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Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

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    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

    tawnyfrog;1038969 wrote: OK Sarge - I'll play your silly game and test myself a tad. I haven't run foreeeeever. I don't do runnage. So, this evening at 6:50pm I set off to ralk around the perimeter of my property. (ralk = run + walk). I figured 20 long, swift stides followed by 10 quick sprints should be ok for starters. Well - I'm back at 7:02 huffin and a'puffin - but I completed the circuit. I know, I know ... only 12 minutes does not a marathon make but hey - I haven't run since the Mr.Whippy van almost turned out of our street.

    Sweating nicely now. Might I add, I performed this dastardly feat wearing my Blunnies. Let's see if I can improve tomorrow?
    a ralking frog PMSL (in blunnies PMSL even more):H:H:H:H:H:H
    I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

      EnglishWriter77;1039126 wrote: Sarge Sir, *Salutes*

      I went to Zumba last week and will be going tonight - it's a lot of fun, umm I mean it is a good workout SIR!


      Attention Writer. Spread the word here on your Zumba progress. WE NEED TO MOTIVATE EACH OTHER. We can discuss break dancing moves at a later date, but this ain't no gat dang disco. NO MOVE OUT AND GET ER DONE. Report in with your progress tomorrow!
      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

        Sharky;1039129 wrote: On Borad Sarge! Spin class this am, Oatmeal, fruit for breakfast.
        Also, about a gallon of pipin' hot Joe

        GREAT Sharky. Spin is the way to go. Love it. OK let me get this straight. You drank a gallon of coffee at breakfest. What are you wearing a gat dang catheter??? Report in tomorrow Sharky. You need protein as well. Maybe add a fur seal to that oatmeal!
        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

          Zenstyle;1039418 wrote: LMAO!!!!

          When I started on the dreadmill that's zactly wot I did. 3 min walk 2 min run 3 min walk 2 min run until balance was compromised and I got shot off the end of the belt to a much needed rest lying on the floor.
          That happened to a client of mine....but it was all my fault:upset: she was supposed to be walking at 6.5kph...but yours truly, using my talk/distraction techniques whilst inadvertently leaning on the side rail/speed control, took the speed quickly up to 20kph. Lucky not to get the derriere sued off me:H
          I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

            sapphire1;1039394 wrote: Scuse me bad manners Sarge and fellow bootcampers. The shock of seeing the frog enrolled in bootcamp almost did me in. Well I'm back on track after a major hiatus in both training and eating sensibly, taking supps regularly blah blah blah.

            I'll be checking in three days a week, as I am working three days on and four days off.

            Started the day with a walk with my new doggie. She was a dog-sled pullling husky in another life and as a result gives me a hell of a workout for 30mins per day. 40mins interval training on the exercise bike; 20mins fitball core exercises and weights; 10mins yoga/stretching.

            I gave up coffee late 2011...felt much better without back on the gives me the jitters so no more as of tommorrow.

            Food today: 2 x wholegrain toast with egg and tomato and chillies

            Chicken breast salad , 1 x apple
            handful of sunflower seeds and a V8 juice, heaps of supplements

            See yas later when ya undies are straighter (inside joke)
            BTW if I worked as hard as the poor buggers that I take for Personal Training, I would be herculean shape (but dont you dare tell them that)

            Saph GREAT to see you back at camp. Fantastic stuff with diet and exercise. Why aren't folks eating enough protein here. I'd like your input. BTW the way soldier I want all you Undies without undies. Commando is the only way to go. Why hell did I tell you about the case of jungle rot I had on little Sarge. Took doc three or four shots with the scapel to make er look normal. Never wore undies again.
            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

              yep it looked just like that only I was the one that got the bollocking, not the treadmill :H:H:H:
              I am a part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. Rev. Ted Noffs


                Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                Zenstyle;1039396 wrote: Rations: Brekkies... one cup cawfee and an apple. Lunch... Green Monsterish type healthy algae wotzit protein blender thingumyjig with chia seeds, cinnamon and spinach chucked in for good measure. Snack... wee turkey and cheese sarner on pita and a bit of left over baked spud. Dinner... pot roast with root veggies (naughty veggies). Plus half a can of ginger ale.

