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The 6 Month Itch

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    The 6 Month Itch

    I wanted to start a discussion about the perils of the 6 month mark, and why this can be such a high-risk milestone to get past.

    After joining MWO last year I finally found the motivation and support that enabled me to get serious about giving up drinking. I put down the bottle and by the time I was on the cusp of my 6 month mile stone the benefits of life without alcohol were unmistakeable. I was getting in better shape than I had been in years, probably dropped 5 years off my appearance. I was more patient with my children, more creative at work, had my house under control(ish!). Getting off booze did not solve ALL my problems, there was still much stress in my life, but the indisputable fact was that it was markedly better sober. So why in the face of such evidence did I begin to listen to a voice in my head that said ?your fine now, and perfectly capable of having a drink.??

    What kind of security measure (for lack of a better term) have others put into place to keep on track at this stage in their sobriety? What are the most powerful triggers people have had at this stage?
    While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
    Benjamin Franklin

    The 6 Month Itch

    Hi not tonight,
    I'm 4 months + AF and think about hitting the 6 month mark quite frequently. I too have experienced amazing success since ditching the booze and have no idea why I'd even think one drink would be remotely enjoyable after getting this far. But truth be told... I do miss it Such a freaky little devil it is. I am glad you started this thread because in my heart of hearts I never want to even have a sip again. I also quit smoking during this time and haven't felt the same about missing the smokes. I think part of that is because it is SO out of style. There isn't any lingering glamor or thoughts of relaxation that I associate with that habit. I haven't even been offered a smoke. I have been offered a drink though and when I say no it's respected but there is a look on peoples faces. I consider myself an individual, however.... when I see folks "enjoying" drinks on patios.. etc... I wonder why can't I do that? I know why... but yeah... it's a valid thread to start. :thanks:


      The 6 Month Itch

      Hello NT,

      Thanks for this warning for the future. I had planned to go 6 months AF and then decide if I felt I could mod. My hope was that I'd see how much better my life was without AL and would decide that I wanted to stay that way. My question to those long term abstainers out there is whether there is a point that little voice stops nagging us???!!

      Thanks again for the post!


        The 6 Month Itch

        Choice - I cross posted with you. Yes, I see the people on the patios as well and often think -- why can't I just have a glass of wine like them???!!

        But I know at this point although I might do just that once or twice, I gradually start having that "glass" every night, and then it becomes 2 and then 3...really I'm so over it!


          The 6 Month Itch

          Hi Choice and mylife _

          As you say choice, drinking is such a freaky little devil. The hardest trigger for me is dinner parties. For one it is so enjoyable to have a good wine with a good meal. Second it is such a spot light on you when pass on the booze. I got through one dinner party at a close friends house without drinking. My excuse was that I had a 6 am meeting the next morning (which I did) but my not drinking did not go unnoticed. After that party though was the fist time in my sobriety that I really felt deprived. I didn't give into that voice in my head for another 2 months, but that feeling of deprivation stayed with me and was the beginning of my relapse.
          While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
          Benjamin Franklin


            The 6 Month Itch

            I am only two month sober and am constantly waiting "for the other shoe to drop". It is kind of unnerving sometimes. I have no desire to pick up a glass, but it still bothers me. I am kind of an anxious person (you would never know by meeting me which I think is funny - if people only knew the internal dialog they would surely comit but I am constantly worried that things will change and I will screw up! I want to stay happy adn sober as I am now and just keep getting healthier but I still have the nagging feeling that I might blow it. I dismiss it most of the time and switch to positive thoughts, but when I am trying to get to sleep, that is when the negative thoughts set in. I have no cravings AT ALL either but I still worry! Such a horrible thing this bastard alcohol!
            February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

            When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


              The 6 Month Itch

              Same here. I had to be brutally honest with myself and admit that since I picked up my first drink as a teen, there was nothing "normal" about how my body and brain reacted to the AL. I keep that first and foremost in my mind as well as the very last hangover I had. I also have vivid pictures and memories of calling in sick more and more frequently over the past year, how bad my face and eyes looked every day and how i negleted my pets. As far as feeling deprived and different? AL to me is poison, just like cigarrets are. The people on the patio are having liquid in their glasses. It doesn't matter what the liquid is and to be quite honest, my goal with drinking wine with dinner was to get buzzed, not to appreciate the subtle pairings.
              This is how I deal with the voice in my head that says I can mod.
              New Birthday: May 8, 2010

              "Because dwelling from, not upon, the space you want to inherit is the fastest way to change absolutely everything."[/i]-The Universe

              KO the Beast!!

