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Alcohol was my family and my friend

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    Alcohol was my family and my friend

    Since being sober, my problems and difficulties continue to rise to the surface. Life was easier when I didn't have to face ALL of this, to be perfectly honest.

    I've already posted quite a bit about my childhood and some of you have probably read about it.

    In a nutshell, I think the main problem is that I have no "foundation" in my life at all. What I mean, no man or woman is an island, right? I am not exaggerating even a little bit when I say that NOBODY in my family is functional, not even one person among them is AT ALL functional.

    I accept crumbs of affection or goodness and cherish them a if they are gems and this means that I get mistreated all the time. For example, my "family" stood by and allowed me to be raped and sometimes beaten over and over and over again from age 3 or so. As a result, I suffered severe PTSD and also got an eating disorder and became a slightly difficult child and teenager. My "family" during that time were quick to blame it all on me and say things like "I just can't understand why she's turned out like this...." Now, years later, two people in my "family" have accepted that sexual abuse is wrong and one of them has apologised to me that she didn't bother to help or save me at the time. The rest of the "family" have made if clear that they couldn't give a flying fuck that I was abused, they are more interested in what's on TV, or what the weather forecast is etc. So the one family member who acknowledges I didn't deserve to be raped.... I blew this out of proportion and imagined this meant I was loved and valued and that I have family and that they really care about me. In the cold hard reality of sobriety I see that this is bullshit. Even when this "family" member acknowledged I didn't deserve to be sexually abused, what she was saying was how traumatic it was for HER to witness my severely damaged genitals when she bathed me and how upsetting it was for HER to have to observe all the pain I was displaying. Not once did she or any other "family" member get me therapy or inform the police. They showed way, way, way more concern when favoured family members got fairly mild illnesses like flu or when a kid in the family began smoking.

    So I accept these pathetic crumbs of interest and let people treat me like I'm a lump of dog shit and I've been living this way for years.

    Even my friendships are fucked up - with me being really quite giving and a good listener and my friends treating me with indifference.

    I feel like I need to tear everything down and start again and reprogramme what I will and won't accept.

    But how the hell do you do that????? It's far easier to reach for a glass or bottle of wine and pretend this painful, devastating bullshit and mistreatment isn't really happening.

    I confronted this one particular BASTARD in my "family" and said to him: "Why did you think it was OK that I was raped aged three? Why didn't you do anything?" He just sort of went really vague and said everyone has shit to deal with and he compared it to how his stepdaughter is having a hard time right now because she's in her second year at university and her mother is considering selling the family home and buying a smaller home. He said this will affect the stepdaughter's sense of security and that she is really suffering.

    Ummm.....I've been battling severe PTSD all my life and I've never even ONCE in my life been able to have a healthy proper relationship with a man and I'm all alone and vulnerable and borderline alcoholic and this fucking idiot thinks none of that is as important as his stepdaughter not having to downgrade to a smaller family home?

    No one gives a fuck about me so why should I give a fuck about myself?

    Sober since 2nd November 2010!

    "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic

    Alcohol was my family and my friend

    breaking the cycle you need to get professional help,There are people where you are that can help you,go to them now,
    You know by your continued drinking it will not help you one bit and the problems will all still be there the next day.
    We all care here about you so please care about yourself.

    :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

    Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
    I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

    This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


      Alcohol was my family and my friend

      mario;1038567 wrote: breaking the cycle you need to get professional help,There are people where you are that can help you,go to them now,
      You know by your continued drinking it will not help you one bit and the problems will all still be there the next day.
      We all care here about you so please care about yourself.
      Mario, I am not actively drinking. I'm already in therapy. But 50 minutes every other week only helps so much. I might try to go weekly but not sure I can afford it right now.
      Sober since 2nd November 2010!

