Hey all. Good morning!! I've been bookin' it for hours, still have to make a town run (which I so hate!). Bird, have you lived EVERYWHERE?? Amazing, since I've lived in the same little area all my life, so far.
RC, I posted some memories for you on your birthday thread. I hope you can appreciate how special you are, and how much you've helped me with your knowledge. Have a wonderful day.
We have a birthday dinner to go to tonight I could do without. MIL is having a fishfry for Hubs step-brother and his dedicated redneck family. I like and appreciate all lifestyles, but they choose to be rude, disdain any courtesies or manners, and enjoy being obnoxious. At least I can just show my face and quickly run!
Son told me that, again, I was right. He is really finding the dating field wide open to him, and is enjoying himself. It another one of those inequalities of divorce that in THIS case, I'm happy about. He deserves some happiness for a change. He says he's felt rich since he's down to paying her only what the divorce agrees. He tried his best, held on a lot longer than he should have, so he can no regrets about his part in the divorce. I have people actually contacting ME about potential woman for him to meet! I'm staying OUT of that quicksand. He's seeing different people, playing it loose, which is best.
Hope everyone checks in soon, and that all are having a good day, better weather. I have to get busy again, then face the family tonight. whoopee