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Quitting drinking smoking at same time ikes!

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    Quitting drinking smoking at same time ikes!

    After another stupid drinking binge yesterday, I am so ashamed that I drank AGAIN. I once had about 3 years sober and then started again. I haven't become a daily drinker again (yet), but I know if I keep this up I will. I am so ashamed of myself.

    I have also been trying to get smoking. Almost had a month. Then I started drinking A about 2 or times a week and I can't help myself--I start smoking again.

    So now I am on day one sober and day one not smoking. I thought I would feel great, but I am a nervous wreck. I am wearing a nicotine patch. I wonder if this what is making me nervous/jittery or if it's from coming off all the alcohol yesterday.

    Please help...thanks!


    Quitting drinking smoking at same time ikes!

    Hi Flower,

    At least you are aware of the fact that you will probably return to daily drinking if you continue and you are trying to do something about it. Gosh, I don't know if I would try quitting smoking at the same time as drinking - you're pretty brave to try that one. Mind you if you had managed a month, that's really good and I have no doubt it was the drinking that got you back on it.

    I would imagine going through both hangover/withdrawl and nicotine withdrawal (even with a patch) WOULD make you jittery. If I could give any advice I would say hang tight - it is normal - and keep drinking soft drinks, herbal teas etc and eating well. Maybe try to keep busy if you can - use your nervous energy up! I'm sure you'll feel much better by tomorrow.

    Anyway, well done for making the decision and good luck!
    K x
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      Quitting drinking smoking at same time ikes!

      Wow, you're setting yourself a big goal by stopping smoking and drinking at the same time.

      But the two do seem to go together hand in hand don't they.

      Perhaps you are nervy because of suddenly hitting your body with a double whammy of nicotine and alcohol.
      Give yourself and your body a little time to settle down. I reckon stay with the patches for a while.

      You know you can go for a long period without drinking, so that is a huge advantage mentally .

      Be kind to yourself.


        Quitting drinking smoking at same time ikes!

        I had to give up both around the same time. It was only rough for about 3 weeks. That might sound like a long time.. but it's worth it. If you've given up both in the past you know what your in for. You can do it! :goodjob: I'd pat yourself on the back for starting this challenge!! And drink LOTS of water. :l

