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Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

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    Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

    beagle;1039501 wrote: herro army herro.
    i've been awol for a bit with being away & i'll have you all know that, aside from a pm to Zennie which the dirty Scot has not yet responded to, i am checking in with the army instead of anywhere else! there, i hope you're all suitable impressed. i know i am.
    ah from the dry blowing plains of Bumfuck Nowhere i greet you.
    i take it everyone had a safe silly season. i did. just had to put up with my mother for 5 days solid. drove me batshit. how does one tactfully tell one's mother she give's one the shits? ( & i apologise sincerely to you dear starters for being irreverent when you've only just your own dear mum - sorry)
    now i'm back on the farm & renewing friendships with the blowflies.
    seriously contemplating getting a job at the other town where our farmlet is & politely telling hubby to stuff his broadacreage up his contour catchment.
    as time diffs always give me the right royal rogerings, i'll just burble on here in my own convo for a bit.
    what's new with beagle / i hear you all clammering eagerly for exciting titbits of my life.....
    new flea collar? anal glands squeezed? shampoo'd lately? well, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.
    the pups are all sold bar 1. if i had flipping email coverage i could send the photos to Zenners or one2 & they could whack 'em on for me.....grrrrr so maybe i will take the time to do that Thurs when i go to town to do a shop.
    you know what shits me also? not being able to buy rocket (aragula). i mean really. & danish feta. & maggie beer pate ffs. google maggie beer guys she is the gourmet queen here in Oz. hell, i've even bought verjuice once. but didn't use it.
    plans for the future? well might be too much info for the fellas but having some organ removal in 5 weeks. blah. so time in hospital but hey being waited upon & then not being able to do any physical work for 6 weeks, oh heaven BUT won't be able to ride for 8 weeks which shits me. do you reckon i'm easily shit-able currently?
    hmmm. better go have some protein.
    ok,will hit "post message" then back in 5 to see wot you reckon.....
    Again, good to see you back. I always enjoy reading your posts. I see you're in fine form - verbs and adjectives all intact.:H
    We've discussed this before - you need a change, dear girl, and that farmlet sounds like the ideal solution AND a job in the other town.
    Zennie has been a sloth lately (her own words) so probably just too laid back to answer anything, even the phone or doorbell.
    Sorry to hear about the surgery but if it must be done, it must be done. You'll have a good rest, just too bad about not being able to ride for so long. I know that will bother you more that the rest of it.
    I love arugula - have it at least twice a week with romaine lettuce and fresh dill for a salad. Lots of feta thrown in as well. Now I'm going to get sticky here - there is no such thing as Danish feta, no matter what the Danes say and how they label it. Feta is only Greek feta and all others are feta-like cheeses. Now that we got that straight, I will check out that Maggie Beer thingey and what the heck is verjuice?
    Oh, and - Stirly could post the pics for you as well.
    For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
    AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


      Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

      ah it's nice to come back & actually get replies - those Underoonies are a self-absorbed lot sometimes i tell ya!
      hey stirly you gorgeous number - i know i am strange, but i'll decline on the thousand year living stuff. i want to get to 75 then die peacefully, if that's ok with the Greeks. i'm chuffed you've thought of me!!!!:blush:
      zeppie - dog breeders & vets just know WAAAY too much about the body don't we.....perfect dinner time companions we are really.
      one2 - how lovely to see you - i've missed you (all of you actually) & nah, the things coming out are definately NOT required & i'm better orf without them i can tell you....
      my surgeon has some rather amusing analogies between tennis courts & car-parks.
      funny fellow i can tell you, for an overweight jaundiced looking Asian who describes himslef as having a Mercedes ultrasound whilst he drives a Combi......weird but capable.
      now that i've had cheese on rice crackers, i'm less shit-able.


        Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

        but Danish & Persian feta both CRAP over greek i can tell you!!! & ah yes i can email you some photos that would be lovely.......
        & oh yes fresh herbs.......the dill is a lovely herb isn't it!
        verjuice is a weird sort of vinegar thingy made from chardonnay grapes & really having bought the stuff i never once used it - apparently it enhances all sorts of things, know....ummmm...oh shit.


          Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

          Hi di hi guys!

          Beages its GREAT to see you. I was only wondering yesterday where you had got to.
          I know what you mean about mothers too, mine could certainly drive me batshit at times
          You are sounding good ...if shitable
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

            Beags - I have no qualms about talking of dog goo etc. at the dinner table especially if there are a bunch of you and then conversation gets quite yucky
            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


              Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

              Good morning possums!
              Haven't looked out yet but hoping for a sunny day, have a feeling it's going to be a good one
              I see we have the usual poo and shite talk before breakfast :H
              "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
              AF - JAN 1st 2010
              NF - May 1996


                Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                what else would you expect Chill
                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                  Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                  hey starty good to see you too.yes i am still shit-able.but not to any of you lot.:l
                  zeps ; nothing silences annoying dinner guests more than the apt description of rotting cow placentas, anal gland emissions & cat bite abscess exudates. you know in Uni they always had food-like analogies to these things - as in, the pus from the abscess will look a lot like undiluted tomato soup....& the lymph node will exude a cheesy substance.....etc etc.
                  makes for fascinating & lively debates i think. any other opinions?


                    Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                    hi chill i'm in an affable,shit-able,chatty sort of mood, before i go feed the tribe.


                      Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                      I have a mouthful of wholemeal toast that suddenly tastes like a bag of scabs...
                      "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                      AF 10th May 2010
                      NF 12th May 2010


                        Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                        it's funny you mentioned cat abscess' beags - I said to my boss today the only competition cats beat dogs in is the ability to produce a lovely green oozy smelly old abscess
                        It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                          Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                          has anyone ever roasted a 4kg whole piece of rump in a covered BBQ/Weber thingy? for how long? my rump is on medium & has been for 3 that didn't sound right did it.... but it is smothered in evoo & spices & salt.....


                            Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                            eewww scabs on toast - it would be a bit dry
                            It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.


                              Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                              Zeppie2;1039521 wrote: it's funny you mentioned cat abscess' beags - I said to my boss today the only competition cats beat dogs in is the ability to produce a lovely green oozy smelly old abscess
                              talk about a strong constitution when you hit one of THOSE at 9am with a hangover....shudder.


                                Army thread Tuesday 11 Jan

                                beagle;1039522 wrote: my rump is on medium & has been for 3 hrs..
                                It's time I put my big girl pants on. :grannypants: I hope they fit.

