We were taking a family after dinner walk to the stream once at the cabin, about 15 of us, and the old road is VERY rutted (ask T!). My foot slipped on the combination of ruts, loose gravel, and incline, and sat down really hard. G-daughter Tay thought it was hilarious, couldn't stop laughing. About 50 feet further on (she was in front) a wild turkey hen and her chicks rushed out of the brush by the road in front of her, and she literally jumped up in the air and fell flat on her back. We still haven't quit laughing about that one.
Daughter Brooke who laughed at my misfortune is brilliant onstage, but as a child couldn't walk from one side of the room to the other without tripping over. I never laughed at her. Why does she think it's so funny when it happens to me.

Thanks for your congrats on 35 days, everyone. It is my new reality and it's here to stay.