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Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

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    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

    OK - I can't comment on the Bac because I have no experience other than what I read here but could your lack of energy could be attributed to that? How much weight do you want to lose? Is it for health or 'cosmetic' reasons?

    You've always struck me as an active, bouncy, busy person. I don't like seeing you quiet and low. What can we pull out of our collective clackers to give you a hand?


      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

      You know I actually think it is the Froglet Lifestyle Plan that I have to follow.
      You've always maintained your weight incredibly well, and have more energy than you can poke a stick at.

      Also, one has to get off one's blubby arse and stop making excuses... maybe it's 90% attitude. after all.
      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
      Rejoined life 20/5/19


        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

        It's mainly for energy reasons BTW.....but a bit of a 'makeover' wouldn't hurt.....

        Anyway, I haven't a lot of time for folk who piss and moan and then do nothing about I'm not falling into that trap.
        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
        Rejoined life 20/5/19


          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

          Hi Bridge,
          Height notwithstanding, if you're over 80 kilos, you could do losing a few of 'em.

          I'm dropping weight primarily for health reasons. Before you joined MWO I was tested and seems I have a big heart(in more ways than one) The Dr. thought AL was an influence. So that is being monitored (heart size not AL intake).

          I also want to have a bit more strength, stamina, energy and balance, and keep doing things for as long as I can, albeit not as well as I used to.
          The absolute crunch came last year when I was gasping after walking up just a small incline for a short distance. Now I just breathe heavily. ( There's probably a suppository joke in there somewhere)

          Also I am doing it so I loook better. I was looking obese. I was starting to look slobby. Now I am looking overweight. In 3 months I will look like the strong bones solid built lass of 25 years ago.... with wrinkles.

          Likewise I can't comment on Bac or anything else as I stopped Campral ages ago and was too bloody scared to take antabuse exceptt for a few days.

          I don't know if you are a solo player or not, but I'd be happy to join forces with you as a training partner if you'd like.

          But I'm feeling the benefit of my weight loss to date. I still can't run (knees) and will never be able to do the limbo (back), and my skiing is getting worserer and worserer, but I can certainly don and move round in the 30 odd kilos of dive gear and get myself in and out of the water (Well sometimes I need the guys to help me balance on the slippery rock shelf while I get my fins off). And I'm now walking 900 metres up that dreadful mountain. Road in about 12 minutes again not having to stop any more, and finish just breathing heavily.


            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

            YOU Listen to me Jones. I know it's damn confusing with all the diet and nutrition stuff coming at us ad nauseum. However, if you swing to a high protein diet (NO REFINED CARBS) for a few months you will make tremendous strides. You'll not look like Oprah's half sister, but more like half an Oprah. You can cheat one day a week (ONLY ONE) and it's best to make it the same day. Any further gat damn get me directly via PM. NOW MOVE OUT NURSE!!!

            Note: I have airport security watching me. I've been asking a few folks in the boarding area if they knew what a "Fat Rat's Clacker" is? One woman told her daughter not to make eye contact with me. I think the TSA guys may body scan me again!

            ..........and where in the HELL is Private Zenners???
            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1491935=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

              techie;1049966 wrote: YOU Listen to me Jones. I know it's damn confusing with all the diet and nutrition stuff coming at us ad nauseum. However, if you swing to a high protein diet (NO REFINED CARBS) for a few months you will make tremendous strides. You'll not look like Oprah's half sister, but more like half an Oprah. You can cheat one day a week (ONLY ONE) and it's best to make it the same day. Any further gat damn get me directly via PM. NOW MOVE OUT NURSE!!!

              Note: I have airport security watching me. I've been asking a few folks in the boarding area if they knew what a "Fat Rat's Clacker" is? One woman told her daughter not to make eye contact with me. I think the TSA guys may body scan me again!

              ..........and where in the HELL is Private Zenners???
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                Good morning/evening Bootcampers.

                Thankyou very much for your replies. It really helps.

                I had a good hard talk to myself last night. I've decided that I've read/watched/inputted so much information and read so many professional journals and texts that I've forgotten to simply use my instinct and common sense (remember those ?)

                It is getting to the stage that I wake up and can't even make a decision about what to have for breakfast. Should I eat carbs ? (evil apparently) Fat ? (according to the 80's Caffeine ? Red meat ? Organic ? Macrobiotic ? Paleolithic ? Atkins ? South Beach ? CSIRO ? Fat flushing ? F2 Hi fibre ? Weightbloodywatchers ?
                Maybe drink a dam full of water every day and hope for the best ? (Sorry, can't come into work today, I'm busy drinking my water. Love to join you for the weekend, but I'll be rehydrating. Bush walk? to be within a 3 metre range of the toilet at all times)

                Time to go back to basics for this soldier.
                I wonder what cookie's got to say about all of this ? :H
                If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                Rejoined life 20/5/19


                  Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                  byebyebridgetjones;1050105 wrote: Good morning/evening Bootcampers.

                  Thankyou very much for your replies. It really helps.

