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Wow! Weight loss! What a perk!

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    Wow! Weight loss! What a perk!

    Just called the Dr. today to ask what I weighed mid-December. 175, the nurse said.
    Weighed 168 at home right now (have to set the scale to 5 lbs as its '0' to be accurate).

    Yesterday I figured out the calories in the alcohol I drank. I primarily drank wine and beer...a shot of vodka now and then, maybe a Tanqueray and tonic from time to time. Here were the daily/weekly calories I came up with:

    Pino Grigiot (8 oz., I wasn't no sissy!) is 183 cal. x 3/day = 550
    Ice beer =157cal. x 4/day =628
    T&T=200 ea
    Vodka (shot) = 80 ea

    Minus T&T and Vodka I took in 1178 calories/day or 8246 week

    3500 calories =1 lb

    So that's about 2.2 lbs. (1Kg) per week!

    Who said quitters aren't cool?

    "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

    —William A. Ward

    Wow! Weight loss! What a perk!

    Very cool Nichau! It's amazing how the weight just falls off when you stop drinking, isn't it?
    That in itself should be incentive enough to stay away from alcohol!
    It's always YOUR choice!


      Wow! Weight loss! What a perk!

      Add that to the fact that you don't wake up hung over looking for fatty or sweet food. It's a great feeling to watch the real you resurface once the booze stops!
      While we may not be able to control all that happens to us, we can control what happens inside us.
      Benjamin Franklin


        Wow! Weight loss! What a perk!

        My alcohol consumption and increased weight are directly related. When I quit drinking for 6 months I went from 195 to 145. I started with AL again and gained about 10 pounds back. Drinking makes me apathetic about what I eat. I typically binge on food while I binge on alcohol. Thank God I'm back on the wagon and hope this excess weight goes quickly and maybe I'll lose a little more! It is sounds vain but looking good is one of my biggest motivators to stay sober.


          Wow! Weight loss! What a perk!

          Great incentive, indeed! Glad you're experiencing the positives as well!
          "The Pessimist complains about the wind; the Optimist expects it to change; the Realist adjusts the sails."

          —William A. Ward

