That's great, Roger. She sounds like a good person to work for. See-it could always be worse.
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The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
You are all so wonderful. Roger bubba, rest well tonight, and I'm so thankful you're working for nice people.
Allswell, great to see you here. Chime in more, everyone is welcome and we will all start picking on you once we find out where your funny bone is!! :H
Grate, I'm just glad you're able to be here, check in a lot. I miss you, girl!! Hope you feel better.
MB, WHY are you bringing home work??? I know I did it, in my young idiotic days. But do that crap at work, not on your own time, honey. Work, leave it. Work, leave it. Get it????
Sunny, sit down, buckle up, hang on and shut up!!! You KNOW I don't want you to be quiet, I'd miss you interminably!!!!
Crazy day here, but I'm almost through with it. OK, something really weird. Hub's g'grandfather shot himself 41 years ago today. Because he was 91, had been out plowing with his mule, had a stroke. They thought he was in a coma, were talking at his bedside about how sad it was he would be bedridden, and he heard them. Reached over into his nightstand and got his gun. 'Nuff said.Hubs found his gun today, a Japanese make prob from the late 1800's. Terrible, but interesting story. He was a very good man.Born in 1879. I'm trying so hard to keep records for our children and grandchildren. Oh course, that's not a great ending to remember. My own grandfather shot himself, and he was born in 1880. Any suicide leaves a huge scar on the existing family. Those were hard times.
Anyway, enough of my crazy history. Check in, friends!!! I miss you.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
Good morning friends. Roger-I hope you feel better today....I'll be thinking of you (NO-not that way!!).
Swannie-I hope you are also feeling better...stay warm. Healing vibes coming your way.
I'm off to get ready for work. You all that are MIA better check in soon or you know who will be tracking you down (hint: the one with the BIG dog).....
Love & Hugs.Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to God.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
Goodmorning everyone, Roger I too hope that your head is not too sore, and that you will be able to tackle the job site this mornig. Ruby, I am sorry you had such a tough day.
It is Wednesday though. I play hockey on Wednesday nights, so I get to pretend I am young, and potentially en route to the NHL. I do miss drinking beer and sitting around the dressing room after, and sometimes having the boys over for beers after. I used to miss the drinking aspect of this. Now I miss the comaraderie, the friendship, and the talking with the boys. I still stay and chat a bit, but honestly on a work night, I no longer want to be up till 1:30 in the morning, where I used to if we drank beers and talked. I don`t want to drag my but all Thursday.
Have a great day everyone,
HillSober since Feb 7, 2010.
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
Well Good morning to all - Grateful - we do indeedy need to have words about that sweet internet fairy. It seems to be fine this morning. LOL So far anyway!! Hope all is well with anyone - I mean everyone - well, anyone too really. Rog - that is so good that the lady was watching you - thank goodness!! How are you feeling this morning?? And Saving Grace - how are you too? It is good that you are here with us. Vicki - take it easy - easy for me to say I know - I am not one usually to do nothing but you know what - if you don't take care of yourself where would "you' live??? you need to do something for you sometimes to equal out all you do for others.
Grateful - I am hoping against hope that the steroids are working for you. I think if it was me, I would rather have the surgery and get it fixed once and for all! I can't imagine going through this everytime you go to the dentist.
Fen - you are a sweetie- love your posts and laugh at the reference to the seeds and such! Allswell - good to see you here - hope you are fine today??
Jan - you need to stop and do a little something for you as well - you are working SO hard!! Glad that your talk with Hubs helped a little - now lets hope he remembers it!!
Ruby - I laughed at you and your comments - the whole thing wouldn't be so funny except I am only 3 years younger than you. Couldn't do it otherwise. A friend with whom I have worked for 15 years is a year older than me so when she turned 50, I draped the store in black and put up big 50 signs everywhere and really went to town - of course she couldn't match it 'cos she was already 50 when I turned 50 - it is great being the younger one!!! And at every possible chance I get at work, I tell folk she is older than me !!
Need to go and sort the dogs - back later everyone,
hugs to you all,
Love, Sun xxHow simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
Hi all
One kid home sick today with sore throat and headache, lots of them have the flu now wish I had got that oil of oregano now damn..had ex.board meet at the library last night and remember they talked me into being the sec., got to call 8 people about their membership dues damn you know how I freak about making phone calls, thinking about paying one of my kids to do it. Bet that sounds crazy huh???well we all have our little quirks I guess...there are about a million buzzards roosting on the water tower in town I took pics yest. Maybe there are dead bodies in there my kids said. Lucky we have well hahahaha.....Grateful I am glad you are seeming to get better. I do think of you and that problem....Vick you know we love you and that is sort of like my phone problem I think. Know its not right but just cant see around it.....Rubes eating out not cheating, we all need a break from cooking. And interesting family hist....T hope you are OK....Hill I know I miss hanging out and talking and drinking. Its been so long since I did that though......well I turned 50 last year and yeah feel the clock tick Saving. Saw someone on oprah awhile back said something like this is it, this is the only chance we get so do what you are gonna do....Sun, Nora Fen everyone....later
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
good morning ... was a very rough night ...and still hurting ..i know this will pass .but damn i hate it when this happen when i have work coming in ...
but anyway ..
gratefull too funny and yes please think of me in that kinda way heheheheh .. just kidding love ya girl...
well have one appt for sue today .. ill take her and think ill just take the day off and rest ... love and big hugs one and all STAY STRONG AND KEPP SHIFTING FORWARD AND THINKING POSITIVE:beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..
The Journey begins here...So Get your ass in gear for 2011
Morning all.
Bird...those buzzards are creepy. Hope they are not relatives!!:H
Roger sweetie...I am so sorry you are hurting. Do you need to go to the doc??
Ruby...your family history is amazing and so interesting!!
grateful - you sound soooo much better. Thanks heavens
We love you quit cleaning and rest.
I worked for about three hours last night. The piles of work are getting smaller. We are just so dang busy during the day that I cannot get to the administrative stuff. Plus, we have a HUGE bank inspection Monday to prepare for and today I get to write reviews for people I barely know. AND we are rolling out a new webiste where residents can pay rent on-line....and the list goes on. sigh.......
The beast is on my shoulder family. I drank some beer last night while I was working. Bret was watching me all night and was peturbed. I must admit I enjoy the buzz and the feeling of calm. That's the bear truth. So I am determined for TODAY to be AF and start adding up days again. Please help me family. I almost didn't post this for fear of criticism, but I need to be honest.
I love you all........kisses to fen, sunni, nora and everyone else i didnt mentionI love my family more than alcohol.:h
Live in the Solution....not the problem