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Rach 'v's' cancer

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    Rach 'v's' cancer

    Hi Guys

    Mighty Mouse - I feel like I should have taken your title!! ( I'm sure you do it proud)

    Lost my breast to cancer on Tuesday (12C to 12 -A) but shit happens, my husband,(such a strength) always said he was a boob man rather than a bum man (please tell me this is not just Australian men!!) (True but can deal with it) He will always be a tower of strength.

    Anyway, will work with what I have left for reconstuction.

    Bone Cancer threat is really causing me grief, I can understand they need to know the facts, but I have been waiting nearly a week and still dont know what treatment I need to undergo.

    Also my eldest son (14), went into hospital with suspected meningitious, (stiff neck, massive fever, problems with light exposure, and headaches), I told the doctors that he had been vacinnated in 2005 but for future reference to all, meningacocol is like the flu and travels in many different strains regardless of the vacinations.

    I was so proud when I went 7 days AB, at the moment, although it may be a weak excuse, I endevour to not drink Mon - Fri, depending on if the Chemo kills me first.

    Sorry to be such a sorry sack...

    Love tt
    To you all, and I extremely admire those that have held the demon at bay!!!


    Rach 'v's' cancer

    Oh Rach....I just dont know what to say...The last time i heard it was susspected cancer...Dont worry about your husband....Us men appear shallow most of the time...I know he's just glad hes got you....

    If anyone deserves a few drinks at the end of the week its you....Giving up the drink is difficult enough as it is...And you gotta be in the right frame of mind to do it....If i was you i would put it off for now...But i'm not you....And by the sounds of it you are a stronger person than i will ever be..

    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


      Rach 'v's' cancer

      Oh Rach, my heart and thoughts go out to you. Please, don't let fear of not knowing drain you of energy, and keep us informed. No one thinks you are being a "sorry sack."

      Prayers for you and your husband.

      * * *




        Rach 'v's' cancer

        Rach, I am happy you have kept us up to date. I was just wondering about you yesterday. Prayers to you and your family. Stay strong.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Rach 'v's' cancer

          Oh, Rach -
          What to say? "Sorry Sack"? Not at all. Surgery is a traumatic thing alone, and very few people to talk to about it. Those around you are "there" (husbands, notwithstanding) and so, poor cofidantes. (I had a "mass" some years ago resulting in a total (ovaries, uterus and all) hysterectomy at age 26). I didn't have to wait long to determine if the mass was cancerous (it wasn't), but you have the added trauma of the marrow threat, in addition to coping with a mastectomy. One thing at a time, ay? There's a lot on your plate right now, give yourself a break. Go easy. Post here, because you'll want to talk, to express, at least, what's happening to your body and your mind.

          As far as your husband being a "boob man". What a shit. My husband was about as supportive as your's sounds. He was shown the door as soon as I recovered from the crippling depression that overcame me after the surgery (lack of estrogen).

          I'm hoping for the best for your son, for you. I hope you post often. This place exists to support and to draw support from. - I've been scared and overwhelmed, and alone, too. But, we've got us. :l
          Yah, I know Moderation; I pass it every day on my way to Excess.


            Rach 'v's' cancer

            Rach -

            Wow. I am sorry to hear about this and please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you get the answers you need soon. I know the waiting is so difficult. Its easier to say than do, but try to have positive thoughts. I'll be thinking of you and your family.


              Rach 'v's' cancer

              Rach please know I am thinking of you, had no idea. I will be thinking of you every day. Camper.
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                Rach 'v's' cancer

                Who knows, Rach, maybe your hubby will undergo a transformation into a "bum man". They do exist! Trust me (never having been well endowed, myself!)

                I am glad to hear that you came through your surgery okay, and sorry to hear that you still do not yet know what you are facing in terms of further treatment. You certainly have your plate full with your son's illness as well.

                Please give yourself a break. You are very strong. We are all here for you. Keep trying with the drinking, but don't fret if you aren't perfect, for heaven's sake!

                My thoughts are with you.

                AF as of August 5th, 2012


                  Rach 'v's' cancer

                  Just seen you online Rach...Are you ok?
                  I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                  One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                    Rach 'v's' cancer

                    Rach --
                    You sound incredibly strong. For what its worth, I can relate second hand? My Mom is going through a form of bone cancer, and we went through the "waiting" and not knowing about treatment, etc. It sounds like your husband loves you a ton, and when it comes right down to it... you have to realize that he isnt married to you because of your boobs! I am sure they are an asset he enjoys. It takes more than great boobs to keep a marriage strong, and if anything, this will have the potential to draw the two of your closer than you have ever known! There will be deeper bonds formed. You will get through this --- and my prayers to your entire family and your son. Tough times, huh?

                    All my best,
                    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                      Rach 'v's' cancer

                      I've seen these breast cancer survivors and ran/walked/stood beside them. Tough bunch of ladies with incredible strength and resilience.
                      You are among some fine company, Rach. There is a lot of support if you look. I know at least here in the U.S. there is SO much in the way of awareness and continuing education and research.
                      I have enormous respect for you and cannot imagine what you have just experienced. You are a warrior! There is a whole campaign here in conjunction with Ford Motor Co. "Warriors in Pink"... very powerful stuff! I just looked it up in case you are interested...
                      Ford Vehicles: Ford Cares: Home
                      Take care, and let us know how you are doing.


                        Rach 'v's' cancer

                        I'm certainly not an expert, but if you want to talk, I've been a cancer research nurse...PM if you want to.
                        Please take care of yourself in any way you need to.
                        Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.

