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I found the best doctor!

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    I found the best doctor!

    Hey everyone,

    I am usually a ?lurker? and a typical quiet person. Seems like I can never think of anything to say that hasn?t already been said. But anywho, I am very excited today because I just got back from a new doctor and he was wonderful!

    How did I find him, you ask? I became interested in the possibility of getting a vivitrol shot because of one of the persons on this forum called it their ?magic bullet?. So if you go to the vivitrol website, it tells you how to find doctors in your area that administer the shot?so I called one. Later I found out that his specialty was pediatric neurology! OMG, I thought there had to be some mistake, but I kept the appointment. He came in the room, sat down and said ?ready to answer about a 100 questions??, and about 5 questions in I knew this doctor was the one for me! Yes, he is a neurologist, but he asked tons of questions about my sleep habits and my long standing anxiety problem. He thinks that all ties in with the cravings! Brilliant! He also makes me wonder why I haven?t 2nd guessed my psychiatrist in the past regarding my course of action for my anxiety. I am thinking my shrink needs a shrink!

    And the entire time I was in the room with him, I never once felt belittled or uncomfortable. On the contrary, I wanted to tell him everything! He was fantastic and I am so elated I found someone who understands and wants to help without making me feel like a heathen.

    So I walked out with two prescriptions?one for ReVia for cravings and the other (can?t remember the name) for anxiety and it also helps regulate sleep so you wake up feeling refreshed. That would be a nice change of pace as it takes a bomb to go off to fully wake me and then 2 hours later I want to go back to bed.

    He also gave me the name of a respected psychologist to work on anxiety as well.
    What a relief. I don?t think AA is going to do it for me, although I like the support.

    I am from the Midwest, if anyone wants the name of this doctor, feel free to PM me!

    I will keep you all posted on my progress. BTW, I am a binger. Anxiety and being happy () are my triggers.

    Good luck to all in your battle with AL!

    I found the best doctor!

    WOW!!! I'm so interested in hearing more. I'm very happy for you. Please be sure to keep us posted.
    "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
    AF - 7-27-15


      I found the best doctor!

      Hi Getting There - sounds like a really positive start, I hope you share your progress as to how it all works out.
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        I found the best doctor!

        That is good news!


          I found the best doctor!

          My Neurologist began me on my journey by reassuring me that I definitely have ADHD as I had suspected, and he jumped through hoops to find me someone who would prescribe the appropriate medication. Once stablised on that, I was able to address my drinking issues. Not terrible successfully at first, but I told my Neurologist about Baclofen once I stumbled across MWO after a horrible binge and he researched it and told me to go for it. Now I'm 35 days AF.
          Finding the right doctor is key, isn't it? I found mine and it certainly sounds like you have too. Neurologists are largely right, I'm beginning to find.
          Wishing you well on your journey.
          :h Mish :h
          Never give up...
          GET UP!!!

          AF since 25th November, 2011

          What might have been is an abstraction
          Remaining a perpetual possibility
          Only in a world of speculation.
          What might have been and what has been
          Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


            I found the best doctor!


            I am so inspired reading your post and know you have found your answer! I think the Vivitrol shot is very expesive so my health care provider does not offer it. @ first I was bummed, but am now on the old stand by of Antabuse and it really has scared me straight.

            All the best to you and I look forward to reading more about your experience.

            Congratulations. I bet you sleep well tonight!


              I found the best doctor!

              Hello Gettingthere!

              That is such great news. I'm still waiting to find a good Dr. Unfortunately, I'm not in the midwest! Isn't Revia the same as Campral? Or is it Naltrexone? Anyway, congratulations!!

