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Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

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    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

    byebyebridgetjones;1040785 wrote: oh me Gord're HOT......
    And your neighbourhood is hot....
    And your snow ...............
    Bridge - any guy in a puffer jacket and skinny jeans looks hot. You have to become more discerning :H:H:H

    Zenstyle;1041294 wrote:
    Box of Godiva Chocolates for the first one that can do a solid work out for an hour without expiring. Yoooooo Hoooooo!!!!!!!

    *rummages around in the freezer* AND... a tasty little low carb Popsicle is up for grabs....
    I have been enjoying a post -exercise treat ....... we have a health food store right across from where I work that has a machine that makes frozen yoghurt and fresh fruit ice-cream. I've had one every day this week!

    Food good today, although I'm about to go an a week's holiday and we thought we would start with pizza takeaways!!! Did a good workout at lunchtime with some kettle bells (has anyone else discovered this new instrument of torture :H:H), medicine ball, lots of abs work and a bit of running. We did it in a favorite little green space, but which was right next to where a Bollywood movie, involving a car chase (BMW and a nice little sporty Ferrari) was being filmed with multiple takes!!! Needless to say, I kept getting distracted, and didn't have enough time to have my swim to finish - which was a pity because it was a glorious day!!!

    I am off to the beach tomorrow until the 25th - plan to get lots of healthy eating and exercising in while I am there!! See you when I get back!!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

      Oh Gawd Missy, Pizza!! That's why I'm trying like crazy to drop an extra kilo or 8 before I go away oin holiday.
      But you'll burn up all the in your 18 kilometre race thingy, and holiday activities swimming in the south pacific ocean!


        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

        Miss Behaving;1041304 wrote: Bridge - any guy in a poofy jacket and skinny jeans looks hot.
        Hmmm ... he's not going to like that. Just as well you're going on hols for a week ...


          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

          Got to love the "dreadmill" and the "helliptical" !
          You always succeed if you never stop trying.
          Everyday we choose the direction of change.


            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

            *slinks in with tail between legs*

            I have had some rather troublesome houseguests at Jones camp, Sarge.
            It is all this soldier can do to keep her frayed temper at this stage.
            Request leave until I can have them airlifted out, whereupon manouvres will recommence.SIR.
            If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
            Rejoined life 20/5/19


              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

              Gee, Bridge, she still there?

              Want me to cover for you with Sarge for a bit ?

              Did a workout yesterday sergeant sir!
              And a scuba dive this morning Sergeant sir!
              And ate my one person ration issue Sir.


                Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                Don't know why Sarge is yelling at us ....

                In the first Techie photo, I reckon he's chomping on a double lamington and in the second, i reckon he's fanging a Maccas HalfPounder.

                Just sayin' ...


                  Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                  tawnyfrog;1041823 wrote: Don't know why Sarge is yelling at us ....

                  In the first Techie photo, I reckon he's chomping on a double lamington and in the second, i reckon he's fanging a Maccas HalfPounder.

                  Just sayin' ...
                  You don't do well with yelling either??:H

                  I wholeheartedly concur with your commando style.

                  Techie-hope you're getting those fires put out and you are well. :l

                  Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.

                  St. Francis of Assisi


                    Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                    Thursday and Friday
                    32 min treadmill
                    10 min elliptical
                    20 strength training.

                    Doing better on eating. Not very many fruits or veggies tho. I will get apples, cheese, and carrots at the store today and try to do better next week.

                    Hope you are well Sarge.
                    You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                    Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                      Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                      Week 2

                      I'M BACK & READY TO RUMBLE. Listen you whining pathetic bunch of free radicals THIS IS GOING TO BE HELL WEEK. BTW this just in. That Techie fella has gone missin. Looks like a double Wammington. According to sources around here two of his troops have gone rogue. More to follow, but he was last seen wearing poofy clothing (WTF?) while power eating a sack of White Castle double cheeseburgers. Sarge is here for you Techie. I know the pain you're going JACKASS! NOW BACK TO BUSINESS.

                      I WANT TO SEE LESS WHINING, LESS DINING, AND MORE WORKING OUT. I don't give a dang if you have a lowland gorilla staying with you...NO EXCUSES...GET IT DONE (see motivation below). NOW MOVE YOUR SORRY BUTTS OUT!!!

                      A BIG THANKS to Private Zenners who kept the platoon running while I was off having liposuction!

                      Note: Mandatory thigh inspections at 1800 hours


                      Don't worry about getting it done. Just get it done.

                      Don't complain about what has gone wrong. Just do whatever is necessary to make it right.

                      Your time and energy are too precious and too powerful to waste on things that will just bring you down. Instead of bringing yourself down, lift the whole world up.

                      Decide to live life on your own terms and make those terms exceedingly positive. Choose to spend each priceless moment in the service of your highest values.

                      Whatever the situation, you get to decide how you will be. So always direct your energy to where it will bring new richness to your world.

                      Take everything in stride, and respond with your own unique, positive perspective. Live on the highest level you can envision, and cheerfully encourage everyone else to come along.

