Tawny, here in the traditionally hot, sunny South USA, special weather alerts are coming on for an expected winter storm coming in. It could go either way, as they usually predict gloom and doom and nothing happens, then suddenly when there is no forecast we get a blizzard! Hope no one has to fly through ATL for the next few days; it will be hairy.
Spoiler alert for those of you waiting for my next accidental exploit - I'm about to climb a ladder to hang something. Hubs won't be home before 9 PM, so I need to do it. Lawdy, I need an assitant.
Have a couple of eggs boiling for my daily meal, since a reg dinner isn't needed. Now I can continue all this sorting I've been doing, and I've made great progress. Found a calf, a car bumper, and a small child in the pile! (I'm KIDDING, for you new ones who don't know me.)
Still haven't had time to invest the hours needed in setting up my new electronics, but it's on the menu. Swannie, are you available for live-in assistant?? T'would be grand.