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The tune you can't get out of your head...

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    The tune you can't get out of your head...

    This is one person?s way of seeing alcoholism?

    Alcoholism has been recognized for many years by professional medical organizations as a primary, chronic, progressive and sometimes fatal disease. The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence offers a detailed and complete definition of alcoholism, but probably the most simple way to describe it is "a mental obsession that causes a physical compulsion to drink."

    Mental obsession? Did you ever wake up in the morning with a song playing over and over in your head? It might have been a commercial jingle you heard on television, or a song from the radio, but it kept playing ... and playing and playing.

    Mental Obsession
    Remember what that was like? No matter what you did, that silly tune kept on playing. You could try to whistle or sing another song or turn on the radio and listen to another tune, but the one in your head just kept on playing. Think about it. There was something going on in your mind that you didn't put there and, no matter how hard you tried, couldn't get out!

    That is an example of a simple mental obsession -- a thought process over which you have no control. Such is the nature of the disease of alcoholism. When the drinking "song" starts playing in the mind of an alcoholic, he is powerless. He didn't put the song there and the only way to get it to stop is to take another drink.

    The problem is the alcoholic's mental obsession with alcohol is much more subtle than a song playing in his mind. In fact, he may not even know it's there. All he knows is he suddenly has an urge to take a drink -- a physical compulsion to drink.

    Progressive Disease
    Compounding the problem is the progressive nature of the disease. In its early stages, taking one or two drinks may be all it takes to get the "song" to stop. But soon it takes six or seven and later maybe ten or twelve. Somewhere down the road the only time the song stops is when he passes out.

    The progression of the disease is so subtle and usually takes place over such an extended period of time, that even the alcoholic himself failed to notice the point at which he lost control -- and alcohol took over -- his life.

    Alcoholism As a Disease - Is Alcoholism a Disease?
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005

    The tune you can't get out of your head...

    Thanks - that is really interesting!
    "a mental obsession that causes a physical compulsion to drink."
    That is definitely how I feel. I'm going to keep this bookmarked. Thank you!
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      The tune you can't get out of your head...


      that noise you're talking about reminds me of the incessant stuff we read about in meditation problems with controlling the mind.

      The mind is an incessant motherf*cker that will drive you towards your doom with fun. Richard Carlson (before he died) wrote very clearly about this kind of thing...

      The mind is not to be trusted. Your thoughts are not you!!!!!! You are you!!!!!

      Abstraction? Reads like it. But think. How many times have you had thoughts that are completely alien to what you normally think? This raises the question of how valid
      "thoughts" actually are. Agreed?


        The tune you can't get out of your head...

        Read "Stop Thinking Start Living" by Richard Carlson. It has helped me and a lot of my friends in the past because it relates to the problems of incessant thinking, particularly.


          The tune you can't get out of your head...

          medic;1034513 wrote: Read "Stop Thinking Start Living" by Richard Carlson. It has helped me and a lot of my friends in the past because it relates to the problems of incessant thinking, particularly.

          Dear Medic, In a couple of sentences, what is the book about?
          Might see if I can find it at the local bookstore. I think way toooooooo much!!!


            The tune you can't get out of your head...

            I am going to order this book, it looks great....
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              The tune you can't get out of your head...

              Now I remember... He wrote Forget the small stuff and it's all small stuff.
              Or a title to that effect. That was also a great book. Lent it to so many people.
              Never got it back, so assume it is doing the rounds somewhere and hopefully helping people.