      "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


        Alcohol was my family and my friend

        Hunni,*hugs* i read your message about what had happened to you and it hurt me so bad that someone could treat someone like that. I have a 3 year old and if anyone ANYONE laid a fingure on her, i'd f***ing slaughter them alive and that's putting it nicely.
        I always lived by the rule, you have to love yourself before you can love or accept love from anyone else. You need to know and accept that what happened to you was NOT your fault and the people that did it to you and watched it happen are monsters, not family. It is a harsh reality but you need to pick yourself up and start from the biginning again.
        I do think you need professional help but i really want to drum it in to you that you are worth a million dollars, if not more. You have a purpose in life and that is to stick up for, protect and work for a company that deal with abused children. Who better to have and confide in then someone who honestly know how it feels. You need to understand you're not worthless, far from it. You have a purpose. You need to live, love and be loved but you need to get help to do this. help will never come from a bottle. Drink is a depressant and will just make you worse.
        Please, understand you are not worthless. You are an amazing, fantastic strong person who has a future.


          Alcohol was my family and my friend

          lil.michelle;1038582 wrote: Hunni,*hugs* i read your message about what had happened to you and it hurt me so bad that someone could treat someone like that. I have a 3 year old and if anyone ANYONE laid a fingure on her, i'd f***ing slaughter them alive and that's putting it nicely.
          I always lived by the rule, you have to love yourself before you can love or accept love from anyone else. You need to know and accept that what happened to you was NOT your fault and the people that did it to you and watched it happen are monsters, not family. It is a harsh reality but you need to pick yourself up and start from the biginning again.
          I do think you need professional help but i really want to drum it in to you that you are worth a million dollars, if not more. You have a purpose in life and that is to stick up for, protect and work for a company that deal with abused children. Who better to have and confide in then someone who honestly know how it feels. You need to understand you're not worthless, far from it. You have a purpose. You need to live, love and be loved but you need to get help to do this. help will never come from a bottle. Drink is a depressant and will just make you worse.
          Please, understand you are not worthless. You are an amazing, fantastic strong person who has a future.
          Thanks for your message. I am beginning to doubt that I can improve that much. I honestly do believe that I can remain alcohol free but I don't think I will ever be loved or have healthy relationships.

          I think everyone is lying to me when they say things will get better.

          Compare it to this. If someone comes up to you with an axe and repeatedly hacks at your legs until your legs are completely cut off and in shreds, let's face it, you are never going to go jogging again or walk normally, are you? But obviously the people around you aren't going to tell you: "Well actually mate you're completely screwed and you'll never walk again. Bad luck." Instead they are gonna try and be positive and say, "You can achieve all you want etc etc"

          I feel it's the same with me. The reality is, surely?, that sometimes the harm done is irreparable and the person will never again be normal. But nobody would have the heart to tell me what may be the truth: "I'm sorry to say that there was just too much damage. You'll never find love now and you're damaged goods. No man would even want you. Face up to it."
          Sober since 2nd November 2010!

          "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


            Alcohol was my family and my friend

            BTC, I certainly don't have any credentials, but just as a concerned person who is learning about your story............And, remember that everyone who gives advice is coming from their own background/experience/programming.

            I have lived my entire life going from one relationship to another. I've dated a lot, been married, divorced, remarried. In hindsight I would have to say that I didn't get much from being with men in relationships. I was successful at it in that I always had people who wanted to date/marry me. And, I think I was genuinely loved.

            Now, though, in my ripe old age of 58, I am finding that for me, the satisfaction in life is coming from places other than my relationshps. I'm finding peace in meditation, helping others, reading, yoga, cooking, caring for animals, advocating for environmental concerns and animal welfare................things that aren't connected to a man at all. And, for that matter, not connected to people at all other than in my advocacy work.

            I don't know how old you are, and you may just not be where I'm at because of age. But, I do think that you can create a meaningful life if you go about it in a different way. And, I think Michelle's idea is brilliant. I have read a couple of books by abused women who went on to do good things by helping other abused women. This would help heal you, and help others at the same time.