                  I had a good hard talk to myself last night. I've decided that I've read/watched/inputted so much information and read so many professional journals and texts that I've forgotten to simply use my instinct and common sense (remember those ?)

                  It is getting to the stage that I wake up and can't even make a decision about what to have for breakfast. Should I eat carbs ? (evil apparently) Fat ? (according to the 80's Caffeine ? Red meat ? Organic ? Macrobiotic ? Paleolithic ? Atkins ? South Beach ? CSIRO ? Fat flushing ? F2 Hi fibre ? Weightbloodywatchers ?
                  Maybe drink a dam full of water every day and hope for the best ? (Sorry, can't come into work today, I'm busy drinking my water. Love to join you for the weekend, but I'll be rehydrating. Bush walk? to be within a 3 metre range of the toilet at all times)

                  Time to go back to basics for this soldier.
                  I wonder what cookie's got to say about all of this ? :H
                  Bridge - just sent you PM. Back to basics is good. CSIRO is the way to go I reckon - scientifically based and plain old good common sense.
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                    Miss Behaving;1050107 wrote: Bridge - just sent you PM. Back to basics is good. CSIRO is the way to go I reckon - scientifically based and plain old good common sense.
                    Actually....forgot to mention in PM, I've got both books...they're great.... and there's a good CSIRO cookbook I spotted at a mate's place the other night.

                    The kind of recipes that make you think... diet ???? So that's good.
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                      i am tentatively putting in an appearance here as my undies compadres seem to be suffering from a severe case of dementia. should've guessed much earlier!
                      just around everyone so can someone drag me out of wall-flower mode? leads to shitty stuff.
                      diet : umm trying for the no sugar stuff which is great bridgee if you're interested
                      exercise : spasmodic. like, really i go into a spasm if i exercise too much....hehehehe.
                      moral : watched "Titanic" last night & cried. bad sign.
                      goals : Tues i clock into Febfast , an af period here in Oz & NZ to raise money for charity.


                        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                        Private Mish reporting in, Sarge. Punishing outdoor regime continuing and I'm loving every minute of it. Building muscles and self esteem at the same time...way to go.
                        Bridge, as long as I don't sit or lie down, if I set myself a task and just go for it, I seem to be able to push through the Bac 'bye byes' and if I stay focused on the job at hand I don't seem to be affected at all. I know everyone responds differently to meds, but basically, I don't let it slow me down because I don't want it to. I've been called 'bloody-minded' in the past and I guess it's so. I just know it works for me that way.
                        I'm a great believer in protein myself, Sarge. Girls, have you thought of getting some whey protein drink poweder from the health shop...the stuff body builders use? Even comes in Chocolate flavour that tastes like chocloate, not pseudo chockie as some diet shakes taste like. As you build muscle more readily you're charging up your metabolism at the same time.
                        Well, gotta batten down for Cyclone Bianca which should hit us around 02:00 tomorrow. Hope it doesn't destroy my vegies. Looks like we'll be getting a goodly amount of rain, too, along with 120km/hr winds. So far it's only likely to be a Category One, so hope it stays that way.
                        :h Mish :h
                        Never give up...
                        GET UP!!!

                        AF since 25th November, 2011

                        What might have been is an abstraction
                        Remaining a perpetual possibility
                        Only in a world of speculation.
                        What might have been and what has been
                        Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                          I had the CSIRO book but can't find it. I may have got rid of it when we moved. I did do a fairly big clean out. The one I have at the moment is Dr John Tickell, which I'm only sort of following. But I'm mostly just eating sensibly, things like one piece of toast instead of 2, no Yackandana lemon spread on my toast (weep) ... either tomato or vegimite , either no rice or very little with my asian meals, no sgetti with my mainly vegetable spag bol etc. and smaller serving sizes etc. And cutting down dramatically on cheese. I lurve cheese.


                            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                            Private Beags good to see you. Mish you are becoming an inspiration to all of us. Except me of course, as I'm in a size 6. WHAT WAS THAT COMMENT? It's a gown for my dang huntin lodge The Royal Order of Chupacabra. It's puce with Elvis style rhinestones that form the silhouette of the fabled creature! Missy good advice to Jones there on that dang blasted CYRANO DU BERGEAC diet. Not a bad approach if all you want is to button your trousers over your nose. For me, I like Rags solar aquatic approach supplemented with some kick ass curves sessions. Might be a good idea to get some hard outdoor work in as well to build muscle. I was thinking perhaps a log pull competition at Frogs? Anyhow here is some good diet information that is considered groundbreaking...not new ground, but....I hope our Nurse reads this!?

                            Buy this book as fast as you can: Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes | Hunter-Gatherer

                            ...and where the hell is Private Zenny????
                            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1492612=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                              New orders coming Monday.I may ask Private Saph to provide a blurb or two on exercise and posture. I'm on a dang posture kick. Why? Why not!!!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                                Can I come to Tawny's please Sir n Tawny???? I've been in a log sawing and nailing contest but never a log pulling contest????

                                Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                                St. Francis of Assisi

