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    Hi Everyone,

    Well, I’m not quite sure where to start – this will be long, so get your sandwich (I can feel your eyes glazing over already)…………….

    When I stopped posting, I had to take some time away for personal reasons (was spending a crazy amount of time here – every time I thought I would just write something quickly, it always turned into a couple of hours)…… all know how that goes. The issues are resolved for now, so I feel okay spending time here again.

    Anyway, this will be a surprise to most of you, but I did a 180 (kind of). I very calculatedly decided that I wanted to try being able to enjoy a couple of drinks on special occasions or with my husband on our weekly dinner out. So, I have done exactly that and it’s working.

    I have had 2 drinks on each of 4 drinking occasions during the last 3 weeks (3 dinners out, one dinner party at my house – this includes NY Eve). I drink nothing on a daily basis. And, I have to say that it has not been a struggle at all! Some switch happened in my brain that I attribute to my 2 ? months of sobriety. Because I felt so fantastic being off the booze, it finally gave me insight into the benefits of not drinking too much (and apparently that feeling has been internalized and solidified at least so far). Before, I had never stopped for more than a day or two.

    Now, I realize that I was resolute on not drinking and that my postings reflect that, but something changed for me, obviously. From the beginning, it has not been a challenge not to drink when I’m at home, but being out with friends has been a white-knuckler for me, and that’s the dilemma I’m trying to mitigate. We’ll see……..

    I think too that my drinking problem had really hit its crescendo during the last year when my husband got sick. Before that I had slowly started to have a problem, but really wasn’t in trouble until I started ratcheting up because of the situation with my husband.

    So, I think the fact that I was pretty early on (relatively speaking) in the troubled stages of drinking, coupled with not drinking for an extended period of time has enabled me to moderate.

    Now, I know full-well that many of you will think I’m rationalizing, but I don’t. And, I am honest enough to tell the truth here. It would make no sense to have total anonymity and not be honest – why bother, right? Of course, the proof will be in the pudding. If I get back to drinking regularly versus special occasions only, you guys will be the first to know. At that time, I would go back to AF. I truly believe that I will not compromise the way I feel now. I think I’ve done something very few people can do because of “catching” myself early enough in the process. Again, we’ll see……….

    I was reluctant to come back on with my story, because I didn’t want to disappoint or be a bad influence on anyone struggling. However, I believe in the overall intelligence of this community. It seems to me that we’re all here to learn and that understanding and logic rule the day. I will be the first to admit if this doesn’t work. If it does, I’ll be honest about that too and maybe I can help someone achieve what I’ve achieved if it’s an option for them.

    Finally, I’m not sure there really is a place for moderators here. It seems like the site really is active on the abstintention (sp?) threads, but not on the modding threads. I guess it makes sense – when things are under control, there’s not a lot to “work through.” It’s interesting, because the program was intended for moderation, but the bulk of what gets discussed is about abstaining (aside from the meds thread). Guess I’ll just post when/if it makes sense……….

    Love to all my virtual buddies – I have missed you!! BTW, my new persona is Kundalini Girl, posting under the mods sections. I have recently fallen in love with Kundalini Yoga (doing it every day) and it just feels fun to change things up a bit.

    Sorry for this being a book – so much to try to say. I think it’s important and hope you will all keep an open mind. I know when I was posting totally abs that I really wasn’t interested in someone modding – I didn’t want to read their posts – thought they were fooling themselves, etc. So, I’ll understand if you are skeptical about my endeavor – just wanted to share what’s going on with me. I feel close to many of you here and didn’t want to just disappear and have you wonder what happened.



    Choochie it's great to hear from you! I was wondering what happened. I'm glad you came back to share. This is a journey for sure! I hope this works for you.

    Statistically, the odds of someone who has reached problem drinking stages being able to "ratchet back" and drink moderately are not good. That is the reason I think you see the vast majority of posting on this forum to be about abstinence. You probably are already aware of this, but my understanding is that even Roberta Jewell has given up "moderate drinking" which for her, was only possible (according to my recollection of the My Way Out book - correct me if I'm wrong) with the use of Topomax to control cravings. (just a perspective since you mention the moderation focus of the book / web site).