            Sending you peace and strength,



              Alcohol was my family and my friend

              KundaliniGirl;1038607 wrote: BTC, I certainly don't have any credentials, but just as a concerned person who is learning about your story............And, remember that everyone who gives advice is coming from their own background/experience/programming.

              I have lived my entire life going from one relationship to another. I've dated a lot, been married, divorced, remarried. In hindsight I would have to say that I didn't get much from being with men in relationships. I was successful at it in that I always had people who wanted to date/marry me. And, I think I was genuinely loved.

              Now, though, in my ripe old age of 58, I am finding that for me, the satisfaction in life is coming from places other than my relationshps. I'm finding peace in meditation, helping others, reading, yoga, cooking, caring for animals, advocating for environmental concerns and animal welfare................things that aren't connected to a man at all. And, for that matter, not connected to people at all other than in my advocacy work.

              I don't know how old you are, and you may just not be where I'm at because of age. But, I do think that you can create a meaningful life if you go about it in a different way. And, I think Michelle's idea is brilliant. I have read a couple of books by abused women who went on to do good things by helping other abused women. This would help heal you, and help others at the same time.

              Sending you peace and strength,

              Thanks KG very much.

              I'm in my 30s.

              As far as relationships go I've never yet been married, cohabited or even dated. That in itself is probably very unusual for a woman in her 30s who is able to hold a conversation and is physically attractive. I'm not even sure I've met any other women my age who've never had an actual relationship.
              Sober since 2nd November 2010!

              "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                Alcohol was my family and my friend

                Breaking_the_Cycle, if it counts for anything I really understand what your going through. I was abused for several years as a child and I still have a certain amount of anger with my family (not to mention my teachers and the other adults in my life) for their failure to protect me. I asked for help repeatedly and was dismissed. Also the depression I suffered as a result of the abuse was ignored and I feel like this helped set the groundwork for years of disordered eating and eventually alcohol abuse.

                I also understand your feeling like there's something wrong with you because you haven't had a relationship. I had my first boyfriend (and lost my virginity) at the age of 30. While not physically abusive he was a bully and the relationship was pretty toxic but I stuck with it for over a year because I had to prove to myself I wasn't too damaged to be a good girlfriend. Looking back, it might have been better just to stick it out on my own.

                I can't offer you any answers, only let you know that you're not alone in dealing with the shit to deal with.
                Alcohol Free since 11/29/10!


                  Alcohol was my family and my friend

                  chartreuse_lily;1038668 wrote: Breaking_the_Cycle, if it counts for anything I really understand what your going through. I was abused for several years as a child and I still have a certain amount of anger with my family (not to mention my teachers and the other adults in my life) for their failure to protect me. I asked for help repeatedly and was dismissed. Also the depression I suffered as a result of the abuse was ignored and I feel like this helped set the groundwork for years of disordered eating and eventually alcohol abuse.

                  I also understand your feeling like there's something wrong with you because you haven't had a relationship. I had my first boyfriend (and lost my virginity) at the age of 30. While not physically abusive he was a bully and the relationship was pretty toxic but I stuck with it for over a year because I had to prove to myself I wasn't too damaged to be a good girlfriend. Looking back, it might have been better just to stick it out on my own.

                  I can't offer you any answers, only let you know that you're not alone in dealing with the shit to deal with.
                  Hello love.
                  How are things going for you now?
                  Sorry you went through so much.

                  I think what has happened is that there are certain building blocks missing from my childhood. On a superficial level I'm OK. I am able to hold down good jobs. Also, when going outside the home I wouldn't dream of not looking very groomed and smart. But at the same time I did not REALLY take care of myself and everything was really very superficial. I 'appear' to be a purposeful, presentable person but on the inside I am a self-hating shivering wreck who desires alcohol to prop her up and numb the pain. So I've really got a lot of healing to do I guess. To re-learn everything. *Maybe* it is possible I can do it. I feel like I've got to re-parent myself from scratch. Maybe that is what I do indeed have to do.
                  Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                  "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                    Alcohol was my family and my friend

                    BTC, I have found that some of the best things come after a dark period. You know that saying, "the darkest hour is just before dawn." I still think you can have a good life - you might have to work to make it happen. That's the beauty of life - it can change dramatically when you least expect it.

