Sorry, all. Been up for hours, but busy. Good to see everyone who has checked in.
Hill, actually you're doing the right thing, being a bit selfish and thinking about yourself. If YOU are not right with yourself, you're no good to anyone else. It took a lot for me to be that way as I'm always the caretaker. Hang in there, and the new you will be stronger and better.
Birdy, I don't even want to crawl out from the covers every morning b/c of the cold. This just AIN'T right in the South!
Mas, have a good time. It's a beautiful place, and a break is always good. Take care.
Thor, keep us up to date on the baby and mom. You sound so much better, stronger, than the first day we met here. As I said, others will notice and wonder what you're doing to renew yourself!! :H
Sun, people north of us are used to this weather. You'd probably all melt here in the summer with 100% humidity and 100F temps! :F Again, give Swannie our love.
Fen, thanks for the pep talk. I've sometimes felt in the past I'm just talking to myself here (as long as I don't start answering myself!!)
Much to do, much to do, so keep it all going roomies.!