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Physical reaction

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    Physical reaction

    Yesterday I made ice cream for my kids, and put a little bit of maple syrup on top for them. The maple syrup came in a large bottle, kind of like the type of flat 26 er style liquor bottle in Canada. Anyway, I felt like a little sip of maple syrup, no one was in the kitchen - I broke the rules and decided to sip from the bottle.

    As the bottle hit my lips, my stomach convulsed, my throat and mouth went tight, just like I was going to take a sip of scotch. My body remembers the bottle, and the poison in it, and I had this crazy physical reactioin.

    The was really not expected. The maple syrup tasted great, but I was so freaked out, I could not really enjoy it. It is amazing what alcohol can still do to me. I am so glad it is out of my life.

    Sober since Feb 7, 2010.

    Physical reaction

    Weird! Glad it didn't make you want to go down the shop and buy some scotch though. That's a win I think.

    I've had a few anxious drinking/drug taking dreams lately (currently on day 4) and it seems our subconcious might be letting us know that we really don't need that crap in our systems. Your reaction was an interesting physical one, and I'd be looking at that as a plus as it obviously means your body/mind is actively refusing the idea of alcohol being reintroduced into it.
    I was made with a heart of stone
    To be broken
    With one hard blow
    I've seen the ocean
    Break on the shore
    Come together with no harm done...
    Jane's Addiction ~ Ocean Size


      Physical reaction


      Sounds like Mind and Body are both on the same page so to speak. Both are working together to make sure the booze doesn't have a chance. Much better than your body telling you "NO" and the little voice saying "Do It".
      2023 - focus, getting it done, and living the way it should be and being the person I need to be.


        Physical reaction

        Weird, but good I guess. Whenever I have relapsed after a while sober, that first sip is a bit weird like that. I used to drink brandy. The initial smell would make me a bit nauseous and then after the first hit, my body would do this weird kind of shivering thing and my head would shake from side to side as if saying 'No'. Odd huh? Yes we should listen to our bodies!!
        Recovery Coaching website

        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

        Recovery Videos


          Physical reaction

          Consider that weird reaction a great gift
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Physical reaction

            Hi Hill,

            Yes, I can so relate!!! I get that way from time to time. Just tells ya that your body and mind are in sink and that they don't want the AL!


              Physical reaction

              Hill, I think it's fantastic your body reacted that way. Sounds to me like both your body and mind are committed to no more Alcohol. Congratulations!


                Physical reaction

                Sounds like your body and mind is telling you it is DONE with AL. Very cool.