                    CL - sorry for the b.s. you had to go through too!



                      Alcohol was my family and my friend

                      KundaliniGirl;1038682 wrote: BTC, I have found that some of the best things come after a dark period. You know that saying, "the darkest hour is just before dawn." I still think you can have a good life - you might have to work to make it happen. That's the beauty of life - it can change dramatically when you least expect it.

                      CL - sorry for the b.s. you had to go through too!

                      Sober since 2nd November 2010!

                      "Life is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs. It simply reflects YOUR truth, your reality."sigpic


                        Alcohol was my family and my friend

                        BTC, this is heartbreaking and all I can tell you is that sadly you are not alone in what happened to you. I hate the fact that that is true, but it is. And what is also true is that people have 'gotten over it' - I don't mean that to sound trite as it's obviously devastating, but you know what I mean, people have come from similar expereinces and built a better life. The bad news is that its a fuck of a lot of work. The good news is it can be done.

                        You know the best way to get 'revenge' on the abusers and those who stood by - there seems no point in discussing it as they have already shown they will not change their minds. You are going to become a survivor, not a victim. Difficult, but I believe in you - you wouldn't have come this far if you didn't have it in you to totally and utterly make it. I have no doubt that you will do it. Leave the other people to their sad attitudes and you fucking make it and show them that you are the strongest, most brilliant person. You have made it this far - you can make it all the way.

                        Massive hugs to both you and Lily :l :l
                        K x
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

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                          Alcohol was my family and my friend


                          I did not get married until I was over 30-- in fact I did not meet my future husband until I was 30! You have tons of time to marry and have a family if that is what you want. You have been through bad things in the past-- so bad that I know I am not qualified to do anything but sympatize-- but I do think you should get some help-- perhaps if you told your therapist of money issues they could work somehting out. In the US they have mental health counsellors at community mental health facilites that are open for all to go to for no money-- maybe where you are does too (not sure where that is). I have not gone to them as I have insurance but I would not hesitate to if my circumstances change. I had a great family though my mom is ridiculously controlling but what I had to realize is that I was never going to be able to change others behavor-- I could only change how I react to it. At first that felt like giving others a free pass to hurt me-- but for those who I could not relate to without resentment-- I just did not mainain those relationships. I know it is hard but I do think that it is probably necessary to go on with your life-- their life is their own sad ball of wax (IMO).


                            Alcohol was my family and my friend

                            Breaking the Cycle,
                            Your story breaks my heart. I agree with Mario, and I'm glad your in therapy you are taking good care of yourself by doing this. I do understand how 50 min a week isn't enough time to talk about what your going through. :l I found when I was in therapy 50 min was just enough time for everything to surface. Then I'd have a week of hell until my next session... I wish I could have gone more, but couldn't afford it either. What I think is so courageous and amazing about you is that you are reaching out getting help, not drinking, and trying your best. Overcoming adversity is what your in the middle of. You should be honored for your strength. I think your doing amazing. I know it can get lonely, and it appears to me that your drawing connections as to why your not in a relationship connected to your past. It makes a lot of since to me. There is so much healing that needs to happen for you. I never thought healing could hurt. I think it's part of it. Lots of love to you.


                              Alcohol was my family and my friend

                              breaking_the_cycle;1038554 wrote: Since being sober, my problems and difficulties continue to rise to the surface. Life was easier when I didn't have to face ALL of this, to be perfectly honest.

                              I've already posted quite a bit about my childhood and some of you have probably read about it.

