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New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

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    New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

    Chillgirl;1032082 wrote: I too intend to improve on the life I am already living.....

    I will treat my body with the respect it deserves (if I didn't have it, where would I live?!)
    Well put!!!!! I love it!!!!!
    I will continue to be AF. I will treat others as I would be treated. I will revel in this life I have been given.
    Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
    If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
    November 2, 2012


      New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

      I want to stop being depressed and learn to live life. So, regular appointments with my psycologist are a must. Then I can learn to take control of my own destiny.

      One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind.


        New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

        Bring on 2011 AF!! I am going to enjoy the time I spend with my kids instead of watching the clock waiting for the 6pm glass of wine. I am really looking forward to this year, I will be (and already am) so much healthier than I was pre Nov 23 2010. Thank you all for your support over the last month, it has made me realise that anything is possible.
        AF since 23/11/2010


          New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

          ~ Drink less, preferably not at all.
          ~ Get the addition built on my house.
          ~ Finish the pond in the back yard
          ~ Hopefully get back to school and get the upgrade I need


            New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

            Stop being a couch potato and be more active!!!

            Here is some stuff that I read this morning, about rethinking the way we deal with resolutions!!!

            It's from a weight loss site but it can be used for anything!!!!

            It?s that time of year again ? we?ve just got over the Christmas celebrations and the parties are about to start again. So in between these fun (and sometimes frantic) social occasions, give yourself 10 minutes of ?me time? and consider this year?s New Year resolutions?
            You might already have a few thoughts in the back of your mind or (for the really organised among you) neatly written out in a list! You might decide on the stroke of midnight ? Bong? ?I?ll-never-smoke-another cigarette-ever-again!? Bong?! (only to give up on the 1st January!).
            Whichever way you decide, give your resolution the very best chance of success in 2011, and think back 365 days? If last year?s resolution lasted no longer than the leftovers, you?re not alone. This time decide to break your pattern and not your resolution. It?s time to start afresh ? be bold, be brave ? and try something new!
            Plan to succeed!

            Think back and be really honest with yourself about previous failed resolutions ? New Year or at any other time: what went sent you off course? This isn?t an invitation to beat yourself up for failing: quite the opposite. It can be an empowering and reflective process to discover why it went wrong and what you can do differently this year.
            Often the problem with keeping resolutions lies not in a lack of determination, but of planning. Remember that old saying: ?We never plan to fail, we just fail to plan!?? Never has it been more true than at New Year. So don?t plan to fail this time. Follow some of our suggestions below for a fab chance of success.
            Magical motives

            First, consider whether the promises you made were right for you in the first place. Sometimes a resolution is unrealistic, over-ambitious (even with all the very best intentions) or it comes at the wrong time. At other times the resolution isn?t what we really want ? instead it?s driven by a ?should? or an ?ought? from ourselves or from others, which means our heart may not be in it from the start.
            Consider your motives for each resolution. Why do you really want to do it? What are the benefits you?ll see? How much does it really mean to you?
            Then use the word swap technique: begin your resolution with the words ?I should?, ?I must?, ?I ought? and then replace them with ?I want? and feel the difference.
            I should go to the gym twice a week
            I want to go to the gym twice a week
            Does changing one word shift your attitude? If the second way fills you with excitement, it?s the right goal for you. If your reaction is: ?No, I don?t!?, it?s time to change the goal or think of another one ? something you really would love to achieve.
            You can achieve

            It might be that last year?s goal itself was spot on ? the problem lies in its execution. Suppose last year you resolved to get fitter. You decided that swimming was a good way of doing it as you loved swimming lessons at school, and you?ll swim every morning before work
            . A couple of days in, you?ve found yourself dreading each early morning start and give up after your second session? so swimming is completely off your list for this year.
            Instead of giving up the whole idea of exercising ? have a rethink! Ask yourself:[*]Do I prefer doing activities in a group or alone?Do I enjoy the atmosphere of a gym, being outdoors or working out at home?[*]Do I need someone to motivate me or do I work better at my own pace?[*]What would I love to get out of my resolution long term (ie thinking about this time next year instead of a strict, daily, no-holds-barred regime)?You get the idea! Once you?ve done some mental investigation, re-work your resolution so it?s positive, achievable, it?s right for you and it doesn?t put you under unbearable pressure.
            Just like your slimming campaign, think small steps and build up to your goal bit by bit (adding in some extra elements to motivate you and keep you committed), for example:
            • In January I?ll go swimming once a week every week and do 10 lengths.
            • And I?ll ask Bev to come with me for extra support.I can do it on Tuesday nights ? there?s a late-night session at the local pool.In February, I?ll increase that to 10 lengths twice a week ? I can go on Tuesday morning before work.And by the beginning of March I?ll do 15 lengths each time.
            Does it sound more achievable?