                      Healthy Lifestyle:

                      SATURDAY, Jan. 15 (HealthDay News) -- Five simple steps can help lower your risk of heart disease, says a leading expert on preventive cardiology.
                      About 58 million Americans have heart disease and more needs to be done to educate people about risk factors and prevention, said Dr. Holly Anderson, director of education and outreach at the Ronald O. Perelman Heart Institute of New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center.
                      She offered the following heart health tips:

                      Know your numbers. Ask your doctor about what are considered normal numbers for blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides. ize: 13px;">Start exercising. Walking for just 20 to 30 minutes a few days a week can reduce the risk of premature death by more than 50 percent. Physical activity reduces blood pressure, improves cholesterol, reduces stress, improves sleep, boosts mood, improves cognition and prevents memory loss. Laugh. Just 15 minutes of laughter equals about 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in terms of cardiovascular health. Research has also linked laughter with reductions in pain and anxiety, health function of blood vessels, and increased levels of brain hormones that improve your mood. Pay more attention to your waistline than your weight. The waistline is a better measurement of overall health than weight because the amount of fat around your waist is directly linked to high blood pressure and high cholesterol and can increase your risk of diabetes.[*]Get adequate sleep. Lack of sleep boosts blood pressure, induces stress, increases your appetite, slows your metabolism, dampens your mood and decreases cognition.Supplement:

                      What are probiotics?
                      Probiotics are edible products containing the helpful or "friendly" bacteria (usually Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium) that normally inhabit the human digestive tract. In the intestinal tract, these beneficial microbes help complete the digestive process, and some assist in the production of vitamins

                      Why are they necessary?

                      Probiotics are used to increase the number of beneficial bacteria in your digestive tract. They can help to keep the digestive system in balance and functioning optimally, restore normal flora, and may support immune system function, especially when a person is taking antibiotics, which can wipe out intestinal bacteria indiscriminately, including those that help keep the intestinal tract healthy. Probiotics are an effective treatment for diarrhea, lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome, vaginal yeast infections, oral thrush, Crohn's disease, and ulcerative colitis. When there's a family history of allergy or eczema, babies receiving probiotics in their first six months of life (and whose mothers took probiotics during the last trimester of pregnancy) are less prone to eczema. Children with autism can also benefit from probiotics, possibly because they decrease leakage of large molecules from the gut that can trigger immune reactions with effects on brain function.

                      What are the signs of a deficiency?

                      There's evidence that without adequate normal flora, the immune system can't work properly, lessening resistance to infection.
                      ">How much, and what kind, does an adult need?
                      As soon as you start taking antibiotics, start taking probiotics in liquid or capsule form twice a day with meals and continue for a few days after you finish your prescribed therapy. Look for brands containing Bacillus coagulans (BC-30) or Lactobacillus GG. The dose is one tablespoon of the liquid culture or one to two capsules with meals unless the label directs otherwise. Always check the expiration date to make sure that the bacteria these products contain are alive and in good condition and look for probiotics with "colony forming units" (CFUs) in the billions. After you buy, be sure to protect your supply from heat, moisture, and air.
                      How do you get enough from foods?
                      Most probiotic organisms occur naturally in cultured milk products, such as yogurt with active cultures, acidophilus milk and kefir, as well as natural pickles and sauerkraut. Many traditional cultures around the world value these fermented food products highly, and incorporate them in meals daily for both health and flavor.


                      The link below is all about muscle tone. How to get it, maintain it, and why it is key to keeping bodyfat in check. Most of the exercise are easily doable...HAVE FUN!!!


                      Recipe du jour:

                      Orange Chicken with Wilted Spinach Salad Recipe Recipe

                      Read more:

                      Attached files [img]/converted_files/1479403=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                      Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                        Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                        Morning, Sarge. Morning, troops.
                        Sarge, I'm crushed that you didn't officially recognise my fine workout and diet regime at the moment. Since then, I've been sawing limestone blocks (250mm x 190mm x 500mm) for the remaining gaps, and continue to lug and lay the blocks with hand mixed mortar. I don't have any weight to lose, but my flab is rapidly turning to fab (losing the tuckshop arms look) and my motivation is sky high. I fully concur with your thread on motivation today. So much of how we lead our lives is influenced by the way we feel, and the way we feel (especially the way we feel about ourselves) is influenced by the way we think. If we can learn to change our thinking then the world is at our feet, regardless of external circumstances.
                        Ragsy, I can't wait to really start growing all my own produce again. Nothing tastes as good, for sure.
                        Bridge, I have been so busy I've not been on the boards for days so I'm out of touch with what's happening with your toxic visitor.
                        Missy, your physical activities exhaust me just reading them. I guess you can afford to eat a bit of pizza from time to time.
                        Everyone else, love, hugs and well done. Sounds like you're going great guns!
                        :h Mish :h
                        Never give up...
                        GET UP!!!

                        AF since 25th November, 2011

                        What might have been is an abstraction
                        Remaining a perpetual possibility
                        Only in a world of speculation.
                        What might have been and what has been
                        Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                          Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                          Quick check in Sarge, Sir

                          All good on the exercise, alcohol and healthy eating front, Sir

                          Will be offline for next week but will continue on track until I return, Sir
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            Boot Camp Reopened Week 1


                            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1480666=5823-attachment.jpg[/img]
                            Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read


                              Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                              I'm here eating well, no exercise m,t,w back to the gym thus!
                              You always succeed if you never stop trying.
                              Everyday we choose the direction of change.


                                Boot Camp Reopened Week 1

                                Pte. Raggsy reporting in Sergeant sir.

                                Do Xbox games count as exercise and tactical training Sergeant sir?

