All kidding aside, or better yet, let's include the kidding, it would be nice to hear from fellow Canadians on this journey of moderating or beating to death our drinking problem. I tried to give up the red wine for a month and have good news and bad news. The bad news is that after seven days I had a couple of glasses of wine on the Friday and Saturday evenings. The good news is that hubby and I are now committed to not drinking Sunday through Thursday which is even better than my original plan after the thirty days of abstinence. I originally was going to drink only ONE glass of wine daily .... HA HA HA.. that would have never worked.
Seems like this is working. Only time will tell. I know we Canadians don't have the after work pub habit that many of of our Commonwealth friends have.. at least not where I live in the Ottawa Gatineau region. We do have access to alcohol in our grocery stores on the Quebec store so it's easily accessible.
We make our own wine so it's REALLY accessible for me.
Anyways, just thought I would put this out there, EH...