                Supps: Bloody loads, nuff said.

                Manouvers: 20 min elliptical, 40 min weight machines, 10 min stretching, 10 min sauna.

                Uniform bulge: Unchanged = Bad.

                Carcinogens: Have to come clean... a few puffs. Grrr...

                Liquids: Water and the ginger ale and cawfee.

                I'm now officially exhausted from trying to be good. Need to lie down.

                Welcome back Private Zenners. I see you are back to the old Zen working out and eating right, The holiday weight will come off. What's with this algae shite. You live in Florida NOT the GAT DAMN GALOPAGOS ISLANDS.
                I see you have had a few puffs. I need to know where you have the bong hidden. I don't want any trouble with the MP's. I'm OK with the java but lose the ginger ale. I see you had pot roast with....was it beetroot?
                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                  Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                  mylife;1039404 wrote: Evening Sarge! Such a busy day I didn't have time to check in before this...but you will be happy to hear I DID find time to get up at 5:15 a.m. today and do a power walk followed by 20 minutes of weights.

                  The eating part was not good -- no bran flakes or oatmeal. (In fact I think there was a doughnut involved at one point from a co-worker) But on the other hand nothing excessive....I know I need to start tracking that part too...!!

                  OK Mylife good start. Just keep making progress. I'll pretend I didn't see the donut report. There is NO room for donuts here. Take Private Oney for example. Before completing the last bootcamp she could only fit one butt cheek into her avatar. She gave up the donuts. The results speak for themselves. She you in tomorrows formation!
                  Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                    generic;1039157 wrote: I'm in! I'm good on the exercise (cardio and weights 4x a week and yoga twice) but the eating thing I could do better at! Looking forward to it!

                    Don't be so generic. I need details Jenny. Need you to work on an eating plan and report. I'll try and provide a complete daily menu each evening. Cooky says he has got a two month plan in place. I like your exercise plan, but PLEASE share what you do so others can share info with you!
                    Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                      Ringing Cedars;1039150 wrote: I don't do well with authority as you may have gleaned Techie.:H
                      I do appreciate all your input and sense of humour though and will be following and cheering in the sidelines.

                      Good to have you on the base RC!
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                        Dewdrop;1039072 wrote: YYaahhhh Sarge great to have you back, sir.

                        Put on 4lbs over the holidays but weighed in this morning a lost 1.5lbs last week. Healthy eating and exercising top of the agenda for 2011, go to 2 yoga classes per week but might change one to a bellydancing class to spice things up a bit.

                        Will get the soup pot out and have that lentil soup simmering on the stove in no time Sarge, sir

                        Dewdrop :h

                        Hello Private Dew. The 4lbs should melt right off Dew. I'm interested in that bellydancing class. Sarge is a GREAT admirer of that style. I'll provide some healthy soup recipes over the next few days!!!
                        Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                          startingover;1038970 wrote: You lot are inspiring me!

                          You are welcome to join us!?!
                          Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                            Rags;1038976 wrote: Mr. Sargeant Sir,
                            Can I join the squad?

                            Welcome Private Rags!!!
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                              Wagoneer;1038993 wrote: I'm in this time Sarge. Last night was up too late reading "The Eat Clean Diet for Families" and have motivated myself to get rid of all the crap in my cupboard. Now I have nothing in my cupboard. Off to the market at lunch! My family and I wll eat better this year and I will get off my ass and exercise. Even if I just start by using the stairs only. Can't get too far ahead of myself or I will lose confidence and go back to the old eating habits. ODAT for me and my family! Thanks for starting this back up. Your humor makes me laugh - thus burning more calories!


                              Private Wagon good to have you here. Start slow BUT don't stop. Make a little bit of progress each day. I want a report of what you're eating and stair count. NOW MOVE OUT!
                              Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                                Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                                Chillgirl;1039313 wrote: Reporting in Sarge - bran flakes with berries, soup & pita bread then tuna & noodles
                                for my 3 meals today plus 30 min brisk walk
                                (Ruined it by eating a whole bag of pretzels while watching a movie tonight)

                                OK Private Chill. GREAT progress. You may want to provide the troops some insight into yoga and its benefits. I usually sleep in the cobra pose, but that's between us. See you in formation!!!
                                Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read