              New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

              Great idea to have a resolution post.

              1. I am going to lead a healthier life - more exercise, better eating, and regular massages, facials and beauty treatments.

              2. I am going to get my flat in order, my finances in order, my husbands visa sorted and move back to the states.

              3. I am going to spend more time with my family then I have.

              4. I am going to stay away from booze or else none of the above will happen.

              Good luck to you all.

              'Breakfast, every hour, it could save the world.' Tori Amos

              "Turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone."

              AF since 23rd December 2010 - progession is paramount! :truce:

              "don't be sad because it's over, smile because it happened!"


                New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                I LOVE your new years resolution BBBJ!! Can I just steal that??

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                  I plan to:

                  Polish up my spanish, go to Costa Rica, run a marathon (it's been 5 years), put more Zen in my life and, most importantly, accomplish all of it completely sober.
                  2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


                    New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                    I want to stop eating choclate and icecreams and cakes and sweets and and everything

                    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                      New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                      Great Plans Everyone.

                      2011 Live a Healthy Lifestyle
                      Continue my AF journey
                      Eat Right
                      Take an art class
                      Upgrade my job skills (maybe get a new job)
                      Work on my positive thoughts and energy.

                      Everything I need is within me!


                        New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                        I want to get out of debt....
                        excel at my new job
                        be there for my boys
                        stay on the AF path
                        eat better
                        keep a cleaner house...yuck
                        pay all kindness forward
                        be there for my Jouney family
                        kiss my husband more and tell him I appreciate him....I forget to do that sometimes
                        and take more Lglute...
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                          going to get jiggly with it

                          nosce te ipsum
                          (Know Thyself)


                            New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                            This is pure gold folks.
                            Doggy Girl, I am more than happy to share my resolution with you and everyone else (it pretty much covers everything :H)

                            Betty, that is a fabulous post re goals, I might print that fella.

                            Keep em coming folks. I never get sick of hearing about people's successes and plans
                            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                            Rejoined life 20/5/19


                              New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                              Take more care of myself

                              Eat better
                              Cut out takeaways
                              Eat breakfast
                              Eat fruit and veg
                              Drink 2 litres of water a day
                              Try at least one new food a week.

                              Increase the dog's walks.
                              Do the Wii Fit
                              Do yoga at home till I find a class
                              Use skipping rope that I bought 5 years ago

                              Body brushing,
                              ALWAYS take makeup off before bed.

                              Spend less money on necessary shite
                              Have a secret savings account
                              No more indulging the kids too much
                              Menu planning

                              Stop judging people
                              Stop judging myself
                              Learn to love myself
                              Rediscover my inner child (got workbook on how to to this on Amazon)
                              Explore Spirituality
                              Find new friends to share this with
                              Be more Loving, kind and tolerant
                              See others point of view.
                              Keep my extra long witch's nose out of other people's business.
                              Find a night class doing something obscure
                              Laugh more
                              travel More
                              Socialise More
                              LESS PC TIME

                              More family days out
                              More time for hubby
                              No more watching soaps.
                              Stop worrying about getting older
                              enjoy life
                              Live mindfully.
                              Learn from those who know better
                              Think positive thoughts
                              Use Affirmations

                              "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                              AF 10th May 2010
                              NF 12th May 2010


                                New Year's Resolutions. Throw your hat in the ring.

                                Well, considering the amount of years I have abused my body... my plan is to treat my body more kindly for one year.

                                1. Eat breakfast
                                2. Exercise
                                3. Stop smoking
                                4. Make all around healthier choices

                                Seems only fair - so I'll give it my best shot
                                Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                                Winning since October 24th, 2013

