Weighed 168 at home right now (have to set the scale to 5 lbs as its '0' to be accurate).
Yesterday I figured out the calories in the alcohol I drank. I primarily drank wine and beer...a shot of vodka now and then, maybe a Tanqueray and tonic from time to time. Here were the daily/weekly calories I came up with:
Pino Grigiot (8 oz., I wasn't no sissy!) is 183 cal. x 3/day = 550
Ice beer =157cal. x 4/day =628
T&T=200 ea
Vodka (shot) = 80 ea
Minus T&T and Vodka I took in 1178 calories/day or 8246 week
3500 calories =1 lb
So that's about 2.2 lbs. (1Kg) per week!
Who said quitters aren't cool?