                              In a nutshell, I think the main problem is that I have no "foundation" in my life at all. What I mean, no man or woman is an island, right? I am not exaggerating even a little bit when I say that NOBODY in my family is functional, not even one person among them is AT ALL functional.

                              I accept crumbs of affection or goodness and cherish them a if they are gems and this means that I get mistreated all the time. For example, my "family" stood by and allowed me to be raped and sometimes beaten over and over and over again from age 3 or so. As a result, I suffered severe PTSD and also got an eating disorder and became a slightly difficult child and teenager. My "family" during that time were quick to blame it all on me and say things like "I just can't understand why she's turned out like this...." Now, years later, two people in my "family" have accepted that sexual abuse is wrong and one of them has apologised to me that she didn't bother to help or save me at the time. The rest of the "family" have made if clear that they couldn't give a flying fuck that I was abused, they are more interested in what's on TV, or what the weather forecast is etc. So the one family member who acknowledges I didn't deserve to be raped.... I blew this out of proportion and imagined this meant I was loved and valued and that I have family and that they really care about me. In the cold hard reality of sobriety I see that this is bullshit. Even when this "family" member acknowledged I didn't deserve to be sexually abused, what she was saying was how traumatic it was for HER to witness my severely damaged genitals when she bathed me and how upsetting it was for HER to have to observe all the pain I was displaying. Not once did she or any other "family" member get me therapy or inform the police. They showed way, way, way more concern when favoured family members got fairly mild illnesses like flu or when a kid in the family began smoking.

                              So I accept these pathetic crumbs of interest and let people treat me like I'm a lump of dog shit and I've been living this way for years.

                              Even my friendships are fucked up - with me being really quite giving and a good listener and my friends treating me with indifference.

                              I feel like I need to tear everything down and start again and reprogramme what I will and won't accept.

                              But how the hell do you do that????? It's far easier to reach for a glass or bottle of wine and pretend this painful, devastating bullshit and mistreatment isn't really happening.

                              I confronted this one particular BASTARD in my "family" and said to him: "Why did you think it was OK that I was raped aged three? Why didn't you do anything?" He just sort of went really vague and said everyone has shit to deal with and he compared it to how his stepdaughter is having a hard time right now because she's in her second year at university and her mother is considering selling the family home and buying a smaller home. He said this will affect the stepdaughter's sense of security and that she is really suffering.

                              Ummm.....I've been battling severe PTSD all my life and I've never even ONCE in my life been able to have a healthy proper relationship with a man and I'm all alone and vulnerable and borderline alcoholic and this fucking idiot thinks none of that is as important as his stepdaughter not having to downgrade to a smaller family home?

                              No one gives a fuck about me so why should I give a fuck about myself?

                              Hi breaking_the_cycle,

                              Even just coming here and the way you write, shows that you're stronger than them and too strong to want to 'give up', and i would encourage you to NOT give up. You said that since stopping drinking, your issues etc. have risen to the surface... Well, that is a good thing. In order to transform something, we need to bring it to the "light". I don't mean to sound all 'new agey'

                              When you said you need to 'de-program yourself', i think you are right there. You know what you have to do, so i say, do it! You have an intelligent head on your shoulders, so keep using it in your quest for a great, healthy life. I think you're exactly right when you say you've got to work out what is 'acceptable' and 'unaccaptable' in your life right now, and for the future, so i would encourage you to do just that.

                              You say you feel alone, well, you're never really alone when you're respecting yourself and if you make the determination to be kind to yourself and set yourself some goals, how knows what (or who) will show up??

                              You also say nobody cares about you, well, i would care about you if i knew you and i care about you even though i've never met you in my life, and i bet there are a hell of a lot of people here who would feel the same way

                              Keep posting okay, there is lots of support here :l
                              One day at a time.. Sometimes it's one minute or one second at a time.. Most important thing is to look ahead and don't look back!

