I've been lurking, getting to know all the newbies on here and following everyone I feel i know, although most don't have a clue who I am. At times, that is best!
You can all be so proud, and I am of you. Love watching the progress everyone is making in their lives! :goodjob:
I've been battling depression and working my way out of it repeatedly. I've become a recluse to the point I don't even want to buy groceries anymore.
I have procrastinated my orders for my home business to the point they are now mounting up and going to take an amazing amount of effort on my part to accomplish. Difficult jobs, I do over and over in my mind trying to figure out the best way to make them, good to a point, then a one day several orders come in and now, wow?.so behind! I know I will get them done, I always do. Just hate it when my life and emotions take over my better judgement!
I became so positive a few weeks ago! I had my plan together!
We can only change ourselves, our happiness first of all comes from within, love thy self, etc. Then my husband, a miracle it seemed, came around, professed love for me, then few days later, went back to his old ways and I am having to get out of that horrible pit again! Hate that I let my guard down. It has just been the last month or so I did finally realize, some things are never going to change and I need to take care of myself, that is what I mean by letting my guard down.
Lately I've read some of you posting about age. It is so true, the years fly by! I am 60 now, how can that be possible! I forget and just kind of feel as if I am still in my 40's.
I'm starting to see I'd better be enjoying life now, time doesn't loom forever in the future anymore!
Ok, I need to get to my work room! I know I'll feel better when start on these orders and can ship a few.
I just wonder why I am my worst enemy? Why do I make my life so hard to live? I can't seem to separate my emotions, my pain, etc. from just living in a healthy way. I almost feel if I take the blame, I don't have to face facts and make desperate changes. Does that make any sense?
Sorry for the self centered, complaining post. I am working on this! Just feel so isolated, maybe just do this every month or so, OK?
I know the answers, I tell myself over and over again. I'll keep at it!

:thanks: for letting me vent?