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I don't have a drinking problem

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    I don't have a drinking problem


    I don't have a drinking problem

    Well, that certainly does put a spin on the problem, now doesn't it?! Great thought...I bet a lot of us have sober problems at least part of the time!

    Keep thinking and posting!


      I don't have a drinking problem




        I don't have a drinking problem

        Hi SunFlo,


        You know these are the same things which go through my head -- defective sober wits... highly strung unless calmed by the AL... pass by the wine aisle, will I? won't I?

        Of course the term "alcoholic" as explained to me as a child was the shaking-all-over stereotype-must-have-a-drink-for-breakfast type of alcoholic. This enabled me to live in some form of denial for all of my twenties certainly because I have never been this type of alcoholic yet.

        Seriously, if it works for you though, a sober problem it is. Just get better! I know I don't understand my drink problem as I was educated about what they were.



          I don't have a drinking problem

          I was playing with terms about my drinking to deny the truth that I'm an alcoholic. I over-thought the whole issue and was talking to my psych about whether I'm a problem drinker, have alcohol dependence or addiction, am a compulsive drinker, abuse alcohol and many other 'labels.' My pshch said: "Does it really matter what label you use? Just deal with the problem."
          Does it really matter whether you have a drinking problem or a problem getting and staying sober? What really matters is that you get on with getting well. And don't let anything come between your sobrity. It's the number one priority in your life if you really want to have a life.
          Getting and staying sober will help you with sorting out the other areas of your life, and you'll be amazed how much more simple and how much less daunting these major issues appear when you're sober and clear headed. You've made a hugely positive step in the right direction by coming here and posting. You'll have a wonderful, non-judgemental group of understanding friends to help you along your journey.
          :h Mish :h
          Never give up...
          GET UP!!!

          AF since 25th November, 2011

          What might have been is an abstraction
          Remaining a perpetual possibility
          Only in a world of speculation.
          What might have been and what has been
          Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


            I don't have a drinking problem

            Mishmash;1035266 wrote: My pshch said: "Does it really matter what label you use? Just deal with the problem."
            Excellent advice there.

            TheSunFlower - That's where the work comes into it - learning how to live sober. Many of us are so used to covering our feelings with alcohol, or maybe self medicating other underlying mental issues. The getting physically sober part is relatively easy by comparison.

            I had no idea so much work was involved. I thought stopping was enough. The good news is, there are many ways of going about it. I'm in a way better place after 16 months AF, and it is worth it. I keep learning along the way - it's a process. I didn't get to the point I did drinking overnight, and not everything was magically better overnight when I quit either. Still it's a thousand percent better than my last drinking days were.

            I hope you find your way too, and I wish you the best. - Dance
            ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

            AUGUST 9, 2009


              I don't have a drinking problem

              Mishmash;1035266 wrote: My pshch said: "Does it really matter what label you use? Just deal with the problem."
              I couldn't agree more Mish and your whole post was great.

              I wasn't good at being sober either because I never gave myself a chance to learn. It's like someone saying Im no good at playing the piano when they've never struck a note. Now I'm learning and each day I'm getting better but it's a work in progress. We have to face situations without a drink for the first time and each time I do I tick another box in my head. They say we are good at the things in life we like and I like sobriety so I'm determined to get good at it.
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                I don't have a drinking problem

                Now I remember



                  I don't have a drinking problem

                  Why don't you post SunFlower? I think what you wrote was a very interesting. Your post made a lot of since to me. Oh well, I hope you post more of your thoughts in the future because I'd like to hear what you have to say.


                    I don't have a drinking problem



                      I don't have a drinking problem

                      I'm sorry you feel that way and I understand. I still like what you wrote and I have to say... it did make me think. It opened my mind to another angle of someones' process. Maybe you were misunderstood? I'm not sure. From what I understood, you were coming to terms with being sober and felt uncomfortable. I feel like I'm in that boat. When I drank I didn't think I had a problem. Once I sobered up I did. I had a real problem being sober. It sucked. Now that I've been sober for a while... I just have the same problems I always had... I'm just not drunk. I don't know if I'm still not understanding.. but I hope you keep posting. It's just a different perspective. Unless your saying you just want to keep drinking so you don't have a problem... I'm not sure you'd get support here for that... but I don't think that's what you were saying.


                        I don't have a drinking problem

                        I think someone might be put off by the title of this thread, because it sounds a whole lot like denial. But it is just another way of looking at the same problem, the one all of us here share no matter the label we use. Thank you for a different perspective.
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          I don't have a drinking problem

                          I for one-- and this is just me-- think what you said is great-- I think lots of us have problems real or perceived when we are sober-- so we drink to get out of that state. In going to therapy I pretty much learned that even if you abstain from alcohol you may not be successful long term until you figure out why you went there in the first place-- and since we were not born drinking the problems probaby occurred while we were sober! I now understand that I was drinking in response to anxiety that was caused by a major life change-- this is not an excuse by any means-- it is just the reason. When I started working on that problem-- not drinking or drinking way way less became possible.


                            I don't have a drinking problem

                            TheSunFlower;1036172 wrote: why I don't post.
                            Hi, I just wanted to tell you that I got what you were saying and I posted something much the same recently. I think it was in a thread Spuddles started. I'd also like to say that I hope you keep posting. Not everyone will always understand or agree, but if it helps you and others(you sometimes will never know)to take a different approach that just may make things click. This is your journey after all and you have to walk it in your way. Honest self reflection is very important for success. :goodjob:

                            Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                            St. Francis of Assisi


                              I don't have a drinking problem

                              life is what it is

                              TheSunFlower;1035201 wrote: What I have is a problem with is being sober. I heard this today.

                              I never have been one to drink 24/ that means I get some sober time. Which I don't like the feeling for too long. When I start to drive by the beer problem is not getting the drink.....its not stopping to get the drink. Getting the drink solves the sober problem I am having at the moment.

                              And all those things I don't like about drinking....only really happen when I am sober. Hangover, guilt, remorse....only happen when I am sober. To fix the "sober" problem....I drink. Feel all fixed again.

                              Its crazy....but, what is working for me is not to accept that I have a drinking problem is really about being sober. Now of course in the long run....putting down the drink helps to fix the sober problem that I have.

                              Just sometimes I have to flip my mind on what the real problem I can get through the day. When I thought it was a drinking that I realize I really have a problem being sober....well, that gives me something to work on.
                              hi sunflower,intereting post,someone grasping out for help but doesnt no if they want it,:upset:a drinking problem doesnt just mean it has to do with the alchohol it goes way beyond that,theres nothing wrong with drinking as long as you dont get totalled hahahaha,:Hyour here so your concerned,no matter how you approach this it is a long journey one way or the other :thanks:gyco

