A few changes here this week. I have decided that Baclofen doesn't suit me so well at this point so will be titrating down again and ceasing. Not much sense in doing Boot camp if you can't be bothered booting anything. :H
Bac induced food cravings here, so diet is quality food, but way to much of it.
Onwards and upwards troops.
I hate oxalis bulbs...I've had to dig down and seive over 2' in some areas to get rid of them. And you should see all the builders' rubble and other stuff that's been buried down there. I had over thirty big bags of the stuff lying around the other day when I noticed a neighbour in a Homeswest place had a skip bin out the front. I asked him if I could throw in some bags of garden waste and gave him $20 when he said it was okay. As the green bins won't take rubble and now the tip charges like a wounded bull, I think I managed that with as little expense and effort as possible. Lifting the bags was a bit of a challenge but I did ask for some help with the really heavy ones. It was a very high skip bin.
Bridge, I'm sorry to hear you're chucking in the Bac. I had the advantage of not having any responsibilities like a job or a child, so just zonked myself out and sucked it up for a few weeks until I hit the switch. The first week was the worst with the nausea, and I hated the jerking awake snorting (not a good look), and the difficulty swallowing, and the Bacbrain thingy, but all in all, it was so worth it. I stopped counting AF days a while back, but hang on, I'll do a quick check now...oh wow, 64 AF days without even the slightest craving or desire for a 'test' drink. And I'll never have to go through that ghastly ODAT concept where suffering seems be be involved. I'm back down to 100mg a day right now and could probably drop again soon, but I'm finding the only SE now is a bit of an effort waking up. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Well, Sarge, guess if you read all that you'll know I've been active and busy completing my mission. Diet has been excellent, although yesterday I had lunch at Mother's as she's been fancying Duck. She drained two tins of fat off it, but it's still quite a fatty meat, and I allowed myself butter on the baked potato, but I think I must have worked it off in the garden afterwards.
Stay safe, Sarge.