    There are a small percentage who succeed at moderation, and I certainly hope you are one of them! I have enjoyed your company on this journey very much.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.



      Well Choochie - we have already spoken on the other thread as your other person!! It will be interesting to see how things go for you - I too first came to this site with the intention of being AF, was for 8 months then started again, but went back to my previous amounts (which in many peoples eyes wasn't a real problem) but now have got it down to 1 or 2 a night which I am happy with. I keep an eye on it and if it starts to escalate I might have to rethink the whole thing. But so far, so good - and has been for - gosh I don't know how long but I feel I am comfortable with this - although I would like to work on having some AF time too.

      So, thank you for your post - it is interesting and I do understand where you are coming from. i think we all have to do what is best for ourselves - we are all at different levels/stages and all need different solutions. What is right and good for one will not necessarily be the best answer for another. I think it was good to see this all written out by you and I thank you for doing it.

      Hugs, Sun x
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



        Thanks, DG and Sunshine. Well, I can be a test case - just think of me sitting in a petri dish. I promise to be honest about my experience!



          x post Choochie
          How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....



            There you are Choochie! So glad to hear from you. I am 2 months today with no wine and am confident that I cannot moderate now, or probably ever. I am kinda jealous of you actually! How nice it would be to be able to drink one glass and be on my way, but alas. Not like I don't think about it, but I certainly know myself and I know I am weak once the wine invades my cranium. I wish you the best of luck this new year and I hope that you can stay on moderation and it does not escalate. Thank you for being honest wth us. We are not here to judge. I think it was very cool that you came back and "spilled". Many people would just disappear into cyberspace. Best wishes and happy thoughts coming your way always.

            Love Kat
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



              Wagoneer;1032650 wrote: I am kinda jealous of you actually! How nice it would be to be able to drink one glass.
              Kat - I really don't want to be a bad influence and hope that my posting doesn't encourage anyone to try modding who shouldn't be going that route!

              Congrats on your days!



                CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                Choochie;1032658 wrote: Kat - I really don't want to be a bad influence and hope that my posting doesn't encourage anyone to try modding who shouldn't be going that route!

                Congrats on your days!

                Holy crap NO!!! It is all about choice Choochie. You know that as well as I! No one can influence if I take a drink - it is up to me. I am happy for you and as I said, jealous in a silly way, but I know my limitations. If your choice influences people to drink, that is their choice, not your fault! No worries friend! Happy New Year. :h
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                  Hi choochie welcome back, hope it all keeps going well for you. nice to see you back happy new year.:-)

                  :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                  Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                  I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                  This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                    CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                    Hi Choochie! Good for you on being able to moderate successfully! It's rare to hear of that happening! And good to know now that was you in the Mods section!

                    All the best,


                      CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                      Thanks Mario and Sheri. I will do my best to try to bring insight here. MWO has helped me tremendously and I feel attached to you guys, so it makes me feel really good to have your acceptance and support.



                        CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                        Good to hear from you Choochie! Glad you are doing well!
                        You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                        Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                          CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                          Hi Choochie!!! It's great to hear from you! I'm so glad things are going well for you and I hope you stick around!:goodjob::h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                            Hey, many of us like reading books

                            I'm fairly new, so I don't know you well Choochie, but it is always good to hear that someone is getting along. In my experience, my goals and perspectives have evolved every now and then, and I think that is natural and can be healthy. Also, it is my belief that personal issues (e.g. a sick husband) are significant, and I try to be aware of life circumstances that make me uneasy (I'm coming up on some). So much of this is about self-awareness.


                              CHOOCHIE CHECKING IN

                              Hi Choochie!

                              Nice to hear from you again!

                              I had about 26 AF days I December (its hard to count as I really started Nov 27) and decided to go completely AF after Christmas. I'm looking forward to hearing how it goes for you.

                              Welcome back!

