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The drinking dream

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    The drinking dream

    Well I had the dream again last night, where I was drinking again. It's funny, because I used to have this dream a lot, when I first went sober, but I have not had it in a while.

    In my quick dream, here is what I experienced. Drinking in public, and disdain showed towards me from others. Drinking and driving. Hiding the booze from my wife. Drinking, and thinking, it's my life I can do what I want. Feeling shame and regret while swallowing the beer. A feeling of letting myself down, of disbelief that I was drinking.

    What a reminder, from my sleeping brain, of why I don't drink. I wonder why I have that dream. Do some of you have similar drinking dreams?
    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

    The drinking dream

    Hill, I have never had these, but have read that they are very common.



      The drinking dream

      I have and I wake up soooo relieved it was only a dream!


        The drinking dream

        twosox40;1034014 wrote: I have and I wake up soooo relieved it was only a dream!
        Me too! And in the morning it is so hard to shake the feeling. It screws up my whole day!
        February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

        When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


          The drinking dream

          I have these, they usually involve my children, and me blacking out. I gave up smoking over 10 years ago but I will occasionally have a dream where I am smoking. Just seeps into our subconscious.
          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
          Benjamin Franklin


            The drinking dream

            I haven't had any dreams about drinking although I have had dreams where I was smoking again after quitting in 1995. Even in the dream I have this sick feeling of Why Did I Do That?
            2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


              The drinking dream

              Hillside - I had several drinking dreams in the 1st few months then none at all until about a month ago when I had a really crazy one where I was drinking in a cafe with Oney and KTAB! Then it switched to the next day when I vividly felt the shame and regret. I suspect it was because in my subconscious I felt the pressure as I was approaching a year sober. I see you are coming up next month to the same milestone and this is probably no coincidence.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                The drinking dream

                I've had a number of drinking dreams this week and im just approaching 1 week AF!! I think it's because I've been putting so much mental energy into thinking about it all and processing what this means for me.
                Always just a relief to wake up and discover it never happened.

                Same with smoking. In the first year or two when I had been so addicted and desperate to give up, I had the odd dream and would awake with a huge sense of disappointment. Now that I am take it or leave it (and I leave it) with smoking, I never have them any more.

                Nothing to worry about. Just brain releasing outdated memories!!


                  The drinking dream

                  Hi Hill,
                  I've had a few. They are so strange and I don't like how I feel for the whole next day, like I did something wrong. I also have a dream that my University takes my degree away because I didn't take a math class. I think both of these dreams are stressful nightmares that symbolize very huge turning points in my life. I'm actually not sure but that's the answer I tell myself.

                  How exciting to almost be a year AF! Chilly might be right about the pressure? Luckily for all of us having these types of dreams... that they are just in fact dreams.


                    The drinking dream


                    I have had a couple of those. In one really weird dream that I don't fully remember, I was clenching my jaw shut while someone was trying to pour wine in my mouth!! (Don't remember who...think it was a stranger?) The subconcious is a very odd thing!

                    I think Chill is right -- you're approaching a big milestone. Very exciting for you!


                      The drinking dream

                      I have had the drinking dream & the smoking dream - very annoying but useful in a way!
                      I think our subconscious does that to keep us humble......never forget where we were & how far we've come. So, I guess we should be grateful & say thanks
                      AF since 03/26/09
                      NF since 05/19/09
                      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                        The drinking dream

                        Hi Kun, I am sure you are right that these dreams are common. Twosox40, no kidding, it is so awesome when we wake up and realise it was only a dream; we have not drank anything. Wagoneer, it is true that the dream can really affect us. Not tonight, yes it must sneak in subconciously. Interesting how you and Allswell and Bean get smoking dreams. Chillgirl, perhaps you are right, the one year milestone is on my mind, subtle, but there, that might be the reason. Choice, it does leave us feeling different and strange. It took me a while to shake the dream off this morning. You might be right about the turning points, I will try to think about that in the future. It is really sureal to be approaching my 12th month sober. Mylife, what an interesting twist to the dream, someone forcing the booze on you, literally. I don't think I have had that one. Wow. Lavande, what a wonderful examination of the topic, I like it a lot.

                        Thanks for all your thoughts on this weird way that I started my day.
                        Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


                          The drinking dream

                          Hi Hill,
                          I've never had those sorts of dreams, but I bet they must be very powerful for you, especially after so long not drinking.


                            The drinking dream

                            Hi Hill, i to have drinking dreams at least once or twice a month and i am very sneaky in my dreams to, also it seems to get me by surprize, thinking to myself how did this happen
                            Formerly known as Teardrop:l
                            sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
                            my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !

