someone so apologies in advance ....

                            Yes, Reggie & CV's posts - talking about the oldies is really making me think about my own eventual demise. My mum is beginning to show sings of 'losing the plot'. The seemingly rapid onset of this is alarming me somewhat. I'm coming up to the 10 year anniversary of my dad's death and I can't believe how quickly those ten years have flown and I also know that the next ten will go even more quickly. I find myself thinking a lot about what I have to do now, whilst I'm still fit and able to plan for a tidy exit. This is in no way morbid nor am I expecting to pop my clogs very soon but I really need to start thinking about 'that stuff' and act accordingly. I think of it as another form of housekeeping.

                            Getting older has never bothered me per se, in fact I've really quite enjoyed that. The thought of being 20 again fills me with horror. Just think of all the crap that's still ahead....

                            Nuff of the lunch-time yapping. Although things are drying out nicely, I keep finding more stuff to attend to. Catch you laters.


                              Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                              'The report's of my death, are greatly exaggerated'.

                              (though you wouldn't be blamed for believing it a couple a years ago)


                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                                Underoos and Friends Jan 2011

                                Rags;1047242 wrote:
                                Bridge.. didn't know chooks got fleas. But I suppose why not?
                                Maybe mites....Beags told me ...they stick ON Christ, gross.
                                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                                Rejoined life 20/5/19

