I am here sipping coffee. I am SO SORRY if I upset Swannie..I had no idea...I just wanted her to know how much we care about her.
Dad is waiting to hear about a course of treatment and then he and mom will go to whatever cancer center is determined to be the best. Money is not a problem for them and they have excellent insurance. What upset me so last night was the thought of him lying on the bathroom floor throwing up blood so far away from home. I am sure he will be fine and I will keep you all filled in. I told him I loved him as we hung up (I always do) and for the first time ever he said "I love you too". That got to me too. he is a very private and reserved person.
Thanks for all your kind words and Ruby thanks for the thought of a card.
Happy Birthday Luke!!
Ok...enough about me. RC - I am so sorry for your troubles. I wish I could help. I completely understand your worry and desperation.
I promise to keep taking my vitamins!!
Good Lord the snow is unbelievable. I am watching the news while I type and it's all snow, snow, snow. Please be safe and warm my northern family members.
Vicki....hope you are ok. Just let go of whatever is concerning you. There is no need to hold on to your concerns that you have offended someone. Let's just focus on the positive and healing.
Sunni..thanks for your sweet pm. and PLEASE tell Swannie I am sorry. I had no idea that would offend her. I love her and worry about her.
Hi Nora and fen!!
Gotta shower and work
I love you all